A Storm Approaches

As Chul-woo and Dae-hyun, finished their kitchen punishment, they started to wander outside to see the old woman. Chul-woo, as curious as he was, sat near beside her chair. "Hey, Granny," he whispered to her with his eyes glowing with mischief, "may we know what's your name?"

She smiles, although her eyes didn't really meet with his. "Just call me Granny Halmeoni, young one." she said while using the affectionate term for a grandmother.

Dae-hyun peeked around the corner, stepping from one foot to the other. "So... where did you come from?"

"Ah a village quite far from here, dear." she replied without giving any specific details. "On the southern plains."

Chul-woo leaned forward near her face, he was still not convinced. "Did you really walk all night? Granny?"

She softly nodded. "When you are as old as me, dear, you will come to learn to be patient with every step."

Dae-hyun was fidgeting, after he asked. "Are you a martial artist granny?"

Her laughter came out in a forceful way. "What makes you ask that?"

The boy was shrugging. "Well, you have scars on both your arms. They kinda look like sword wounds..."

For the quickest second, her face got stiff, and then it softened back into a weak smile. "I had a bad childhood." she replied back. "Nothing more."

Chul-woo was opening his mouth again to ask another question, but Do-won appeared, and he shooed them away with an exasperated sigh. "Stop disturbing our guest. Go back to your chores."

A flicker of unease manifested inside Seo Ryung, who had been observing them from a distance. They really are sword wounds...

Late in the afternoon, Heuk Cheon gathered Seo Ryung, Lee Jin-Ho, Do-won, and Jung-soo in a silent corner of the dining hall, quite a distance away from the children. The Redwood Estate's uninvited guest was dozing off in the manor's courtyard, as she seemed oblivious. 

"I feel something is not about that old woman." Seo Ryung stated while looking at the door as if he was expecting her to be eavesdropping.

Lee Jin-Ho frowned. "She seems a bit harmless though? She has barely moved all day."

"Well that could be an act?" Do-won gave his thoughts while folding his arms. "We cannot ignore that possibility.

Jung-soo, who had been unusually silent, finally decided to speak up. "Should we... should we just send her away?"

Heuk Cheon's expression darkened a bit. "Let's not do it yet. If we do and she was really in need, then we would become villains. Though, still keep watch. If she steps out of line or does something suspicious, we will then confront her."

They all nodded in agreement. The plan was set, remain careful, give her just enough hospitality, and watch out for any suspicious behavior. 

Towards nighttime, the dark sky grew overcast, a light drizzle was splashing against the manor's roof. Almost all of the orphans were gathered in the dining hall for a simple feast. Ae-rin and Su-yeon was helping set out the wooden cups, while Jin-mu and Han-ju was giving out steaming hot bowls of rice to the table.

The old woman, named "Halmeoni," was invited to eat by the main building to keep her warm. She accepted their invitation with shaky gratitude, although hey eyes were observing around, as if she was trying to memorize the layout of the manor.

Heuk Cheon was sitting at one end of the dining table, his posture was as straight as always. The mood among the kids was light, partly because of the sad weather, and partly from the weird silence that seemed to loom over the Redwood Estate like a mini thundercloud.

Halfway through their meal, a sudden gust of wind made contact in the shutters. A flash of lightning brightened the manor's courtyard, it was then followed up by a far rumble of thunder. Ae-rin let out a small scream while clinging to Su-yeon who was patting her back to calm her down.

While everyone was focused on the noises of the storm, Jin-mu notices Halmeoni secretly slipping a hand into her ragged robe, grabbing something small and putting it back out of sight. His eyes darkened. What was that? A talisman? Or a small blade?

His curiosity was gnawing at him, Jin-mu gave a look towards Heuk Cheon, who returned with a light nod. The ex demon lord was able to see it too. Tension started to manifest between them, it was unspoken yet it was there. So she is hiding something.

Halmeoni, caught them watching her, so he forced a frail smile. "Delicious meal," she said to no one in specific, her spoon was shaking in her hand. "Thank you for sharing your food with someone like me."

By the time dinner ended, some raid was still pelting the roof in earnest. The kids was tired from the chores and training, they settled in the main chamber to rest, while listening to Lee Jin-Ho reading from a ragged story book about legendary martial heroes. On the other hand, Heuk Cheon was guiding the old woman to a small guest room near the back of the estate, it was a cramped up dusty space that was once used to store old supplies.

"This will do," she muttered while lowering herself to sit onto a spare mattress. "Many thanks, young one."

Heuk Cheon was hovering near the door, with his arms folded. "We will rise early. You will leave tomorrow, if you area able."

She bows her head in appreciation. "Yes, I appreciate your kindness."

His gaze was lingering on her a second longer. Those fading scars... that hidden object. "Good night." he said tersely while shutting the door behind him.

The children finished settling upstairs. Su-yeon and Ae-rin, sharing a room, was giggling over the storm, they scared themselves with tales of ghosts and goblins that might lurk around in the dark. Eventually, they managed to sleep, each of them was comforted by the other's presence.

Chul-woo and Dae-hyun was arguing over who gets to sleep in the top bunk bed. In the end, Dae-hyun won by his virtue of being slightly taller, leaving Chul-woo to complain and climb into the lower bed with mock indignation.

Han-ju was eyeing the window anxiously, he was remembering the robed figure from the market. He wasn't sure whether the old woman was related to them, but something in his gut was telling him that Redwood Estate was at a tipping point.

Jin-mu, while his bandaged arm was aching, stared at the ceiling. Master Heuk was right to suspect her, he pondered. I shall keep my guard up too.

Past midnight, the rain was drumming in a steady manner. Most of Redwood Estate was already asleep, they were lulled by the rhythmic sounds of water pounding on tiles. Yet Heuk Cheon could find no test. He was pacing the corridors like a silent ghost, his eyes was alert for any sign of movement. 

Seo Ryung and Do-won were on rotating watch outside the guest room where Halmeoni was sleeping. They had set a small chair in the hallway, they were taking shifts to make sure that she did not slip way without them noticing.

At some point, a light creak rouses Heuk Cheon from a half doze neaer the main chamber. He presses himself against the wall, his every sense was on high alert. Footsteps that was barely making any sound, was moving across the floor.

He signaled to Seo Ryung, who was stationed nearby. They exchanged tense nods and then proceeded to follow the sound, they creeped down a side passage that was mainly used for storage. Another creak. Then, in the darkness, the silhouette of someone was fumbling with a locked cupboard

Lightning was flaring outside, it revealed the figure's profile for a slight second, it was the old woman, Halmeoni, she was crouching and tampering with the cupboard's latch.

"Stop." Heuk Cheon's voice boomed, it startled her. Seo Ryung stepped forward with his sword half drawn.

Halmeoni stood up straight, her cane clattered to the floor. Her entire demeanor changed, she did not tremble anymore. Instead, she was standing up with surprising poise, a small object was glinting in her hand.

Heuk Cheon was able to recognize it immediately, a slender, hidden dagger. 

"Who are you?" he demanded with his voice cold as iron.

She let out a low chuckle, a raspy sound that resonated in the dark hallway. "You saw through me, hmm? I should have known better than to underestimate the Blood Raven Demon Lord,"

When she said those words, Seo Ryung's muscle tensed. So she knew Heuk Cheon's identity, something that she had never hinted at earlier. "Answer Master Heuk's question." he crashed out, and brandished his sword.

Lightning flashed again, showing her face. The frail old woman disguise melted away as she started to straighten her spine. Those symmetrical scars that was on her arms looked more intimidating now, it was a testament to many battles. "It does not matter who I am," she said while her voice was dripping with contempt. "I am but a scout. My employers wanted to know if the Demon Lord was really living here, playing house with a bunch of brats.

Heuk Cheon's eyes darkened, with fury lacing his words. "Your employers?"