She smirks while taking a step back. "I am more a hired blade, shall we say?" They have a massive grudge against you. And enough coin that I will literally slip into anywhere. But you... you are way sharper than they gave you credit for."
Seo Ryung had enough, he lunged with his sword flashing. "We will turn you over to the Murim Alliance-"
She twisted her body with unmatchable agility for someone that was disguised as an old lady, she deflected Seo Ryung's strike with her hidden dagger. Metal was clashing in the suffocating corridor, sparks were getting scattered in the dark place. However, even with her skills, she was not a match. Seo Ryung's strength and training under Heuk Cheon was pressing her back.
Her eyes was flickering to the hallway behind them. Another set of thunder was rattling the manor. When she realized that she was cornered, she started to snarl, she tried to swipe the dagger at Heuk Cheon. He easily sidestepped her attack, and hooked her wrist in a vice grip like manner. Seo Ryung disarms her with a brutal twist, which sent her dagger clattering to the floor.
A gasp escaped her lips, the pain was showing her features. "Tch... so this is where it ends."
Heuk Cheon's voice was low, and dangerous. "Tell me who sent you. Now."
She started to glare at him, defiance was manifesting inside her eyes. "Go to the underworld, Demon Lord. You will find your answers there."
All the noises roused the orphans. Doors were creaking open, their confused faces was peeking into the hallway. Chul-woo with his eyes wide open, clinged onto the banister. "What is happening?"
Han-ju, was quick on the scene, he took in the sight of the incapacitated intruder. Ae-rin and Su-yeon was standing behind him, they were both trembling. Jin-mu was watching from the shadows with his fists clenched.
Heuk Cheon was scowling, he did not wish for the children to witness a sight like this. "Go back to your rooms. Now."
"B-But-!" Chul-woo started to stutter.
Seo Ryung silenced him with an intense glare. "Do as the master says, Chul-woo. This is grown up business."
They hesitated but the kids retreated after a second. Although, curiosity was still burning in their eyes. Ae-rin was looking worriedly at the old woman's bent posture, then she glanced at Heuk Cheon's scary expression, as if she was trying to connect the estate's master she knew with the fearsome Demon Lord right in front of her.
Tightly held by the rope, the intruder was kneeling on the corridor floor. Her breathing was getting raggedly. Sweat was dripping on her eyebrows, her hair was a mess. The beat up cane was laying somewhere nearby, forgotten.
Heuk Cheon crouched down to her eye level. "I shall give you one chance to talk," he said with is voice ice cold. "Tell me who are the people that hired you."
She was coughing, with a bitter laugh escaping. "We both know how this situation ends, Demon Lord. If I fail, they would just send someone else. You cannot protect your new found family forever."
A flash of genuine rage manifested across Heuk Cheon's face. For a second, the old Demon Lord was getting ready to rampage. He raised his hand with energy sparkling around his fingertips, threatening. But then he stopped, he caught sight of Ae-rin's scared look from behind the semi closed door upstairs.
While closing his eyes, he exhaled calmly and forced himself to stand. "Seo Ryung," he commaned in a stoic tone. "keep her tied up. We will decide what to do with her in the morning."
The old woman decided to spit on the floor. "Huh? I am getting mercy from the Demon Lord? This is pathetic."
While ignoring her blatant tries at taunts, Heuk Cheon turned away from her. The hallway was dense with tension, and cries of thunder was still rolling, as if resonating with the turmoil in his heart. He gestured for Lee Jin-Ho, and Do-won to help carry the old woman to a secured storage room. Jung-soo grabbed a lantern, it brightened the wet floor where they had fought.
As the storm outside was raging, Redwood Estate fell into a quiet zone. The children, was guided back to their bedrooms, they huddled under their covers, their nerves was still high on edge. Some of them was whispering theories about the old woman, while the others was squeezing their eyes shut to forcefully sleep. They were trying to get rid of the frightening images of knives and lightning sparks.
In the main chamber, Heuk Cheon was standing alone, looking a the blinking candle on a low table. The old woman's words was echoing in his mind. "You cannot protect your new found family forever."
He clenched his fists, while remembering the promise he had made when this orphanage was forced upon him. It was to redeem himself by protecting those under his care. I will not fail them, he quietly swore. I have demolished armies and commanded an entire sect. Protecting Redwood Estate from assasssins or spies? That much is easy.
Seo Ryung approached him while stopping a few steps away. "Master," he spoke up with a hushed voice. "the old woman is secured. But she is still stubbornly refusing to talk."
Heuk Cheon nodded curtly. "We will see about that when it turns morning. For now, keep rotating the guard hours. Keep a careful eye on her. Also, make sure that the children understand that they are safe."
"Yes, Master. By your will." Seo Ryung replied back. Then with slight concern, he spoke up. "We will undoubtedly get answers from her."
"It is a matter of must." Heuk Cheon agreed. His voice was low. Thunder was still roaring in the far distance, as if it was punctuating his resolve. Tomorrow, they would force the truth from this old woman, one way or another, that is, if she survives the night.
His gaze was drifting to the dark windows, where rain was hitting the glass. Whoever you may be, you have made a grave mistake in looking down on my orphanage.
The first light of morning was seeping through the suffocating windows of Redwood Estate, it was enveloping the corridors in soft colors of orange and gold. The storm was over, although, it left behind puddles on the manor's courtyard and a staying coolness that hinted at both renewal and uncertainty. For most of them, the silent seconds of morning meant hope and a brand new start. For Heuk Cheon and his new family, however, it meant starting to prepare for the effects of last night's events.
In the main chamber, the children began to stir. Their sleep was tentative, they were filled with dreams of heroic battles and hushed ghost stories from the night before. Chul-woo, who was usually bouncing out of bed with overflowing energy, was sitting on the edge of his bed rubbing his eyes. Han-ju, ever the self-appointed guardian of the other kids, he stood silent by the window, he was watching as the misty morning was settling over the Redwood Estate.
Downstairs, Lee Jin-Ho was already up, cleaning up the stray cups and checking that every door was securely locked. His warm gentle voice broke the early silence.
"Everyone, please wash up and come down here to eat breakfast, it is almost done. We do not have all day."
A wave of sleepy side chatter and mumbled agreements followed. Even the usually chaotic Chul-woo gave a hesitant "Okay..." as he was making his way down the stairs. However in the background, an uncomfortable tension was still lingering, a tension that had nothing to do with spilled porridge or creaky frail stairs.
Heuk Cheon, having spent the tiring night pacing around the corridors, he was now seating at a heavy wooden desk in his private room. Before him was a few jumbled parchment pages and a half lit lantern. His mind was replaying the events of the previous night, the intrusion, the confrontation, and those chilling words from the old woman. "You cannot protect your new found family forever."
As he was staring at the ceiling, he whispered to himself, "Not if I have anything to say about it." His voice was low and filled with conviction. He was barely disturbed by the silence.
A gentle knock at his door interrupted his thoughts. Seo Ryung, ever the quiet sentinel, he stepped in with an anxious expression. "Master, the old woman was still in the storage room. The guards have taken shifts observing over her. Do you wish to speak with her today?"
Heuk Cheon's eyes narrowed. "Yes. It is about time we find out what she knows. But first... we must prepare for breakfast. I shall deal with her after the brats have eaten."
Seo Ryung lowered his head. "I understand, Master." And with that, he had left the room, leaving Heuk Cheon alone to battle with his conflicted thoughts.