The three of them—Michael, Kate, and Henry—stepped out of the house, the midday sun casting long shadows on the pavement. The air was warm, but Michael barely noticed. His mind was set on one thing: finding Noah.
Kate glanced at Henry with a playful smirk. "You never told me you had two brothers, Henry."
Henry shrugged. "You never asked."
Kate giggled. "Haha, that's true. Still, it's kind of surprising. I mean, I've known you for, what, months? And not once did you mention having younger brothers."
Henry smirked. "Not exactly my favorite topic of conversation."
Kate playfully nudged his arm. "Aww, are you saying you don't adore your little brothers?"
Henry scoffed. "I tolerate them."
Michael rolled his eyes. Jerk.
Kate turned to him. "So, Michael, do you have any idea where Noah might be?"
Michael nodded. "He likes going to parks alone. It's kind of his thing."
Kate's eyes lit up. "Great! Then we can start with the closest park."
Henry sighed. "Yeah… let's do that."
As they walked to the park, Kate and Henry talked non-stop, completely lost in their conversation. Michael tuned them out at first, but their chatter was impossible to ignore.
Kate glanced up at Henry. "Hey, are you still acing math like usual? Mr. Dawson always brags about you in class."
Henry smirked. "Of course. You know me, I don't do average."
Kate giggled. "Ugh, it's so unfair. How do you make it look so easy? I practically break my brain trying to keep up."
Henry shrugged. "I guess some people are just naturally gifted."
Kate playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were humble."
Henry grinned. "I'm just honest."
Kate let out a dreamy sigh. "Honestly perfect."
Michael made a gagging sound, but neither of them noticed.
Kate tilted her head. "Hey, by the way, I've been meaning to ask—why do you always sit alone at lunch? You could sit with me and the girls, you know."
Henry scoffed. "You think I want to be stuck with a bunch of girls talking about nail polish and celebrity drama?"
Kate pouted. "That's so stereotypical! We talk about way more than that. Besides, I think you secretly enjoy the attention."
Henry smirked. "I don't need attention. It just naturally follows me."
Kate giggled. "Ugh, you're impossible."
Michael groaned. "Can you two flirt later? We're supposed to be looking for Noah."
Kate's face turned red. "We're not flirting!"
Henry snorted. "Whatever you say."
When they finally reached the park, Kate stretched her arms. "Alright! Let's start looking."
Henry nodded. "Yeah."
Kate walked ahead, scanning the area. As soon as she was far enough, Henry suddenly grabbed Michael by the collar and yanked him close.
Before Michael could react, Henry lifted him slightly off the ground, his grip firm.
Henry's voice was low and venomous. "What the fuck are you doing, Michael? Do you have a death wish?"
Michael struggled. "Let go of me, you fucking bastard, or I'll tell Mom!"
Henry laughed darkly. "I don't give a shit what you tell Mom. Now answer me—do you want to fucking die, Michael?"
Michael glared. "I'll scream. I'll tell Kate what kind of psycho you really are, you bitch."
Henry's eyes flashed with rage. "Watch that mouth, or I'll cut it off."
Michael smirked. "I'd love to see you try."
Before Henry could respond, Kate's voice rang out.
"I don't think he's here," she said, walking back toward them. "I called his name, but no response."
Henry immediately let go of Michael and turned to Kate with a casual expression. "It's alright, Kate. He's probably just cooling off somewhere. He'll come back once he's over the argument."
Michael interrupted. "Kate, do you even know what Noah looks like?"
Kate blinked. "Oh. No, I don't."
Michael pulled out Henry's phone. "I'll show you a picture so you know who to look for."
Kate took the phone and examined the photo. It was a family picture—Mom, Dad, Henry, Michael, and Noah all standing together.
Kate frowned slightly. "I don't mean to be rude, but… Noah doesn't really look like you guys."
Henry stiffened.
Kate continued, tilting her head. "I mean, your little brother Michael kind of resembles you, Henry. But Noah? He looks different… like, really different. He doesn't even look much like your dad or your mom."
Michael quickly changed the subject. "Let's check the other park. The one with the big lake."
Henry groaned. "No way. That park is way too far. It'll take us an hour to walk there."
Michael looked up at him, eyes wide. "But… aren't you worried about Noah?"
Then, suddenly, Michael let out a dramatic sob, tears spilling down his cheeks. He hiccupped, rubbing his eyes like a helpless child.
"He hasn't come home since yesterday… and—and who knows what could be happening to him right now?" He let his voice tremble, making it as pathetic as possible.
Kate immediately melted. "Ohhh, don't cry, Michael! We'll find him together, okay?"
She turned to Henry. "Let's just check the other park. Please?"
Henry clenched his jaw. He clearly wanted to say no. But with Kate giving him those puppy-dog eyes, he sighed.
As they walked to the next park, Kate and Henry talked more.
Kate beamed up at him. "So, Henry, do you have a dream college?"
Henry smirked. "Of course. Ivy League all the way."
Kate's eyes sparkled. "Of course. You're way too smart for anything less."
Henry shrugged. "Can't waste potential, right?"
Kate sighed dreamily. "You're just so cool, Henry. I bet all the universities will fight over you."
Henry smirked. "I wouldn't be surprised."
Michael, walking behind them, rolled his eyes so hard it hurt.
When they finally arrived, Kate looked around in awe. "Wow. I've never been here before. It's huge."
Henry nodded. "Yeah. It's nice."
Michael ignored them and cupped his hands over his mouth. "Noah!" he yelled.
Kate and Henry joined in, calling Noah's name as they walked through the park.
After what felt like forever, they finally stopped at the edge of the lake to rest.
Henry leaned down and whispered into Michael's ear, his voice low and dangerous.
"Now, you little fuck. Say that you're tired and that you want to go home and look for Noah tomorrow, okay?"
Michael stared at him.
Henry's eyes gleamed with something dark. "If you do, who knows… I might spare you."
Michael shivered but said nothing.
Kate stretched. "Whew. This place is massive. No wonder we're tired."
Henry nodded. "Yeah. And I'm pretty sure Noah can handle himself. How about we call it a day?"
Kate hesitated. "I mean… if you think it's fine."
Before Henry could seal the deal, Michael suddenly shouted, "No! We can't just stop!"
Henry shot him a murderous look.
Before either of them could speak, a voice rang out.
"Oh my, oh my. If it isn't the wonderful, charming Miss Kate."
Kate turned, eyes widening. "Liam?"
Michael watched as Henry's whole body tensed.
Henry's voice was filled with venom.
"What the hell are you doing here?"