
Life sure has a funny way of both making it worth living and making you want to end it all. Kenshin was somewhere in between. Now, while on the one hand, the Hero Entrance Exam isn't exactly soon, it's not too far away, and if it's not too far away, then that means Kenshin has to put in some extra work to feel comfortable taking the exam.

Now, he can obviously just ignore it, but knowing how annoying these big corporations get when you catch their eye, he'd rather just get it over with, even if it results in him being in a lower class. 

"I could go to the gym again..."

Indeed he could, but with time ticking and less than a month's time left, he'd rather multitask. He decided then and there to buy a bigger apartment later. Not rent. Buy. Renting sucks!

With a somewhat coherent plan in mind, Kenshin hopped onto his phone and quickly ordered some training equipment, mainly a high-end treadmill and some dumbells along with a bench press. His apartment was crammed already, but he should have at least enough room for these three. 

With that in done, Kenshin threw his phone away and got straight into working out. Following Saitama's training regiment was a piece of cake now, it was hardly difficult, but he'd have to go outside to do the run. Before that though, he took a few small items he got from his gambling addiction and placed them little ways away from him.

When Kenshin thought about multitasking, he wasn't kidding. Doing push-ups, he would periodically touch the items and activate his ability on them. While the slot machines spun, he would continue his workout. And unless he got a golden ticket or even an ability ticket, he would not stop. 

Unfortunately, his EX+ luck did not yield him any golden tickets, let alone a single ability ticket. At least Kenshin earned some money out of it, but then again, he wasn't exactly a mathematician, so maybe he lost money in the value of the items he gambled away. Regardless, now that Kenshin was done with those exercises, it was time to head out and do the run. 

For the sake of faster gains, he doubled Saitama's recommended workout routine. So instead of doing a 10-kilometre run, he went outside to do a 20-kilometre run instead. 

He put on his best running shoes and a simple tracksuit, the same one he wore on his previous excursions to the gym. Putting on his headphones, a different pair as the previous ones got destroyed in that deer incident, Kenshin was ready to make his body even healthier and stronger. 

"Colours of the world~ Spice up your life~ Every boy and every girl~ Spice up your life~ People of the world~ Spice up your life~"

With a song playing, Kenshin ran.

Ran like the fucking wind. 

"Holy shit!" he spoke through the wind crashing against his face as his feet left small holes in the pavement at his starting location.

That A- speed was really something, and his A-rank stamina attribute made him feel energised despite him travelling at the speed of a normal car cruising through the street. The deer incident left Kenshin paranoid, as such, his headphones had no noise cancelling, so he could hear the surprised yelps of the people as he ran past them. 

He didn't stray far from his apartment as he circled the street and sometimes another adjacent city block. These past few days he wanted to do nothing but workout and gamble, to maximise his gains before the Hero Entrance Exam. He had hoped that his EX+ luck would pull through at some point and give him a useful fighting ability that didn't have a weird activation condition like the Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Speaking of, he should try training that. 

But right now, it wasn't his priority. 

His priority was raising his attributes and getting a decent attack ability to be "good enough" for the Hero Entrance Exam. Kenshin didn't want to start at the bottom, there was no benefit in doing so. C-class is rabble, the most numerous, nameless group of heroes that get no limelight, no money and no benefits. 

B-class was the bare minimum he was willing to settle for, A-class would've been the most preferred, and S-class was just about impossible. At least for now. The reason why B-class was for Kenshin the lowest entry point was simple. He believed rising from C-class all the way to the top would've taken far too long. He was greedy like that. But also because C-class heroes don't, according to the forums he found on the internet, have unrestricted access to the Hero Association training grounds. Only S-class heroes do, they even get their private facilities as far as he was aware. 

While getting his attributes higher and higher wouldn't be too much of an issue with time, luck, and excessive gambling, Kenshin had no fighting technique. No martial arts. Nothing. So getting that down was a big priority. It didn't have to be anything fancy for a beginner like him. Just something effective.




Kenshin was brought to an immediate halt as loud explosions shook the ground. The people around him screamed as they ran to cover from the unknown threat. Thankfully, Kenshin stopped right in front of a television store. 

The screens immediately switched to emergency broadcasts. 


The reporter's face faded into incoherent static as the explosions intensified. It wasn't hard to guess what unfortunate fate he had in the wake of whatever walking calamity God decided to spawn on Earth this time.

Now Kenshin was left with a choice. Run and hide. Or go and fight. The explosions, judging by their sheer magnitude and the fact they could be heard over the entire city, probably even neighbouring ones, suggested that the threat was not in fact a deer with guns this time.

"...Fuck it, we ball."
