I also write on wattpad :D

Same name as here. Braggski is the way!

Excuse the poor frequency of the updates, I got life and shit to do. Like pay the bills and shit.



Kenshin wasn't stupid or heroic enough to rush into battle against an enemy that could clearly blow him apart with extreme ease. So he did what he could. He ran towards the epicentre and circled it, doing his best to help anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire. 

There were a lot of people stuck beneath rubble or severely injured. And, unfortunately, there were three times as many dead. Kenshin did his best to help those that he could, the less fatally injured that could safely be carried further away from the devastation. He knew enough about first aid to not move those with broken spines or necks, those needed the paramedics to help them. 

Now, he could drag them, but again, that could make their problems worse. So he was in a dilemma. Potentially save their life and put them at risk of permanently sitting in a wheelchair or leaving them be, hoping they don't get blasted again into oblivion. 

Kenshin chose the latter, but not completely. He wasn't heartless enough to leave them here when they were literally writhing in pain and begging for help. He couldn't move them, and he had no first aid kit, so he had to use what he had on hand. With surprising ease, he found himself moving rubble around, masking the injured by placing broken pieces of the road and surrounding buildings around them. 

It wouldn't protect them from the explosions, but it would help them stay hidden from monsters. This tactic was by no means a time-efficient one, but it was the best Kenshin could do with his increased speed, strength, and very limited resources. 

Having watched his fair share of medical dramas, he half considered marking some of the people with some coloured rags but decided against it. He wasn't a medical professional and it might just get in the way, so he just left them be.

"Where the fuck are the heroes...?!" the male cursed under his breath. 

Of course, not even the fucking heroes with their fucking superpowers could get anywhere on time. Typical. 


A massive shockwave of pressurised wind blasted Kenshin's body back, extinguishing most of the surrounding fires and purging the area of smoke. It would seem a painful running gag that Kenshin's spine was Lady Fate's punching bag as his body flew through a building.

Thankfully, the impact wasn't anywhere near as critical as it had been just several days prior when he got his shit kicked in by an armed deer. Kenshin took a minute to shake the daze off only to come face to face with a familiar figure.

"Yo," said Saitama casually.

Kenshin stared at him incredulously, "...Yo?"

"You good... uh... Ken, right?" of course he didn't fully remember his name.

"Kenshiro. But... yeah, Ken is fine."

"Awesome," simply replied Saitama with his :) egg-shaped face.

Dusting off any residual debris from his somewhat ruined clothes, Kenshin looked at Saitama with a bit of relief and worry, "What happened there? Wasn't there a monster?"

"There was," simply replied the funnily dressed hero.

"...Right," Kenshin wasn't sure how to respond, "So, like, is it dead?"


Kenshin stared at the man for a second, "...Uh-huh..."

"Wanna get some WcDonalds?" Saitama, in his unbothered and unflinching state, randomly asked.

Kenshin was perplexed, to say the least, "Like, right now? Shouldn't we talk to someone? Like the police or something?"


Through their relatively short interactions, Kenshin was quickly learning that Saitama simply does not give a shit. Truly, a state of mind he wishes he could mimic, but unfortunately, he is not that... relaxed? Bored? The proper terminology eluded him, but it was quite obvious how comfortable Saitama seemed in the situation.


And so the two just left the scenes, one incredibly perplexed and lost in thought while the other one had a tumbleweed rolling in its grave in his head. The tumbleweed died of exhaustion.


Carry on my wayward son~ There'll be peace when you are done~


That's how one somewhat dusty and very lost guy and one very flashy and kinda goofy guy found themselves in a fast food joint, unbothered or blatantly disregarding any weird stares. Kenshin was still a bit out of it, for a formerly average man with a still average mind, comprehending Saitama's train of thought was like trying to decipher an anime character who has no story and does everything for the fun of it.

Surely there'd be more to Saitama than that... right?

"So, you decided to be a hero for the fun or are you doing it for the fun?" Kenshin asked, mouth full of nuggies.

"Yep," replied the bald guy, clearly enjoying his free plate full of fries and some topping, Kenshin's treat, of course.

"...Seems anticlimactic," replied the other male, taking a sip from a Mountain Jew, "Most heroes on media usually try to give some over-the-top reason or stick to the script, which is mostly just 'I do it for the people. With great power comes great responsibility.'"

"Eh? Really?" asked Saitama, clearly in the dark or just uncaring.

"Mhm," Kenshin hummed in confirmation, "What was that monster by the way? You killed it, right?"

"Yeah, it died in one punch just like the rest..." Kenshin nearly threw up all that he had eaten from the news, but judging by the disappointed, almost hollow and disinterested look on Saitama's features, he guessed it wasn't anything new for the bald man.

"...What was it?"

"Huh? I dunno, some bug or something," lazily replied Saitama, clearly more interested in his fries than the monster he 'fought' moments prior.

Kenshin looked at the man sitting in front of him for a minute, "I tried your training regiment. It's pretty good."

"Eh? Really?" Saitama seemed a little taken aback, "Nice. Just don't overdo it like I did."

Now this piqued Kenshin's interest, "What do you mean?"

"I trained for two years because I wanted to be strong," simply replied the man. 

"That's a while..." idly commented Kenshin, "I don't have two years. I need to get really strong to join Hero Association soon."

"Good luck," Saitama gave a small thumbs up in response, disinterested in that piece of information, "Just don't get too strong."

Kenshin blinked, "Why not?"

"It's not fun to be too strong," replied Saitama and something clicked in Kenshin's mind from that.

Pieces were being put together in Kenshin's mind, and Saitama's whole personality was starting to slowly make sense. From what he understood of him so far, Saitama hasn't always been strong but decided to undergo a pretty decent but fairly unimpressive training regiment. The results spoke for themselves. He got too strong. He wanted to be a hero for fun, at least now, Kenshin didn't know his backstory enough to comment on it, just that something prompted the bald man to become stronger. But just like in a video game, killing every enemy in a single hit gets boring quickly.

"Oh and I also lost all my hair because of it," quickly added Saitama, making Kenshin almost choke on his drink.

"Hah?!" that was... certainly something, "...Say, can you see this?"

Out of nowhere, Kenshin activated his Perfect Self ability and the visual representation of his physical attributes manifested.

"Eh, what's that?" so he could see it, "It looks like one of those status screens in games."

Kenshin quickly deactivated it, he didn't need other people around snooping, but most of them seemed uninterested or thinking that whatever he just brought up was a hologram. They were pretty commonplace after all.

"Something like that," replied Kenshin, now in thought, "Don't worry about it, just something unique to me. Just like you have your overpowered physical strength, I have this. Ya know, like superheroes?"

"Oh okay," immediately replied Saitama, losing interest, "Seems pretty handy."

"Yeah..." replied Kenshin, his thoughts wondering.

Other people could clearly see his own attribute screen if he brought it up publicly. That could be both a blessing and a curse. It meant that he could reveal some secrets he'd like to keep close to himself, like an intrusive ability he could get in the future or alike. But it also meant that he could publicly display his strength and abilities, which might help him get higher into the Hero Association ranks.

"It is pretty handy..."
