What the fuck?!




The gym gear, stuff, whatever you want to call it, finally arrived just a day later after the delivery was placed, and Kenshin was making full use of it. His increased stamina made the training time extra long and almost deliriously boring. He was no longer huffing and puffing when running on the treadmill's top speed. Instead, it felt more like a leisurely jog than anything else. The weights provided some challenge, but Kenshin substituted the heaviest weights for lighter ones in favour of quicker, more even gains to his lean but strong muscles. 

The day of the Hero Entrance Exam crawled ever closer, and it was only yesterday that Kenshin got his first real taste of what a truly strong monster could do. He needed to be as strong as he could to join the Hero Association, not only for a good starting class but also so he wouldn't die to random overpowered monsters that pop up every now and then. 

While low-class heroes usually don't deal with high disaster levels, it was no secret that the Hero Association would send them out to stall strong monsters to minimize damage until stronger heroes arrived. 

"Oh, I'm a goofy goober, yeah~ You're a goofy goober, yeah~"

While Kenshin's physique experienced an insane level of increased gains, his taste in music remained ever-so-mentally challenged. It was a running gag at this point. If the song has a nice tune and Kenshin can turn off his brain to it while making imaginary AMVs, then it's a good song. At least according to his own totally unbiased preference. 

Working out was easy, so of course he made sure to add gambling to the mix just so he wouldn't fall asleep and let Autonomous Ultra Instinct work out for him. He didn't receive much of anything, not even a golden ticket. Luck was not on his side today it would seem, his Perfect Self ability also showed no difference to his physical attributes outside of strength, which rose rapidly but plateaued towards the end of his workout regimen.





Irrelevant, legal.

>[Ability List]

Compulsive Gambler [N/A]

-In combat: roll a d20, the higher the number, the greater the critical strike, however, low numbers run the risk of the attack outright missing.

-Out of combat: play a variety of minigames at the cost of currency or items, each giving special rewards. The greater the risk, the greater the possible reward~

Perfect Self [EX+]

-View and edit personal attributes portraying to one's physique and even luck.

Photosynthesis] [C-]

The user can survive off of sunlight.

Autonomous Ultra Instinct [EX+]

Activated automatically at the loss of consciousness during combat. An auto-combat ability that pushes one's body beyond its limits, maximising speed, power and durability at the cost of stamina. For continued use, go into monkey mode. Do not think. Just do.


Strength: C+ -> B+

Stamina: A

Speed: A-

Charm: EX+

Ability: A+

Luck: EX+


Kenshin was indeed training like a madman, but it would seem that getting stronger had the unwanted effect of lowering his overall gains, as was normal in a human being. After all, Saitama had to train for two whole years to get as strong as he was now. 

Kenshin didn't have that kind of time or patience. He got a taste of the delicious fruit of power and now wanted more. If his body refused to get stronger through training, then he hoped to at least get some golden tickets, perhaps a useful ability ticket. Photosynthesis was a useful passive skill, he didn't need to eat, which was nice enough. He still needed to drink water every now and then though. Kenshin knew that training Autonomous Ultra Instinct was just about impossible without an opponent, and he was a bit scared of asking Saitama for help. So that would have to wait until he got into Hero Association and had access to their training facilities. 

This was all he could do for now, train and gamble, hoping to get lucky while passing the time doing something productive. 

And so a few days passed...


A-a-all my fellas~ All my fellas~


Kenshin was woken up by the sound of his television automatically turning on, every modern device had this feature from the factory and couldn't be turned off due to safety. It was an emergency broadcast. 


The entire apartment building experienced light tremors, likely from the previously mentioned giant walking or something. Kenshin sprung from his bed and put on his clothes, quickly rushing out of his apartment building. He was fast, of that there was no doubt. It would be much safer for him to get up and out there instead of trying to hide in a building. If that giant heads his way then he can just run, there was absolutely nothing in his arsenal that could deal with something like that. 

He crouched down and with all his strength jumped up, making it halfway up the nearest building, quickly using his hands to climb the rest of the way. Making it to the roof was easy, and from the high vantage point, he could observe the absolute monolith of a figure in the distance. It was humanoid, probably a man previously judging by the fact it had its junk out for the world to see. 


No sooner than that meagre chuckle left Kenshin's throat did the giant start absolutely pummeling the ground, probably destroying huge portions of the city it was currently in. The impacts were so strong the ground started rumbling uncontrollably, but Kenshin managed to keep his balance without an issue.

"Geez..." he commented as a bed of sweat trickled down his brow, there was no way he could deal with that, nuh-uh!

The impact force of the giant beating the shit out of the Earth for whatever reason sent giant waves of debris flying high into the air in just about every direction. A few of them appeared to be heading DIRECTLY TOWARDS HIM!


With enough force to fracture the roof, Kenshin jumped off and ran across the roof of the building next to him. Thankfully, there were no overtly huge skyscrapers in this area, so he had an easy time manoeuvring away from the incoming shower of rocks.

They fell down onto the building he was just standing on with destructive force, completely destroying it in the process. But Kenshin kept running, there was more flying debris heading in his general direction and he didn't want to spend another day in the hospital, again!

So he ran like the fucking wind, not stopping until the destruction around him stopped, and so did he. Quickly looking back, he was shocked to see the giant monster of a man nearly have his head explosive decapitated by whatever just hit him.

And so he fell.


"And there goes B-City..."

The giant fell right onto B-City, completely annihilating it with its sheer size. At least the area Kenshin lived in was spared from most of the damage. Whoever killed that son of a bitch could've done a better job though, making sure he doesn't destroy thousands of homes...

"Hopefully my house is still intact..."

Kenshin ran towards his apartment, hoping that the shower of falling debris would have spared it from destruction. But to his immense disappointment, it didn't. There was nothing of it left. All his stuff, including the brand-new training equipment and the myriad of random shit he had stashed around his home, was gone.

"Son of a bitch!"
