CH 17

When all three rose, the next morning - by unspoken agreement - they waited for each other in their common room. Harry had also renamed it their 'living room' due to the connotations of it being a dorm, of sorts.

"Well?" asked Daphne. "Do we go down to the Great Hall and sit together... or apart?"

"We can do that?" asked a very surprised Hermione. "Sit together, I mean?" It also surprised Harry.

"Yes, actually," replied Daphne. "Due to the nature of our bond, we can sit together. Actually, it's supposed to even be encouraged."

"Then let's use this as a way to get rid of a couple of Weasleys out of our lives... now, rather than later," said Harry. "Are you up to sitting at the Gryffindor table, Daphne? You'll be facing some short term abuse, if you do."

With a firm nod, she replied, "Yes. We're seventeen; irrespective of our physical ages. We can do this."

"Books," said Harry. "If I remember correctly, I've got Herbology and COMC before lunch; and double Divination after it. Knowing what I know now, I'm dropping Divination. I'll use the time..." "Hold it right there, Mister Potter," Daphne interrupted. "Why drop Divination?"

"I can use the time to self-study Ancient Runes; or, I was thinking of joining the third year class for that subject, which is on at that time," explained Harry. "I'll have to run it past McGonagall first, though."

"I'm glad to see you're taking a more active role in your studies, Harry," said a pleased but worried Hermione. "But, won't that interfere with the timeline?"

"The timeline's already a bust with our soul bond," said Daphne. "And, Harry's right. If he can better himself at Ancient Runes, it should pay off for us later. I can owl mother and have her send my last year's Ancient Runes text for Harry to use."

"But, won't Hermione.





asked "Of course," replied Daphne. "But, now that we know we're bonded to Harry. Harry can just say his future wives demanded it of him."

"And our Occlumency?" asked Harry.

"I've been practicing Occlumency since before I came to Hogwarts," replied Daphne. "As for you, two. You say you know nothing about it. If anyone pushes, we hint it may have something to do with the bond. Let them make the illogical leaps to a conclusion we want.

"Besides, the only one's who could ask, really can't anyway. For anyone to know we have strong Occlumency shields, they have to come at us with Legilimency. And, that's illegal to perform on minors without parental consent, in advance. Therefore, if they ask about it, they've admitted to committing a crime. So, we say nothing. And don't let yourselves be drawn into a situation where you admit to it." Harry and Hermione both nodded. Harry said, "That's workable. Admit nothing... don't volunteer anything... let them guess."

"But, what if the Headmaster asks?" asked Hermione, fretful.

"You need to get over your near hero worship of the man, Hermione," Daphne frowned at her. "You know what that man's foolishness cost our world. He is not a help; he's a hindrance."

Hermione sadly nodded. "It's just..." and she shrugged.

"It's hard, I know," said Harry, cutting in. "I respected him almost as much as you did, Hermione. However... just as with you... my eyes have been opened to his machinations. He must not know we're from the future. If he finds out, he will do his absolute damnedest to pump us for information; and be unrelenting in that pursuit. We'll be watched, closer than ever before. He will firmly be in our way." "Be Resolute should be our new motto," said Daphne.

When she saw the other two nod and set themselves clearly to their purpose, she said, "Now, let's go down to breakfast. Remember; we're fourteen year olds, again."

Gathering the books they needed for their classes, the three made their way.

Walking into the Great Hall, side-by-side, it seemed as if the rumour mill had already been running rampant. As soon as they stepped in through the doors, nearly all eyes turned their way.

Harry escorted both ladies around to the other side of the Gryffindor table and up along the wall. They took seat near where Harry and Hermione had sat the previous evening. This time, Hermione sat on his right and Daphne sat on his left. After first looking at the curiosity of a Slytherin sitting at the Gryffindor table, talk around the other tables went back to whatever they were talking about before the three walked in.

It was Neville who first approached them.

Walking up from where he was about to sit when he walked in, Neville approached and asked, "Errr... Harry? Umm... why are you sitting next to a Slytherin at our table?"

"Because she sat next to me, Neville," replied Harry with a slight smile. "Instead of talking about her as if she's not here; why don't you ask her, yourself?"

Neville blushed. Harry didn't know if it was from embarrassment for his social gaffe; or, that he'd have to talk directly with a very pretty girl.

"S-Sorry," he stammered. Harry watched as he internally braced himself and asked Daphne, "Miss Greengrass? I hope I'm not being impolite; but, may I ask why you're sitting over here?"

Glancing at Harry and Hermione and asking the silent question, she turned to Neville and replied, "I suppose it'll be public, soon enough. Harry, Hermione and I are bonded."

That startled Neville to the core. "R-Really?" he squeaked.

"Yes, Mister Longbottom," she coolly replied. "Do you doubt my word?"

Again startled, Neville stuttered, "N-no... no! Not at all. It... was just such a surprise, is all."

"Nev," said Harry, cutting in. With a smile he indicated the bench opposite and said, "Take a seat before you pass out from shock."

Hesitating a bare moment, Neville quickly sat opposite and asked, happen?"


did this happen? How did


"When, was late yesterday morning," replied Daphne. "How... well, that's a private matter."

"Sorry," Neville blushed again. "Of course it is. I beg your pardon."

Daphne gave a slow nod in return with a small smile.

To help out the boy who should have been his mate in the first place - if not for the carrot-topped arsehole who was fending everyone away behind the scenes Harry changed the subject and asked, "Looking forward to your fourth year, Nev?"