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He covered how Harry was showing much maturity by employing himself and the goblins to positions of advisors, and that he listened and didn't act rash. And how he was in a three-way soul bond with both a pureblood and muggleborn witch. Both of whom were recognised as high achievers in the same school for which Dumbledore was Headmaster. He spoke of how it would be magic which would soon see the three married, and would automatically emancipate them, anyway. That it had not, as yet, done such showed the three were not rushing matters regarding their bonds, and was evidence the bonds were clearly not yet finalised.

He then went directly into an attack of Dumbledore, himself. He covered how Dumbledore had already failed in his duties as magical guardian to ensure Harry was not mistreated while under the so-called care of his muggle relatives; presented evidence from the goblins that Dumbledore had not been in to see the Potter Senior Account Keeper concerning the Potter fortune, let alone properly manage the gold and investments, as he had claimed to have done; already provided evidence before the Wizengamot he did not have time to handle all his responsibilities regarding magical guardianship, to whit Dumbledore's own testimony Harry was not ready to take up the affairs of his House; argued how Dumbledore could not possibly have time to handle the current duties he had of Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump and Headmaster of Hogwarts, let alone tack on magical guardianship again; and slickly and effectively turned almost all of Dumbledore's arguments back upon him.

"In conclusion, Acting Chief Warlock Ogden," he wrapped up, "Questions are already being raised within the media and among the populace as to how the Wizengamot could possibly have erred so badly as to hand magical guardianship to Mister Dumbledore, in the first place. Please, do not add to that by giving Dumbledore guardianship, once more. Especially when Mister Potter has done nothing to show he is incapable of taking care of himself, his ladies and their needs." And sat down.

After a few moments of muttering among the assembled, Ogden said, "Yes, well." He raised his gavel and banged it once. "We'll retire to make our deliberations."

The Wizengamot rose, almost as one, and filed out of the room.

As soon as they left, Stewart turned to Harry and said, "Depending on how much Dumbledore bribed the members, you've won this."

"Bribed?" asked Harry, a little shocked.

"Yes, Harry; bribed," replied his solicitor. He looked over to Dumbledore and could see the old man sitting as relaxed as could be. That, more than Ackerman's words, worried him.

The members returned more than half an hour later. To Harry, it felt as if they were gone for hours.

Once everyone was seated again, Ogden called for both parties to rise.

Looking at them both, he said, "We have deliberated long and hard to reach a decision that is best for Mister Potter's best interests. To that end, it is the decision of this body to... allow Mister Potter to retain his emancipation."

That brought forth a number of muttering voices from behind. Some shocked by the outcome; others clearly believing no other choice was expected. Harry turned and grinned at his two bondmates before quickly turning back again. A quick glance at Dumbledore showed the man to be both quite surprised and angry at the declaration.

Looking directly at him, the Acting Chief Warlock asked, "Mister Potter, only to sate an old man's curiosity, if the decision had fallen against you, how soon would you have finalised your bonds?"

Harry frowned at the question but answered as honestly as he could. "It would have made no difference. I, personally, would not have re-sought emancipation using the bonds. That would have been grossly unfair to my two ladies; and to myself."

Nodding, Ogden said, "Well said. And yet further evidence Mister Potter is worthy to be emancipated."

Banging his gavel once, the Acting Chief Warlock said, "We are adjourned." Harry rose and was about to go directly to his bondmates' sides when, instead, he hurried to the benches and offered his hand to Ogden.

Surprised, Ogden rose, leaned over and took the offered hand, before they shook. "Thank you, Sir," Harry said with emotion.

"You're quite welcome, Mister Potter," Ogden replied with a smile. Neither noticed the flash of a wizarding camera as both stood there with their hands clasped.

As the three, with Deece, made their way out of the courtroom, standing just outside the door was Sirius with a huge grin on his face.

"Sirius!" cried Harry, dashing the couple of feet forward to wrap his godfather in a hug. "When did you get back?" "Yesterday evening," replied Sirius. "This morning, I was in discussions with Amelia Bones, going over memories and what not."

"It's done then?" asked Harry, full of hope. "You're officially free?"

"Yep," his godfather beamed back with a huge grin. "I came down here and hid in the back just in case the case went against you. If Dumbledore had been successful in getting your emancipation overturned, I was all set to claim guardianship of you myself. You had nothing to fear, but I couldn't let you know that."

"Don't worry about it," Harry gushed. "I'm just glad you're back and free."

"That I am, pup!" his godfather enthusiastically said. "And, I hear, it's all thanks to you."

"Oh! No, Sirius," replied Harry, startled. He turned to his two bondmates and ushered them forward. "It's all thanks to these two lovely ladies."

"Daphne, mainly," corrected Hermione. "She's the one who brought her father in. And he's the one who organised the solicitors for us."