CH 148

The draw occurred no different than the first time around; which surprised Harry. Considering the various permutations in how the draw could have happened he was starting to believe there were certain events that would occur no matter how much he tried to change things. Yet again, Harry had the meanest dragon of all and was the fourth competitor to enter the enclosure.

Walking in once his name was called he looked down the arena at the Hungarian Horntail and smirked at it. Sizing it up, he reached into one of the pockets of his robes and drew out a roll of cloth. The cloth was charmed to be impermeable and unbreakable. Walking closer to the dragon, he allowed the cloth to open right out within his hand.

When he reached a spot as close as he was willing to go from watching how the dragon was now watching him, he flung the cloth into the air before him and levitated it up and over the dragon's head. He cast a quick Engorgio charm on it and, with a double flick and a swish, caused it to wind tight around the snout of the dragon, making sure it's nostrils were also covered. As the dragon immediately tried to shake it off, Harry cast a reducing charm on the cloth, causing it to pull very tight.

It didn't take long. The dragon began to stagger, so Harry hit its legs with an overpowered Incarcerous, causing its rear legs to bind tight to one another in heavy ropes. A few moments later, the dragon toppled over onto its side and lay there, weakly struggling. Harry then calmly walked over to the dragon's nest and removed from it the golden egg he was tasked with 'recovering', before walking back to his previous spot.

From there, he then vanished the ropes from the beast's legs before then vanishing the impervious cloth from around its snout.

He waited a few moments to see if the dragon would move, especially around its chest area, but it lay perfectly still.

Moving his wand tip to his throat, he cast the Sonorus charm. "As the slayer of this dragon... and, as it is not currently on a registered and acknowledged dragon reserve... I hereby claim the carcass as is my right as the slayer of the beast. No one is to touch it without my express permission, in advance. Quietus!" Without awaiting either acknowledgement or denial, he turned and calmly walked out of the enclosure. He walked past five gob-smacked dragon handlers waiting to come in to remove the beast. Of course, their efforts were no longer required. "It looks like you'll only be taking back three dragons, boys," he said as he walked past. "This one is mine."

Two of the dragon handlers took off to look at the dragon. After waving his wand over its head, one of the handlers looked back at Harry in shock and anger. "You killed it!" he exclaimed.

"Yes. Yes, I did," smirked Harry. "And, as you heard me claim, it's mine. Now, leave it alone!" And he left the arena, returning to the champions' tent. As soon as he stepped through Madam Pomfrey was trying to order him onto a bed.

"Madam Pomfrey, I'm fine," sighed Harry. "It didn't come anywhere near me."

After she frowned and scanned him a few times, she huffed and said, "It appears you can avoid getting injured when you want to, Mister Potter. I'm actually a little amazed to say that."

Harry impishly grinned back.

Just as he was looking across to see the other three competitors, in rushed Hermione and Daphne. Both girls grapple-hugged him.

"Gods, Harry!" exclaimed Daphne. made that look easy!"


"Yes. It's supposed to be quite the feat for a single wizard to defeat a full adult dragon; and you just took it down with only a few spells!" gushed Hermione.

"That's because most wizards are idiots!" Harry calmly replied. "They try and attack the beast through its magic-resistant hide. And that's just stupid."

Next in through the flap of the tent were Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"Harry, there was really no need to kill that beast," Dumbledore glared at him. "Your task was to get past the dragon; not kill it!"

"And I made it quite clear to you, Headmaster Dumbledore," Harry shot back while cuddling a witch in each arm, "If you put a creature in front of me at any time during these tasks, I'm probably going to kill it. There's nothing in the rules that specifically state I have to leave the beast alive. Plus, this way, I've picked myself up a nice bit of pocket change for the Potter vaults.

"Please do thank the dragon handlers for bringing me one from off the protected reserves though, won't you, Headmaster?" he snarked. "This way, I get to claim the carcass with all the profits I get to make from the ingredients I'll get from it when it's rendered down. I'll have a renderer here by morning."

"I'm already here, Mister Potter," called an eastern European voice Harry recognised. Turning to the voice he saw Gregor Ianovich standing just inside the tent flap. Sirius was also standing just inside, just behind him. He was grinning his head off.



Ianovich! Nu

vstretilis'! Well met" Harry happily exclaimed. "I take it you're ready to set to work?"

"I am," smirked the renderer.

"Excellent!" smirked Harry right back. "Then, don't let me stop you. Oh, and don't let anyone else stop you, either."

"Never fear, Mister Potter," Ianovich calmly replied. "I haff been at this game for long time. I recognise you as rightful owner of carcass. I, after all, did see you personally kill dragon."

Harry nodded back and turned back to Dumbledore. "Well, it seems Mister Ianovich anticipated my needs and is ready to start immediately. Please make sure no one hinders him in his work. He's very protective of it." Harry had just turned away from an angrily steaming Headmaster to join his godfather and leave when Professor McGonagall called to him. "Mister Potter, you need to re-enter the enclosure to receive your points!"

Turning back slightly, Harry said, "No, I really don't, Professor. I'm apparently contractually required to participate in the tasks. I'm not required to wait for points. I'm not even interested in the points. I'm not interested in winning this accursed competition. My only goal is to survive it. They can score me zero points, for all I care."

Turning back to his godfather, who was now holding the tent flap open, Harry and his bondmates quickly left leaving behind an angry and upset Headmaster and a stunned Deputy Headmistress.

As soon as the three teens stepped outside, Sirius followed them, letting the tent flap reclose behind him. He immediately wrapped his godson in a bear hug while laughing his head off.

"Well done, Pup!" he crowed, as he released his hold and began to herd the three back to the castle. "You've just single-handedly shown every witch and wizard, out there, how easy it is to take down a full grown dragon. That's put paid to the fallacy it takes a team of at least five working in concert."

"As I explained to Hermione, Sirius, that's because most witches and wizards are idiots," explained Harry. "Attacking the beast through its magically-resistant hide is just asking for trouble. If you can't get it through its hide, get it through its weaknesses. And, one of those weaknesses, as with almost every other air-breather out there, is cutting off its air supply suffocates it in short order."

With a large gaggle of students trailing behind, the four of them returned to the castle. Shooing the students away, once inside, the three led Sirius back to their apartment and gave him the short tour.