CH 165

The next evening, Harry raised a new topic. "Late yesterday afternoon we talked about the latent part of the soul bond between Hermione and Daphne. I know that came as quite a shock because, as Matthias asked, how would we finalise such a bond.

"At that time we told you how we figured out it has more to do with the emotional side of love, rather than the physical side. Now that you've had time to think that over, I think I need to explain further the nature of souls."

With head nods from the adults, Harry explained, "I had a bit of... what do they call it?... an epiphany. A... sudden understanding of the concepts of life, body and souls. I've now come to understand that matter better. I think it was our angels who first got me thinking about it. And I think my angel, specifically, had something to do with that." Seeing the understanding on the faces of everyone else, he continued. "People tend to think we are what you see before you; the flesh and blood and personality; and that we have souls. I believe that is incorrect."

Seeing the confusion he clarified. "I believe we do not have souls; we are souls, and we have bodies.

"Now, think about that for a minute. If I'm right... and I believe I am... it answers a lot of questions concerning why, for example, Dementor's Kiss Syndrome has the effect it has; and what the Killing Curse actually accomplishes."

Harry could see the dawning understanding on the face of Matthias, Deece and Sirius; but, not Ant and Cele. "You see, the Dementor's Kiss strips the soul from the body. If you are the soul, as I believe, it explains why Dementor's Kiss Syndrome leaves the body functioning but there being absolutely no response from the person within. The reason is because there is no longer anyone there to respond.

"The body has what're known as autonomic functions. The heart beating, the lungs breathing, food in the stomach being processed, the liver and kidneys filtering your blood, et cetera, are not controlled by the person. They all happen apart from conscious thought. That is, they are not controlled by the soul within. However, while food being processed in the stomach is automatic, the act of eating and drinking is not automatic; that requires conscious thought. You have to be in control of the physical body. So, with no food or water going into the body, it soon dies. It also explains why the Imperious curse doesn't Kissed.






"As for the Killing Curse, it works by stopping the body like snuffing a candle. It snuffs out life by making the body instantly unable to sustain continued life. That immediately renders the body uninhabitable for the soul. The soul is driven out and lives on, but the body doesn't. In a way, it is the exact opposite of the Dementor's Kiss.

"Now, the proof. If a person didn't exist within the soul, rather than the body, then you wouldn't have ghosts. They would be impossible to exist. A spirit, without consciousness, is impossible. And we know ghosts have consciousness; they think. We can talk to them and they will talk back to us. Ergo, you are the spirit, the soul, not the body you currently inhabit. That is only a physical shell you inhabit to interact with the physical world.

"Secondly, it explains how Voldemort... Riddle... is going to come back. At the moment he is a spirit... a soul without a body. We three know he is going to create himself a body for that soul to enter and remain inhabiting.

"I just thank the Gods he either hasn't thought of it, or can't figure out how, to inhabit a body that's been Kissed. And I pray to all that is Heavenly that no one else ever does, either."

He let them gel on that for a while before he brought the subject back around.

"Now let's bring that back to us three," he said, indicating himself and the two girls. "It's called a soul bond, not a body bond. That implies it deals with our souls rather than our bodies. They've at least got that right. This is one of the reasons why I believe it's not the physical act of love but, rather, the spiritual act of love and commitment to one another that both strengthens the bond and will eventually see it finalised and sealed.

"Proof of that exists in that there has never been a soul bond or binding formed through an act of sexual assault, or similar; or through an act of prostitution, or similar; as Hermione mentioned, last night.

"You see, our sex is determined by our physical form - male and female. But, our souls are not, except for physical shape. Our souls become shaped due to the physical form, which is why ghosts always have the shape of their body at the time of their death. That includes defects such as Nearly-Headless Nick's near total decapitation, Moaning Myrtle's glasses, Professor Binns's aged frailness, and the Bloody Baron's blood upon his robes, to name a few.

"And the physical form, through body chemicals, impresses on the thinking; and, therefore, the person - the soul. That, together with society's mores, is how man becomes attracted to woman and vice versa. However, sometimes, the body chemicals do not impress fully upon the soul because the chemicals are weaker... or, the soul is simply stronger... and you occasionally have homosexuality.

"For us three," he said, again indicating himself and his bondmates, "Our souls are bonded, and it was done through Heaven. The souls that are Harry James, Daphne Anna and Hermione Jean, are bonded. Or, more to the point, are in the process of bonding. It's our souls that are attracted to one another. As such our sexes, and our chemically-driven sexuality, have nothing to do with it. Because of the body chemicals impinging on our thinking, it both helps a lot and gets in the way. However, it's us as souls that will soon finalise the bond. And we are not owned by our individual sexes."

When he finished, he sat back, but remained a little tense worried about their reactions.

Surprising to Harry, it was Hermione who first spoke. "Harry," she asked. "When did you become a metaphysical philosopher?"

Harry snorted and replied, "I've always been one, I think. Or, at least, a general philosopher. It was those bloody potions that stopped me from being able to think so well. Now that Weasley's no longer dosing me with loyalty potions and the like my mind's becoming freer.

properly think again."




"That's... deep!" said Sirius, the first of the adults to respond; and not having heard Hermione, he was so deep in thought.

"I'll say!" snorted Ant.

"If he's right, it explains a lot," said Deece. "It also makes a great deal of sense."

"It also makes the idea of Daphne and Hermione... interacting... a great deal easier to accept," said Matthias.

"Which, I think, is the reason he explained it," added Cele.

Harry smiled and nodded.

"So, what you're saying is," asked Ant. "We need to stop thinking of you three as the physical you; and start thinking of you as the soul you?"


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