Worldbuilding 101

In this series, we'll talk at length about the world of Apocalypse Reset! I will be updating this as new information is revealed or hinted at. 

The Land

Picture another earth - a similar world, though of compact size and similar shape. Zoom in on the United States and the southeastern tip - Florida. Thereabouts is where Dimartino would be located in this fantasy world.

(Consider Scuttle Island, where Barns grew up, to be a tiny island near-ish Puerto Rico).

This is a Florida where the fantasy has been tapped up to 10. Towering jungle trees cover the land in a thick canopy which is only broken up by manmade settlements such as Dimartino town and the royal castle.

Ordella: The real-life equivalent of the New Orleans area of Louisiana, Ordella is surrounded by alligators and is a beautiful town built on the water. Flooding and tsunamis have never been a big issue for Ordella, and so the town has been able to grow gracefully out on the water - at least, until the Apocalypse. 

The Pale Court: A deep region with no real-world counterpart. It's as deep as death valley and blanketed with an undying layer of thick fog. At the center is a structure created for the sole use of the vampire Francois, below the fog where she can go out even during the day. 

Other World Info: The world technology was 2010s-era before the apocalypse. But, obviously, everyone died...

Despite technology being of similar era, the population is dramatically different. Humankind had only sparsely populated the planet, and the biggest cities on the planet capped out at two million people.

Most settlements had a population anywhere between 1-10 thousand. These pockets of civilization lived in relative isolation from each other, with travel between towns usually reserved for urgent business. In his first life, Barns grew up in one of these settlements - the Flame Clan, though due to the unique nature of his clan's abilities, he found himself traveling often. (The Flame Clan is located in the desert, near where the city of Las Vegas would be in the real world. There's a similar Vegas-style city in the desert of this world...when Barns gets there, it will be a wild time!)

Other planned locales: 

The western coast, which in this world is something like this least it was before the apocalypse.

Magic System

People and animals are usually born with natural mana, which they use to unlock skills. This process is done subconsciously by most people. Some are born with the ability to view the 'System'. These are referred to as Moderators.

Barns is a special case - as he remembers his rebirth, he can 'see' the System even if he is not a Moderator. 

Certain skills can be taught or transferred down through generations - rare and powerful abilities called 'Secret Arts'. Each clan that knows a Secret Art does their best to keep it hidden from the outside world. Many clans hide the details of their Secret Arts even from their citizens.

Certain animals have been given the blessings of sentience and magic, like Clancy. Guardian Beasts are exceptionally powerful animals of this type that have died and become Spirits.

Humans can form contracts with Guardian Beasts to increase their powers and gain a formidable ally to summon at will.