As of Chapter 14:
Barnacles (Barns)
Age: Physically 19 after awakening
Height: 5'9
Weight: 140lbs.
SS Rank - Resurrection
Target: Humanoid.
Effect: You may take a human's soul and return it to their body. You must possess both the correct soul and body for this to take effect.
S Rank - Rebirth Flame
Target: Any (Plus the User)
Effect: The User's life force is extinguished, along with anyone of the user's choice within 25 meters. All affected entities are reborn into new lives.
A Rank - Crab Affinity
Passive Skill
Effect: Allows one to bond with crabs on a spiritual level. Allows learning Crab-related Subskills.
Subskill - Crab Intuition
Passive Skill
Effect: Crab Skill. The User automatically detects murderous intent, symbolized by a burning red aura.
Subskill - Harden Body
Target: User
Effect: Crab Skill. The User may harden their body like a crab's shell for five seconds, making them impervious to all but the most devastating of attacks. After the skill is used, five seconds must pass before it can be used again.
Items: Crashing Wave (A Rank Sword)
Ability: Can shoot water blades (like shuriken) from the tip of the sword.
Clancy (King Crab)
Age: 147 (in crab years)
Height - Unknown because he never stands up straight. Possibly greater than 10 feet.
Weight: 600lbs.
A Rank - Cleansing Foam
Target: Any
Effect: The User can expel foam that burns away dark energy and heals injuries. Can transform monster corpses back into human corpses.
A Rank - Paragon Crab
Target: Self
Effect: All Crab Skills are known to the User.
S Rank - Frothing Land (Former Skill, No Charges Left)
Target: All
Effect: All evil within 100 yards and in contact with the ground is cleansed.
Maria Dimartino
Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120lbs. (According to Maria)
S Rank - Iron Maiden
Passive Skill
Effect: Maria's Unique Skill. Her body is immune to all physical damage, but she can still feel pain from physical attacks.
UNKNOWN - System Access
Passive Skill
Effect: Maria can access the system, as well as system logs, at will.
Maria also possesses the Royal Arts - though the extent of this power is of yet unknown.
Update as of CH40:
Age: Physically, around 30
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190
Skills: Can do anything (as long as it's for Maria). Plasma and Lightning magic. Other abilities typical for a high-ranking Demon.
Haima Gore
Age: 21
Height: 5'5lbs
Weight: Personal
Skills: Advanced Secret Arts in Blood Magic; can manipulate flesh and bone). Mastery of all Secret Arts of the Gore Family.
Godrick of Bravura
Age: 28
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200lbs
Skills: Bravuran Blade Dancing - Asura Dance, Tiger Dance, Mantis Dance, and at least one other...
Yunie Mol
Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Weight: 135lbs
Skills: Moderator of the System. Daily Quests.
Quinn Harper
Age: 47
Height: 5'10
Weight: 210lbs
Skills: He's a very amicable guy.
Age: Mid 20s
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135lbs
Skills: Wouldn't you like to know?
Adea and Adon
Age: 30s
Height: 6'0 (both)
Weight: 180 (Adon) 170 (Adea)
Skills: Too many to list - they are both accomplished Master Vampires.
Francois Lauren Villeteux
Age: ???
Height: 6'5
Weight: 200
Skills: She can fill any human male with insatiable Lust. She also possesses power typical of a Master Vampire.
Age: None
Height: 5'6
Weight: 10lbs when manifested
Skills: System Administrator overseeing Dimartino.