Barns' head whips around, and he's nearly scared out of his skin - and yet the ethereal figure behind him saps all desire he has to scream.
The faint, wispy outline of an older gentleman is directly behind him, sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace.
'That chair wasn't there before,' Barns thinks.
He rises to his feet, knees quaking.
"Sit down," Haima says. "Let me introduce you."
Barns returns to the couch. He keeps his eyes away from the ghost, looking at its feet. Staring directly into the haunting form is too much for him.
"Gramps, this is Barnacles. He's the one who turned me back into a human," she says, grinning.
"Yeah, that's me," Barns says, his eyes still fixed on the floor.
'Am I really talking to a GHOST right now!?' The thought bounces around Barns' brain. It was a lot, even for him.
There's no reply from the ghost, at least not verbally. All he hears is a loud thud.