Ave Maria

Adea screams so sharply that Osmond is momentarily stunned. Hideous energy overtakes her, transfiguring her stunning body into something far more sinister. Skinny black wings burst from bleeding holes in her back, and her claws elongate, becoming draconic. Stiff scales begin to form over her pale, exposed skin, and her shoulders disengage, her arms looming over her like the form of a mantis. 

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU," she howls, her voice barely human - distorted, deep, and echoing. Her teeth barely fit in her mouth.

Osmond is immediately overwhelmed. Adea is now moving too fast to keep up with. She flies toward him and kicks him so hard he goes flying, smashing into a tree nearby.

The wind is knocked out of him and his vision blurs. 

'Is this the end?' Osmond says to himself. He has two choices. Let Adea kill him now, or give in to his demonic power.