Heart to Heart

As Barns and his remaining fighters finally reach Ordella, Adon sets his despicable plan into motion. From the sea emerges an army of Mantis Shrimp - but these are unlike the ones Barns fought on the beach with Clancy and Haima. These are bigger, angrier, and with the trademark glowing red eyes.

"Vampire Mantis Shrimp. You've got to be kidding me!"

But the shrimp do not immediately attack Barns and his squad. Instead, they rush the town, where the tormented humans of Ordella still live. They begin ravaging the humans, tearing them limb from limb. The town devolves into complete chaos in seconds.

"We have to help them!" Barns commands, rushing forward. As he does, two humanoid vampires swoop from the sky, blocking his path forward.

Godrick steps forward. "Leave these buggers to me," he says, two of his swords appearing in his hands like clockwork. "Get in there and find Yunie, mate. We'll clean up these small fry."