Heavenly Splinter

As the light of Resurrection blankets the bloodstained Abattoir, Barns holds Yunie in his arms, cradling her head with his hand even as the blood continues to spill from her wound.


Barns ignores the crab and tries again and again. Tears spill from his face. 

Yunie was his first human connection in this life. She's given Dimartino so much. Is this how it must end?

He's felt like this too many times. This hopelessness - this dread. The inability to fix this broken world.

All of humanity was lost to the apocalypse. Barns struggles with his hubris - did he truly believe he was a stronger force of change than all of humanity's combined efforts?


Barns snaps back into his head, turning to Clancy. He's never had the crab shout at him like that before - but as he turns back to Yunie, he sees her for the first time as a lost cause. And yet, for just a moment, Yunie's eyes open.