Osmond shuts the door behind them, leaving he and Barns separated from the outside world. They sent Skado on a coffee run to buy a few minutes for this conversation in absolute secrecy and silence.
"Barns, what I am about to tell you must never be repeated in front of anyone, especially Maria. Do you understand?"
Barns squints his eyes at the demon. They're standing in a dark and abandoned house off the main street that has not yet been renovated or fixed up. It reminds him of the ghostly mansion he visited with Haima a couple nights ago.
"There are things about our world that you must know," Osmond says ominously. "Things that I fear keeping to myself. If I die, this information must not be lost, or the kingdom of Dimartino will surely fall. And so I have decided to entrust it all to you."
Barns nods stoicly. "We might need more than a coffee run's worth of distraction, then," he smiles weakly.