The Sentinel

Eldrie taps the microphone, looking out over the crowd of people. Somehow, he's the one who got stuck with the task of speaking to the gathered townsfolk of Ordella.

"Welcome to the Crab Kingdom," he says nonchalantly. "Er…please, from now on, you must perform this salute when greeting each other, to show solidarity…" Eldrie performs the claw salute with absolute stoicism. 

Haima, watching from the crowd, claps her hand to her forehead. "For goodness sake," she says, listening to Eldrie. "I could have done a better job."

"That crab salute sure is catchin' on, hun," Godrick chuckles before facing the small woman. "Oy, Haima, I gotta say, there's been something on my mind I just gotta let go. See, I think you're a right looker, love, and I'd love to spend an evening just chattin', and gettin' to know each other a little better. How's that sound?"