The Sentinel glowers over the crab, fully confident in her abilities - there's not a shred of fear in her heart.
"Barnacles. I sentence you to death by order of Empernon Yharnam- er, I mean Emperor Yharan" she spits, getting tongue tied. It's her fatal flaw - speaking without getting things mixed up.
Clancy pivots around. "NO BARNACLES."
"So you would fight?" she chides callously. Clancy raises his claws in agreement. He likes fighting.
They exchange blows, one after the other, as Clancy jabs and stabs like a maniac in her general direction. She's not able to dodge all his attacks quickly enough, so she activates her power.
The Sentinel can 'grab' any object with her mind, and move it at the speed of sound wherever she pleases. It's only one of her fearsome powers - one she's confident is enough to take out the crab.
But as she begins to focus her power on Clancy, his sheer force pushes against it. He's repelled, but only a few feet.