[Bonus Chapter] The Dossier

{Author Note: This chapter summarizes the information in the dossier received from Seifa a few chapters ago - it concerns the Sentinels. Since it's a collection of written information, this chapter will be a little exposition heavy - feel free to skip it! Any critical information in this chapter will be woven in organically as the story goes on.

But for those of you who want more world-building and intrigue, you're in the right place!}

The Sentinels and the Emperor Yharan they serve are the biggest threat to Lantafort. The following information has been collected by our tireless agents over the last several years in the event of an attack or invasion. Some information in this dossier is speculative.

We know there are seven - in fact, they refer to themselves as 'The Seven Sentinels'. They exist in some hierarchy but their ranks in relation to each other have not been fully determined.