Prime Suspect

"So, Francois actually followed through on her word, did she?" Maria ponders, shuffling around the makeshift infirmary of Underhill's. Osmond returned to her not long ago, and filled her in on everything that happened on his trip to the Hidden City Lantafort.

"Here I was, thinking of ways we could have foam-bombed the city by rolling explosives down that long, long hill."

"That's my sweet Maria, always planning the next move!" Osmond dotes, running his hand through her hair. She smacks his hand away. She's never liked the doting.

"My dove, is your leg feeling better? It's a relief to see you walking again."

The icy Princess taps her foot on the ground a few times. "Hurts like hell, but I've never minded a little pain," she confesses. "Not that it's news to you."

Osmond steps a little closer. "Of course not," he smirks, trailing his finger down her cheek experimentally. "My, it's been a while since I've given you some pain and pleasure, hasn't it?"