Sins Of A Cretin Wife

The night was dark and quiet...infact too quiet that from a distance you could hear soft sobs coming from the Prince's chambers. Within the castle many could hear it but chose to ignore it as they always did, this was not the first time that the Prince's wife, Princess Zhanna was crying so loudly. Many thought she deserved it and continued with the celebration as though nothing had happened but only few were extremely worried for her but chose to ignore it also since they were not in the position. Earlier that day was the announcement of the Prince's Coronation date and everyone was happy including Zhanna but one particular incident made that day the worst day of her life.

*[Earlier that day]*

Princess Zhanna joined everyone to toast and dance to the fact that her husband, the prince was soon to be crowned king and it was all thanks to her. You see Zhanna came from a lineage of powerful witches and being so full with the witches blood she was protected to be indestructible until she turned 20. With this said Zhanna volunteered to go to war with her husband, Boris, She successfully killed all their enemies and let Boris take all the glory. This made the villagers to trust their kingdom into Boris hands as they saw him as a powerful warrior. Boris also, with the help of Zhanna killed all obstacles standing in the path of him and the crown. He killed his step brother whom his father wanted to give the kingship to, he also killed his father and some other officials who were against him being king. He used Zhanna to do all this through various means and thus Zhanna was the character behind all of this. 

Zhanna felt proud as she saw Boris being congratulated, it felt as if she was the person being congratulated and she couldn't help but smile. She really loved Boris and remained appreciative to him because he brought her out of her 'dungeon of a kingdom'. He also helped her discover that her step ,other was a witch, why won't she be grateful. Zhanna had such thoughts with a smile on her face which was quickly replaced by a frown as she saw 'Lady Tatianka'(her rival) approaching. Tatianka has been Boris' friend since childhood and had taken a liking to him. Boris remained oblivious to the fact and kept on doing friendly favours unconsciously leading her on. Zhanna never liked the 'lady' given that her husband cancelled their outings most of the time due to the fact that he had something to do with his 'friend'.

"Lady Tatianka what a surprise" Zhanna said, "although unpleasant" she added in a whisper.

"Oh! I just came to congratulate you and your husband on the big news of the coronation. I'm sure you must be happy" Tatianka said.

"What do you want exactly?"Zhanna asked. Knowing Tatianka, she never came to Zhanna for a good reason.

"I honestly just came to congratulate you but, Isn't it wonderful that everything is just falling into place?" Tatianka said.

"How do you mean?" Zhanna asked and instantly regretted it.

"Can't you see through Boris' plans? this coronation is kind of like a celebration for me and him. He will soon become King and I will be his Queen. I don't expect a bird brain like you to understand. You might be using your status as a wife to brag but you would never be his Queen. I've heard that you bully maids with your status but let me remind you that you are below me and you are nothing, irrelevant, a nobody and you will always be" Tatianka voiced and walked away. The once lively arena became instantly quiet as a graveyard and all eyes were on Zhanna. In any part of the world pride and oppression were the norms but in their part of the world, Volkorod especially, it was a taboo. To them everyone was equal, all are males equal with each other and all females the same. 

Zhanna didn't have the voice to talk with all eyes on her. Yes she and the cook alongside her handmaid always joked by calling her 'My Queen' but they were friends and she never oppressed anyone with her status. Zhanna immediately looked at her husband Boris, the individuals in the ballroom would never believe her cause their minds has already been tarnished but her husband could just deny Tatianka as his Queen and tell everyone the truth about her supposed pride and deception. Zhanna looked at him expecting him to say something but he just stood there with a blank expression as always. The next moment an unthinkable thing happened and Zhanna wished she could die rather than see it, Tatianka walked over to Boris and entangled her hands with his. Everyone started talking immediately and Zhanna froze. She had always suspected that there was something going on between Tatianka and Boris but never knew what. Anytime that Tatianka claimed to be his mistress in public Zhanna always confronted Boris about it, he never really gave Zhanna a reason for doing all that but just a few love professions and Zhanna would instantly forgive and forget. There where times that She would plan with Boris to attend a party but he would give the response that his schedule is packed only to show up with Tatianka at that same event. She saw the signs but chose to ignore them. It would have been better if it was like other times when he would run after her and meet her and comfort her but today he surprised her by telling the whole nation that he chose Tatianka and she?...She was just the other woman. 'To think that she did everything for him'. 

Zhanna rushed out of the ballroom in tears, many looked at her with discorn while other stepped on her dress with their heels and shoes or poured wine 'accidentally' on her as she rushed out. She arrived at her chambers with a thorn gown and a ruined makeup. To make matters worse, rain started to fall and since she sat by an open window it poured down on her. Thinking about today's activities, Zhanna voiced out and swore to the heavens, she said "Boris Igor svyatoslav YOU WILL PAY". A lightning struck immediately as though confirming what she had said. She was in love, not stupid or so she thought.