A Dragon Warrior

*[At Volkorod]*

"Son I've been thinking a lot about this and I've decided to pass down the crown to you. Shura, I've seen you as a son worthy for the throne. With your warrior abilities no kingdom would stand a chance. I've spoken with some members of the cabinet and they are in agreement. So I want to request…please son do show up at the announcement of your coronation, it's in a fortnight and...." King Igor started to say.

"Father have you sought for my opinion on this matter" Shura cut him off immediately. He always got angry whenever his father mentioned about the idea of him being king. It brought back bad memories.

"I knew what you would say so I did not request for it. Son this is for your own good…" King Igor continued.

"For my own good how? Certainly that's how you sweet talked my mother into marrying you" Shura blurted out instantly.

"Not everything is about your mother Shura" King Igor said and sighed inwardly knowing that Shura was going to bring up that topic.

"She was once your everything. Then you got her pregnant before marriage, stood her up on the day of the wedding and let your parents almost succeed in killing her. She fled to another village and stared from scratch. She was pregnant with me father, pregnant!. She came back after some years to seek your financial support only to meet you married to another woman with a son. That woman was queen. A position that you promised to my mother a long time ago" Shura explained with a hint of anger in his voice.

"My Parents would have never let me marry a maid…" King Igor defended himself.

"Then why did you give her hope? She was devastated on seeing you with another woman, so much that she committed suicide. You drove my mother to suicide! I've given you much respect by calling you father and now you want me to be King. Is it because I am now a famous warrior that you've finally found me useful? You can take your offer and your crown to hell because I'd rather call your son, Boris, my brother than to become your heir" Shura said and walked out instantly, blinded with rage.


Boris and his mother, Queen Kira sipped their tea as they listened to the ongoing conversation at the King's chambers between the King and his illegitimate first son Shura. Kira and Igor had been married for years and their room for once had never been joined together. Kira was also banned from entering the King's chambers because the last time she entered she drugged him and had her way with him which made her pregnant with Boris.

"It's good to know that the maid's son knows his limit and that the crown would never be his but Boris, son you'll have to be more smart and ahead of your father because no matter what that crown must be yours. Remember you have to get married first and then we can carry on with our plan. Soon the cabinet members would pressurize the king to present his successor and there would be no other available option than you" Queen Kira said.

"But what about Shura?" Boris asked.

"We both heard him. I'm not sure he'll be wanting the crown anytime soon neither will he get married. You know the law requires that the prince must get married before he can become king and besides no one will ever accept him to be king as long as I'm still alive" Queen Kira said and she and Boris began to talk about other things.


Shura stormed immediately out of the palace and went to his mother's favourite spot while she was still alive. The natural scenery at the corner of the lake was soothing and soon Shura got rid of his anger. He had more important things to dwell on and that was his priority. Late Valeria, Shura's mother, had never been buried because something dreadful always happened 'coincidentally' on the day of her burial. The last time the burial was to be held, heavy downpour occurred not only disrupting the activities but flooding the area instantly. A black magician was consulted. The magician informed Shura that his mother cannot rest peacefully until he fulfils his mother's dying words which were "Kill the witches…all of them".


 A young Shura sat at the lake with his mother as they watched the sunset. "Mama are you alright?" 8-year-old Shura asked his mother when he noticed his mother's teary eyes. "I'm fine love. I'm just sad" Valeria said.

"Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?" 8-year-old Shura spoke.

Valeria smiled and nodded. "There's a secret I want to tell you but I don't want you to tell anybody until you can protect yourself"

"Ok mama" 8-year-old Shura said and then his mother began to tell him about Dragon warriors.


Dragon warriors are fearsome warriors which were given the ability to kill supernatural creatures with their bare hands, these creatures were hunted down by witches who reduced them down to a generation. This dragon warrior family spread out to multiply but all their men were killed leaving only the females. Among this females was Valeria who gave birth to a son. Her son mysteriously became a dragon warrior, a very rare opportunity and she had to teach him all about Dragon warriors till she died.


A hand tapped Shura awakening him from his dilemma. "I knew I'd find you here" Kazimir, Shura's bodyguard, right hand man and best friend said. "The Sadgor village is planning another attack on your hometown" Kazmir informed and Shura immediately got up and said "It's been too peaceful lately, kill their leader this time. I'll gather the men and we'll attack the village in their vulnerable state. No one messes with Vladimir (his war name) and goes scot free."

*[Outside Koldunova]*

Zhanna and Vika changed into some male dressing and managed to break apart a piece of wood creating a small space for them to pass. Grabbing a pepper spray, knives, and a small bag containing a male clothing for each of them, Zhanna and Vika ran for their lives as they knew the guards would soon start to chase them. The guard stood there in shock as they watched the 'men' run into the tall grasses and disappear. The carriage driver immediately had an Idea and decided to blame the appearance of the hard drugs in his carriage on the two mysterious 'men' that ran out of the booth of the carriage.

"Oh call me fisher! Sirs you need to see this" The carriage driver started with his acting.