Chapter 54

The cacophony of battle kept me from drifting to sleep. I gazed up at the starry night sky. Who would have thought? Damian Grey the caller would have a Hollywood-style epic magic fight to protect a defenceless town. Did that make me a superhero? I certainly wasn't the boy from earth anymore. A Sorcerer in another world. 

"Sorcerer!" shouted Galen. 

He slid over and checked if I was still breathing. 

I patted him on the arm, "I'm alive."

He lifted me. 

He chuckled, "That's the second time I've picked you up from the dirt tonight."

I winked, "Hopefully the last."

"Truly. I wonder if those Yolin's Hill folk are right. Death seems to spit you out too afraid to face you."

"I wish. No, death is too busy tonight to even take notice of my coming. And my women love me not to stay alive." I laughed at my attempt to joke. 

Galen politely laughed with me.