Her soft lips parted from mine all too soon.
I stood up and my creaking bones and aching joints protested. I leaned on my staff and tried to look alive. I gave myself a casual check over and noticed that sweat dripped and blood soaked my body and armour.
I looked more like the part of a horror movie victim than a badass sorcerer who had saved the day. Worse, I smelt like an obsessive gym goer who never learned to shower.
Morgana was in a similar sweaty, bloody state but looked far sexier than me. A hand resting on her sword hilt, she looked over the surviving warriors. She looked rested with a confident steel to her relaxed expression. She gave off a magical aura of confidence induction and morale boost oozed off of her.
Byrette's family of warriors and others looked to her for orders. They were a motley crew of folk of all sizes but each was blooded and bloody now.