Regrets that where made to happen.

" What do you think they are talking about?" " I don't know,but it seems that they are afraid about something". "You go and bring her so that the rituals start". "You have had enough time to say goodbye so it's time to separate now. Miss Lucy have to meet her end now and Louis ,you have to meet your fate. Actually I thought that the two of you can never separate but the world is so unpredictable and the heavens are so ful of lies they can never stand on their promise". " Ethel what are you doing the master told you to bring her. Let's go". " After I die today please avenge my death". " You won't die am sure James will come here because the heavens protect it's people from evil". " Wow,how determined you're Mr Louis but it's a pity that your determination won't help". " Ethel let's go".

( At the place of rituals ). " Lie her facing upward and spread that ash surrounding her". " We're done master". " Then step aside so that the rituals can begin". ( Triple six begins the rituals). " What is he doing?" " May be making her a sacrifice ". " It does not seem to be". " Can you please be quiet and let me focus". ( Triple six continues with the rituals). " All the sea souls which are evil in nature,all the gods of the sea please accept this sacrifice that my lord has offered you let her blood wash and bless the marriage between my lord and her companion. You come and take this sacrifice". " Why are they not coming and nothing has happened to her?" " Did you do something that shouldn't be done?" " No,we did just like you said". " Then why is the sacrifice denied you annoyed the gods. You have surely done something. We are done none of us will escape here not them not us". " You're mistaken triple six may be you won't escape here but they will because the heavens are fair enough to it's people". " So,you did this ?" " No, I didn't do anything how can I touch on the Satan's property. But you did something ,you messed with the wrong people and it's a pity that you didn't notice that your blood detector was falling down the time you started performing the rituals. The rule of blood detector states that once the two lovers have affection on each other the blood detector shouldn't be used if used everyone who has participated in performing the rituals will meet his / her end ". " I don't want to die in here please sir forgive me and take me with Louis and Lucy. I promise ,I will repent for my mistakes". " Even me sir please take us". " You two what are you doing ? You work for the devil's palace not for these people". " See,I only wanted money from your devil league not to die for it". " Yes,sharot is right I also needed money to take care of my wife and children but I don't need it anymore,sir please they say that the lord is merciful to his people please have mercy on us". " My lord is right humans are not trustworthy. You deserve to die but today it's not the right time to do it ". ( The evil spirits starts to spread in the house). " I am scared to die here please sir". " You two killed so many innocent people and you didn't care about there lives why do you want the heavens to be merciful on you. I only came here to take Louis and Lucy all I can do for you is to help you repent before you meet your death but I can't do it now because the evil spirits have already surrounded here but you can do it for yourselves maybe the lord will have mercy to your souls and don't send you to hell". ( James gets Louis and Lucy and he takes them out of the house). " Sharot what is next now,the heavens didn't help us and the devil's league won't help us either". " We are only left with one thing now and that is to repent so that our souls can rest in peace". " I regret the day I joined the devil's league if I only I stayed in my normal life there was no money but at least we had peace and happiness. Since I joined the devil's league my family became chaotic I killed my wife who knew me and married another one who only liked me because of money and he was cheating on another man in our marriage ,when I knew about that do you know what I did. I killed them and I married another one she was so deciplined but our marriage didn't last for long after one year in our marriage they asked me to sacrifice her and I did so but now I regret all of that and I have no way of changing it. I hope that the lord can forgive me and give me another chance and make me become a better person in the next life". " All I regret in my life is killing my best friend and refusing to get married to Jackson. If I chose love and not money may be I wouldn't have ended in this situation. I saw Fatima's mum crying for her daughter but I didn't get any pain in me but now am feeling that pain and I think I really deserve to die like this". " So let's think that is our repentance I never knew that I will die with a stranger ". " Me either but this is life ". ( The evil spirits sucked Ethel and sharot 's souls and their bodies became old".

( At St Paul's cathedral).

" James,why is she not waking up?" " Her soul is trapped in the devil's palace and she only can get out of there if you go there to get her soul or else she will stay in this condition for all of the coming life not dead and not alive".