Giving up for love.

" Now it's all up to you whether you save her soul or you let her be here like this. She will not get old or even get young everyone on earth will die but she will not". " What does it take for me to go there?" " The devil want you to get married to her and the only way you can enter there is by using that excuse. The only thing you should say after getting there is telling her to set Lucy's soul free after that you can get married to her. She will tell you that she cannot negotiate with you once she says so tell her that once Lucy's soul is not set free you won't get married to her and if you don't get married to her ,her plan of getting a successor will fail this will make her to set Lucy's soul free. Once she sets Lucy's soul free you will have no choice but to get married to her but don't worry I won't let that happen. You take this rosary with you once you have it I will have the way to come down the devil's palace before the wedding rituals happen and I will be able to save you but you should make sure that no one under there should notice that you're carrying a rosary.You should know that this rosary can vanish the entire palace and everyone in it so you shouldn't remove it out before the right time. If you take it out before the right time you will also vanish with the members of the devil's palace and I won't be able to save you also Lucy will become a widow so be careful ". " How do I enter in there?" " You will go with two eggs and say what you feel like to say to her but whatever you will say should be praising her. Then the gates will be opened for you".

( Under the sea).

Triple six you failed to complete your mission and you even got the guts to come back to my palace". " Give me a chance my lord I promise I will bring Louis to you and kill that Lucy ". " How am I sure that you won't fail again". " Just give me one chance". " There is no need to give you a chance since Louis will come here by himself. You failed to kill his wife but her soul was trapped in my palace,if Louis really love her he will definitely come to rescue her soul so I have no use for you". " My lord please spare my life,I promise I won't make any mistake in future". " Only losers give second chance and am not a loser so don't expect a second chance from me ". ( The devil vanishes triple six's soul).

( On earth at Lucy's home).

" Lucky, where is your sister?" " I don't know father,I had someone knocking on the door but I didn't see who was it maybe he was the one who went with her". " I don't know why I have a bad feeling. I think that her life is in danger ". " You shouldn't worry much father ,Lucy is doing okay wherever she is". " I don't feel so and the parent's worry is always right". ( Lucky's phone ringing). " Let me get it father. Hello". ( Lucky's phone get off from her hands and she looks scared). " What is it ?" " It was Louis on phone". " What did that jack say?" " Lucy". " What happened to her?" " She is in a comma at st Paul's cathedral and Louis is with her". " Let's go there right now".

( At St Paul's cathedral).

( Lucy's father punches Louis). " I always wanted to do this. If you did come back to my daughter's life she won't have ended up like this. Since the day you appeared in her life you've brought nothing in her life but pain". " Actually sir Louis is not the one to blame for all of this". " You're wrong James,am the one to blame for everything. If I never came in Lucy's life maybe she wouldn't be in this situation now. Go on sir scold me ,punch me do what ever you want". " If there should be the one to be blamed here it is me who allowed you to marry to my daughter. If I refused that day she wouldn't be here now". " I promise sir that I will bring her out of comma and after that is done you will never see me back in her life". " And how are you going to do that?" " I will get her soul from the devil's palace but help me with one thing. Tell her that I love her and I will always love her no matter where I am. Also tell her to go on with her life,she shouldn't wait for me".

( At the shores of the sea, Louis puts the eggs on the sea shores).

" The great lord of the sea,your the son of your late servant is here to see you. I hope you can give me a chance to meet with you".

( Under the sea).

" I knew that you will come but not that soon. You open the gates for him and bring him direct to me". " Yes my lord".

( At the sea shores,the water separates and two demons come out of it).

" Come with us". " Where are you taking me?" " Aren't you the one who wanted to meet the lord? Just follow us and don't ask anything again".

( Under the sea).

" You, finally came back to me Louis. Your father brought you to me when you was just 9 months but you've grown up and you became so cute. I have been waiting for this day,I almost thought that it will never come but here you're. But there is this thing am asking myself did you come here because of me or because you want to save your wife's soul". " I came to make a deal with you".