The Great Migration Part 2

 Another night passed without any problems, on the contrary, the hunters who had spread out returned with some wild boars, ensuring plenty of red meat for everyone. This simple and easy-to-hunt animal provided no benefit to the lycans, so it was a good source of protein for the humans. When day broke, Ivan went to look for the Alpha and asked him to release him from daytime watch duties. When the Alpha asked why, he showed him the suit made of grass and explained that his purpose was to test this new item. After looking at the suit with interest, he allowed him to leave, but still warned him about the other dangers during the day.

Dressed as a walking yellow bush, Ivan began his journey of exploring the surroundings during the day. Following only the sawn part, he did not go very far and tried to sniff out any prey that the wind carried the scent of. During several nights of the Tribe's journey, Ivan rested very little during the day and repeated this process each time, expanding his hunting range further. Not once was he the target of the dangerous Kralgor Eagle, and after the first day he began to bring back several smaller prey that lived in the tall grass during the day, such as rabbits, rodents, snakes and a variant of the wild boar that they hunted at night.

The difference between the two boars was that the one during the day looked like a porcupine with several sharp, pointed spines on its back. They did not have any type of poison, but they were still painful to defeat. With this, the innovative hunting method created by "Ivan" began to be implemented by the Aqua Tribe. Of course, Ivan knew that this idea had not been his, but Natasha's, but she could not earn any merits for this achievement, so she left it to Ivan. Now with an extra source of food, the journey continued until the twentieth day when, during the daytime exploration, a large unmapped cave was found by one of the camouflaged lycans.

The cave was large with a single passage and there was some kind of predator living in it. The Lycan who found it was wary and didn't even explore much before going back for reinforcements. Soon a group of 10 lycans led by the veteran Dmitri were sent by the Alpha to explore and find out what predator lived there and if possible, hunt it. The group consisted of the 5 rookies, 1 Lycan similar in age to Derek, Ivan, and 2 more veteran lycans personally chosen by Dmitri. Less than half an hour later, they walked slowly through the huge cave that was now so dark that the lycans could barely see their hands if they didn't have night vision.

The scent of the predator became even stronger... There was also the strong smell of urine, feces and the smell of many carcasses. Dmitri, who was the most experienced, soon recognized the scent of the creature:

"It's a Ground Bear, be careful, if it's a female she may have cubs living with her."

Ivan quickly remembered this powerful animal, it was easily 4 meters tall and weighed 3 tons. It was a slow animal and easy to hunt if they were outside of this cave, but now they were in a narrow space and their speed would not help much. Dmitri then continued advancing, with everyone following him in a tight formation. Soon a loud growl sounded as the creature advanced towards them from the back of the cave.

It was very likely that he had also smelled the invaders from the depths of his cave. Dmitri quickly shouted to everyone confirming that the creature was a female. Everyone raised their guard looking around as he exchanged the first blow with the Earth Bear. The Old Lycan was sent flying backwards while sliding proving that the Bear's strength was much greater than his. One of the newbies tried to repeat Dmitri's feat only to be thrown against one of the cave walls unconscious.

Ivan's senses now that he had devoured Harald were much better than the last time, he easily heard the many bones of the young man who was sent flying break, he acted with a low profile in front of Dmitri keeping a circle around the female while watching the 3 veteran lycans causing small damage little by little. He also threw 1 or 2 blows every now and then, just to not draw too much attention.

The other young men watching Ivan repeated his movements trying to imitate him, but they did not have the same reflexes as him so they seemed inexperienced. Another young man was struck again by the female's paw, the blow was so strong that in addition to the many broken bones, he had cuts so deep that it was even possible to see his entrails.

From the back of the cave, Dmitri followed by Ivan felt the other enemies arriving, there were 3 cubs and all were at least 1.5 meters long and easily weighed 800 kilos each. Ivan acted first, using a quick movement, he cut the neck of one of the cubs, before the 3 veterans could observe his movements. One of the veterans finally abandoned the fight with the mother and quickly killed the other cub, while the other young lycans gathered on top of the last cub, killing it as well. Soon Dmitri and the other veterans finally killed the mother bear, who now had so many cuts on her body that her brown and furry skin could barely be used by the human craftsmen.

With all the young lycans gathered, they devoured the larger bear to their heart's content without restraint, but even so, there came a time when they could take no more. The bear's meat was rich, and its bones seemed to be harder than the antlers of the Night Deer; it was certainly a magical creature. After the young ones, it was then the turn of the other four to enjoy the larger prey. Although the lycans' stomachs were bottomless pits, there were still limits.

There were almost 2 tons left of the larger bear and the 3 cubs were still intact. An extra huge piece was given to the 6 newbies, which included Ivan, and they were sent back to warn all the males to come and feast in the cave. Only then would they take what was left back to the females and humans of the group, which was rare.

As the group of 6 returned, still dressed in their grass camouflage clothes, a huge shadow appeared in the sky, freezing them all in the middle of the tall grass...