The six young lycans stood frozen in place, motionless, while the Kralgor Eagle circled the sky. It had certainly seen something strange in the area and was not about to give up so easily. One of the young men said:
"Should we run?"
"Stay silent and don't move!"
Ivan replied, who now, after the last fight, had a lot of influence over these boys who were the same age as him.
Just as Ivan had said, after 30 minutes the terrible predator flew in a different direction, soon they started moving again and everyone breathed as if they had gained another life.
Ivan, seeing the mood of the other young men, said: "We finally confirmed that the suit works hahaha…"
"Will we get any merit for this?"
"What do you want merits for?"
"To choose one of the lycan girls who did the ceremony with us as my wife!"
"Puft, there are only 3 left since one of them was taken by Derek. If you're lucky, maybe you'll get merits to marry one of the widows, hehe."
"Hehe, I actually prefer one of the widows, I like mature women."
"You're weird!"
"Well, there are some who aren't that old and are still beautiful, hehe." Said another boy.
"I want one of the 3 who haven't had a husband yet, I prefer pure girls."
"Yes, but besides that, brother Ivan hasn't chosen one of them yet, so we only have two girls left or we wait 2-3 years until the next ceremonies…"
Ivan, who was just ignoring the nonsense the young people were talking about, heard his name and turned to them, paying attention.
"Yes, you're the one with the most merits among us."
"Besides, they say that Astrid only talks about you…"
"Astrid?" Ivan tried to remember and there really was a girl with that name. 'Did she like him?'
Before the boys' idle chatter could continue, they finally returned to the Tribe's camp. They warned Alpha Borys about the Kralgor Eagle's attack and the dead bears. He then began organizing the other lycans so that they would all go and eat the powerful prey, starting from the youngest to the oldest.
Ivan walked away after completing his mission and went to see Natasha and take her extra portion of food. But he found something strange. Only his grandfather was in the cave resting. After leaving the meat with him and asking him to deliver it, he went sniffing around trying to find where she was. But suddenly his body froze in place. Not far from where he was, he saw Derek and Natasha. Not only that, but they were kissing.
Losing control, Ivan went into a rage. Letting out a loud growl, he did his partial transformation and ran towards the couple. This time, his punch really hit Derek's face and threw him two meters away.
Natasha screamed in fright and dropped something she had in her hand on the floor. Derek, who fell to the floor, got up transformed and went after Ivan. And soon a bloody fight began between the two. Ivan was surprised that even with his new strength he was still barely holding a draw with the arrogant man.
"Stop!" A female scream screamed from time to time without being able to interrupt the bloody fight that continued and began to wake many inside the cave.
While the fight continued a low voice made both of them freeze:
"Stop it! It's an order!"
Only then did the two stop fighting. The Alpha had arrived because of the civilians' screams, especially Natasha's.
"What happened?" the Alpha asked.
"Alpha, he attacked me out of nowhere. It's not the first time he's done this..."
"Alpha, if I catch him touching the young lycans of the pack again, I'll kill him." Ivan then completely transformed and left the place, not giving the Alpha a chance to give him another order.
"Ivan, wait!" Natasha shouted, terrified when she saw Ivan leaving the camp without his suit.
The Alpha decided to ignore what had happened, assuming the reason for the fight. He was also worried about what would happen to Ivan, but now he couldn't do anything. Maybe it would be better for him to cool down. But he still took Derek with him, constantly warning him about the consequences of his actions.
Natasha, who was left alone, bent down to pick up the fruit that Derek brought her. Every now and then her "fiancé" would come to visit her, bringing her some simple gifts like this fruit, or random things he found outside. Natasha started to find these gestures from Derek cute and whenever he did this, when he was about to leave he would kiss her. Natasha slowly started to get used to this behavior of his, she was also starting to get confused about her feelings towards this marriage…
When she returned to where she stayed during the day she found her grandfather and he gave her the meat that Ivan left, she started to cry again as she hugged the huge package left by her friend. Her feelings for Ivan were slowly getting confused too and she didn't know what to do…
It had been almost 1 month since the Aqua Tribe left their old home and began the event that would later be called the Great Migration. What was a shame was that if the Tribe had stayed in that place for just one more month, they would now be seeing something unprecedented and inexplicable…
From within the lethal Deadly Swamp, a tall, muscular man had emerged. He had long black hair, yellow/tan skin, and the shape of his eyes was very different from those of the Aqua Tribe. He wore only long pants and had a sword at his waist; he had no shoes or shirt, showing off his impressive physique.
The man seemed lost for a moment, but soon he turned around and looked in the direction where the Aqua Tribe caves should be. On his enormous back, it was possible to see 3 long scars that covered most of his skin; they looked like the claw cuts of some unknown animal. When he began to walk slowly towards the caves, a huge shadow loomed over him and the dangerous Kralgor Eagle was about to kill the man with its speed and powerful claws…
But as if he had never existed, the man disappeared completely. The mighty Eagle's talons struck the ground, kicking up dust and dirt. The Eagle seemed confused as it took flight again, circling the area looking for its prey, but never found it again, so it gave up and left.
At the entrance to the Aqua Tribe's caves, the man reappeared out of nowhere. He entered and explored the entire place, but found no sign of life, at least not recently. Inside one of the caves, he finally found the trail of carriage wheels, although the trail had disappeared outside the cave due to a recent storm, he still continued his journey, tracking the group that had begun their migration, his goals in following the Tribe were unknown...