After Natasha absorbed the relic, her personality matured tremendously. After experiencing the lives of all the High Priestesses, it changed her a lot... The first thing she did after that was to make peace with Ivan and in a way accept their feelings for each other, despite making a promise to the Tribe leader to keep the Relic a secret from everyone. Ivan was the only one she told, and he was also the only one she used the relic to grant the mysterious magical power of controlling water.
With her new power granted by the Relic and also the many preys that Ivan secretly brought to her, Natasha finally gained the power to defy the Alpha's orders. In the following months, she began to go out and hunt with Ivan more and more. Since the first month of migration ended, they entered a desert, the worst thing was that even after several months, they were still in it.
The good thing was that the dangerous Kralgor Eagle did not hunt in this place, so the Tribe began to move during the day. But the Tribe still suffered the consequences of this new environment. The sandstorms were so dangerous and lethal that the first time they took the lives of 30 people who were buried in sand.
In a desert full of nothing but sand, there were no caves to hide from the weather. The next storms took more lives again before the Tribe builders finally created some measures that allowed them to get through it. The monsters also caused many deaths, as they attacked during the day and at night. They were lethal, poisonous and hid in the sand. But just like the storms, the lycans adapted to this new environment, the new prey of the desert strengthened even the oldest lycans who had not grown in power for a long time. And they soon overcame these new monsters keeping the people of the Tribe safe.
In the midst of so much disaster, new children were also born and among them 3 new pure-blood lycans. It seemed that the life of freedom and the powerful prey were all that was really missing for the pack to flourish again…
It was then one fine day, when Natasha and Ivan were hunting while following the caravan of survivors from afar that they finally saw a valley appear on the horizon. Showing that the sparse desert had finally ended and they had finally found the possible oasis promised by the Aqua Tribe.
Everyone in the Tribe imagined that the reason why no one had ever returned from the migration with good news was because they had probably all died in this desert. Without the priestesses collecting water through their magic, everyone would have died of thirst long ago. The thought of the many members of their Tribe who could be buried in these sands and their desperation to continue advancing without ever finding an end left everyone melancholic.
After another day of walking, the Tribe finally crossed the valley that appeared at the end of the desert and when they left it, the sight that everyone witnessed was of a true untouched paradise… A lake so large that it was barely possible to see its end. Surrounded by many trees and mountains and full of life… It was possible to see many species of birds flying around the lake and its surrounding forests. Many people fell to their knees on the ground, crying and pinching themselves, not sure if what they saw was not an illusion…
"This will be our new home." Ivan said, holding Natasha's hand tightly as they stood side by side, observing the beautiful landscape.
"I just hope it stays untouched as it is forever, this world always seems to make everything difficult for us."
"We should have positive thoughts about our new home... Speaking of new beginnings, can I ask you something?"
"Natasha, will you marry me?"
Natasha was shocked by the proposal, and at the same time she remained silent for a moment, her situation with Derek had not yet been resolved and she did not know how to respond.
"Just say yes or no, we will deal with the problems later."
Natasha then looked at Ivan smiling and shouted: "Yes, I do!"
The two then kissed…
While the Aqua Tribe settled into their new home, they did not know that not far from where they were putting down their roots, there was another group living there. Not only that, but this group was one that they thought must be buried in the desert…
High on a mountain in a strange, unnaturally shaped cave, three tall, strong men with long brown hair drank alcohol together, while looking out at the landscape outside the cave that showed the Great Lake Arkon. What was strangest about these three men was that they were all Lycan Alphas. The way they drank together in a friendly manner even though they were Alphas made it all strange. The strongest among them and also the tallest had something in the middle of his forehead, it was something square and brown in color. If Natasha had been there and could have seen the item on his forehead, she would have known right away that it was one of the four Relics of her people, the Relic of Earth…
"If you are reading this on a site other than Webnovel or my Patreon, visit the original page to see the author's comment about the ending of this novel."