Act 2 - Enter The World Of Bird Part 1

Gunshots are heard from inside the small brick house, upon a hilltop on the outskirts of the city, a fat rooster was clad in equal amounts fat as muscle, firing buck-shots at the fast black feathered duck (me) that was in bed with his wife. I was dancing around the room, ducking (metaphorically) and dodging the bullets that followed me:

"STAND STILL YOU HORNY SON OF A *BAKA*!!!!" The rooster replied while yelling, refilling his double barrel shotgun, in the meanwhile I was breathing heavily trying to find somewhere that I could use to escape as a door was locked and the windows were closed shut but the rooster's Mrs. had to really open her mouth and make things worse. "Calm down honey, we were just playing!" 

I gave her a look that was the international look for, "Why out of anything that you could've said you said that?!" If I said that I regret sleeping with her, others would probably think that I was lying but in reality I really, really, REALLY regret sleeping with this hen. Things only got worse when her husband dropped the shotgun as he was shaking with anger and walking over to his closet while his wife had a look on her face of once fear but now excitement. "Well well now you've done it webdel as i'm gonna mount you on my wall above my fireplace!!! What I'm saying is," He took out a wooden staff with the scent of moss and swamp water, not to forget a magic crystal that looks strangely familiar. "Tonight, I'm gonna stuffed you duck!!"

Knowing it was too late to piss myself, I was not going to wait for the staff to charge up and him to kill me on the spot or paralyze me so I felt every single torture, the staff was charging up, so I quickly ran with all my might and jumped out the bedroom window as if I was in an Rambird movie. However, before I could carefully run down the hill, that angry plucking chicken shot directly at one of my tail feathers, it grieves me; but it didn't stop my momentum from tripping "Ow!", tumbling "Ow!", rolling "Ow!" down the hill"Ow!", hitting rocks "Ow!", boulders "Ow!", rose bushes "Ow!" & plain thorn bushes "PLUCKING OW!!"

on the way down "Ow!". When I thought that my nightmare was over by regaining my balance when I was only halfway down the hill, I tripped on a log down the hill even further and before I could brace myself my crotch met up with a mockingbird tree. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and my big clashed with the tree trunk, not to mention feeling like my duck balls nearly popped so I let out a loud bloody "QUACK—!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The sound of my pain could be heard throughout the hills and forest, maybe even the entire planet of——

Hold on, sorry about that, let me clarify some information because it's not as easy to clarify as you may think because I would have to get into what happened in those 30 years as much as the world that I came from; simply you know about our universe, how it has this amount of planets, these amount of constellations and this amount of space until we hit the next universe. 

However on Bordaya, a planet the size of Mercury, has more rings than Saturn, but more to offer than earth in many ways: clear skies, trees, water, fresh air, but the problem is there is less than it should. What I mean is it doesn't have humans nor other animals besides birds and the only thing that would probably come close is fish but they are basically meant for food and Bordaya have plenty of that. If I said that there were only anthropomorphic birds then I would be half lying since rumor has it there are creatures who hide underneath the deep blue; many also believe that the creatures live close to the core of Bordaya. I always believed that they were just ghost stories that they would tell little duckies and baby bird-folk to poop themselves at night. Literally every bird in the book has a constellation and if you think that I'm going to count them all then you're asking for too much for a single plucking duck. To my astonishment, my people did not even call themselves ducks, but Webdellians or Webdelmen & Webdelwomen was the label they were given. It was almost like I was walking into medieval times. Everything felt so low; in case you forgot this is webdelman who has seen the 21st-century and seen how fair technology could go. Sure this planet has the necessities but I really needed to help them step it up especially if I had any hopes of going back to Earth one day. So for 30 years I began giving ideas to my family and they ended up giving ideas to the winged people, which led to a lot of chatter which brought a lot of money. Not gonna lie, I was feeling burned out so I decided to let the higher-ups turn out to be eagles with the help of scientific magic used by vultures to take my ideas and my memories to create a better society for everyone. From constellations to cars, microwaves, not even just that but different types of foods & drinks. 

It didn't take too much time for when things started to evolve much easier with the help of my memories in my visions it went from medieval times to looking retro. Lore of the planet began being researched and able for people to spread out and connect with other planets. My Duck parents didn't stay together for long as they both went to two different things out of life; my mother wanted more wealth in the form of stones that was similar to money, while my father wanted to simply cook while following tradition like he did before I was born. However neither of them got what they wanted where traditions changed. My father became well known as a great chef while my mother was gambling hard on me to continue working plus becoming a star along with my siblings that came from other bird species hoping that they would become successful as well. At that time I worried about my mother and more than anything she began to scare me, drinking and smoking while lashing out in hopes that I would get with the program and make her special but she didn't understand that she was already special to me….. I may have had a mother when I was a human and still think of her, but this webdellian woman Nana Waterfowl gave birth to me, raised me like her own child for 10 years but after that she became crazy over wealth and power; causing me to go down a downward spiral of drinking heavy alcoholism, smoking reds and getting laid from 13 and was finally able to calm down at 25; I never was like this before, or maybe I just didn't realize it until now…. Despite everything that I've done I was never brought to prison or take him to counseling as everything was brushed under the rug thing for mom but her torture towards me was much worse; is this what it feels like to have too much power to where no matter what you do, what you say or even who you do, you will go unpunished unless the devil you live with is punishing you?

[1 year before leaving the incident]

[ Free Bird City]

It was a long tough day for my mother Mother, Nana Waterfowl aka Nikki Wink, she is known for her sexual frustrations & being put out by men of bad intentions, was trying to get my siblings some gigs; however because of her reputation it made a lot of folks worry. She tried to stay calm and not let her anger get the best of her until she heard grunting coming from one of the rooms but she simply wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. She first went to her second born son Demi Wingshrine, a crow duck hybrid, who was cleaning up for college. Next was her third & last born daughter Yim Skyswarn, a Swan duck hybrid, seeming to be practicing her lines but was really on her phone with friends .... Leaving only me, her Duck son who was contaminated by cosmic whale semen or whatever that thing is under the water that leaves its remains which carries cosmic energy and magic which powers the planet now. Anyways, my mom knocked on the door as she could hear moaning coming from the other side of the door. One of her rules at the mansion was to not bring flocks over. "HEY, UNLOCK THIS DOOR!!"

I heard her but was busy at the moment, however the knocking got louder which led to what I was doing being stopped immediately. "I'm coming, I'm coming mother dearest."

Sarcastically replying, unlocking the door just to be nearly having my big destruction from my duck mom slamming the door wide open quickly to see that there was an adult movie, art being painted along with many awards roaming the walls of my room, nobody was in there; but she was still insistent that there was something going on behind her back, so she searched my room just to see if there was anything that she could use against me, just so she could unleash her pent-up anger.

"Need anything?" Indeed a sip of my tongue as Nana looked at me, her son, dead in the face; last time she looked at me that way we were ready to tear each other apart but luckily my siblings were there too stop us from causing any real damage to the relationship that we had, luckily duck momma was able to blow it off like she blew the smell of mayo off her breath. "Don't lock the doors in MY *quacking* house again and while you are seeming to have a lot of energy you can go to the store, get me an iced tea, a bag of those chips I like, and a pack of reds."

Can you believe her? I bust my tail feathers, start a revolution and even tried to give everyone the best life possible; but what do I get? Literally zero appreciation! Literally 28 it was going to be 29 in a few days but I was just sick and tired of whatever the pluck this was, while also feeling like a piece of trash to my own mom. Ever since the divorce, the nagging towards me got worse; but this time I'll just let her say whatever she had to say because it must be this bad to lash out this hard while I used the opportunity to get dressed & kick the clothes of a female underneath the bed. She chucked the money in my face as if I was some floozy, even my siblings are not really trying to step into any controversy between us, unless it gets physical.

I was close to walking out of the house but she had to poke at me mentally,"Just remember who pays the bills around here! And if you continue to be disrespectful you'll be a no-good loser just like your father." 

Mom truly had a way of getting under my skin and ironically enough I could do the exact same thing to her; especially how she was trying to have me go buy her things when we have servants & help to do that for us; but she wants her children to do things just because life isn't going her plucking way. So with every fiber of my being, I gave her a snarky reply, not to mention a sprinkle of attitude. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have been telling me this since I was able to sign my first autograph; it doesn't really make much of a difference now when he's cooking up fancy dishes, while you're running around like your head has been chopped off and cooking up debt, so who is the real loser?"

Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in my rear end, sending me rolling down the stairs, out the front door & in front of the gate. I got up, dusting myself off. "Someday she's gonna try and kill me but today is not gonna be one of those days I guess." To chill my nerves I went to go help my female friend, Naya The Raven, down. There was indeed someone in my room but she was lucky to have the skill to fly. "I'm sorry that you have to always use the fire escape to leave my place." I truly feel like a burden to my friend but she smiled at me in the only way she knew how. "It's cool and I hate that your mom treats you like that. But what do I know."

I didn't know if I should laugh or be concerned by Naya's willingness to take anything and not feel offended by what others do towards her. "I need to get out of this city....." Saying this, Naya sighed and for a second there I thought a bit of concern on her face but she returned to having a weary smile "Yeah, we both do but I know you'll get there, but can you buy me a drink?"

Definitely her mind was all over the place but that's one of the reasons why I loved her so much. "Sure thing."With a new sense of courage and believing that things could get better, I truly determined to make things work with this life of mine, honestly feeling that I can really make a difference.

//Later that Day//

Mopping the floor at my father's restaurant, hoping that I might be the one getting a promotion this time, I've been training to do the job of a cook along with many other jobs to help this place get to the next level so just saying that I was doing dishwashing or packaging is an understatement. "I'm gonna get a promotion, I'm gonna get a promotion."

While I was singing, my dad Alan Duck came up from behind and patted me on the shoulder. "I see you are here early again." He said impressed , which put a smile on my face knowing that I was doing something to show my dad that I wasn't just doing the job because it was rewarding but also to show that I'm responsible enough to come in on time. "You bet I am as I need to show that I am dependable and resourceful." With determination in my eyes which helped Alan smile while making a hard decision, "I see you I see you fly boy, keep on working hard as I hope you will be here for the promotion?"Just like that I gave off my best Oscar worthy performance. "Gasped! There is a promotion meeting? I didn't know." I played it off the best I could feeling that things were definitely going to improve or get better for that matter. 

///Promotion meeting///

Everyone was eating their lunch and talking amongst themselves, while I was just getting in after mopping the public toilets; taking off the gas mask but slipped from somebody dropping soda on the ground, leading to me falling to the floor, rolling onto the sofa, then finally laying there upside down.. "Pluck, so this is what I am reduced to? Well it can't get any worse can it?"

Looking over to see my dad walking into the conference room, quickly I got myself back in order, while the one who caused a mess laughed at me under their breath; watching him a platypus act so smug ruffled my feathers, but I didn't let him get in me which led to my father speaking. "After a long half a year I am glad that a lot of you came to work here at the bird seed and plates restaurant. Now after a lot of hard work I would like to award someone-" listening to my dad's big guy could not help but think to myself, ("It's gotta be me.")

"Someone that does the job right and never complains-" My father continued to speak which made me even more excited. ("It's gotta be me.")

"Someone that is a team player-"

("Please be me, please be me, please be me!!")

"Let's not cut around the bush as the one that will get the bonus is-"

("Hell Ye-")

//Few hours later//

I came home from the bar, drunk, and immediately climbed up the stairs to find his mother holding a belt while wearing boxing gloves on her hands. Before I could explain, she punched me in the face and I went tumbling down the stairs. My mother wasn't done as she quickly went down the stairs then whipped me across the back. This all repeated on different parts of my body, mom was once a fighter and practiced what my world would call boxing, so doing all of this was like a workout for her. I was getting up no matter how many times mom insulted me or told me that I was weak; to make things even more painful my siblings were forced to listen to what had just happened to their older brother. Literally took the hits that seemed like everybody else would tell me that I was wrong for defending myself against my mom. As 3 hours went by, Nana was finally done and there was duck pee on the ground with me on top of it, broken.... My brother came looking disappointed and disgusted but he knew that this is how the world is; along with my sister, they walked away from seeing me curled up in a ball.