Act 2 - Enter The World Of Bird Part 2

///Few Days Later///

It took me days to get over the swelling and scars applied upon my body, but the real thing that was messing with my head was the fact that I had nowhere else to go. On my break, I called someone that I didn't want to talk to but felt that I needed to.A fat mockingbird picked up the phone Ronnie (Devo's friend from his school days) "That's crazy man, *Crunch Munch Crunch* That's really crazy." Ronnie was eating peanut butter cake like the pigeon that he is. "Seriously, *Crunch Munch Crunch* what are you going to do?"

No one could understand how much I wanted to grab Ronnie by the throat through the phone and just SLAP the food out of his hands, but I had to listen and be patient. "I really don't know as nobody would believe a paranoid wolf like me and the fact that she messed up so many things in my life it's crazy that I can't even get in contact with my dad.... Let alone hear back from him."

Ronnie: "Crazy man, crazy...."

Devo: "Well I'm going to get back to trying to find a job as money doesn't come cheap or grow on trees..."

Ronnie: "True true, I'll talk to you later." Not even giving me a chance to say goodbye, Ronnie hung up the phone while his pigeon fiance Janice lifted her head up from blowing him. "Who is that baby?" She asked, concerned and curious but Ronnie waved it off as nothing important. "Nobody really, he was just somebody who I went to school with but wasn't anybody important, hahaha! Such a stooge." Without questioning me, Janice went back down to sucking on Ron's nugget as he continued to eat his cake and watch stupid videos on Crystal Vision.

//3 hours later//

I had found a new job and was forced to work the day I started without training, so I was getting the supplies to put on the shelves but overheard some of his female co-workers talking.

Jannie the blue jay: "I'm serious~"

Alex the seagull: "I can't believe you tried to get it on with someone that you met at a bar."

Gretel, Cockatoo: "Yeah! That's crazy!"

Jannie: "Seriously, I was so drunk and high that I couldn't even think straight as all I can remember is feeling a man's embrace within my car and getting my vibrator stuck."

Alex, Blue Jay: "Hahahaha! Girl you're crazy, my husband is coming here so we have to make sure that this store is in ship shape, I'm hoping to get it on with him in the back of the store so.."

Gretel, Cockatoo: "HaHaHaHa!!!"

Holy Pluck, how did I end up in this job? But on the other hand, why waste a perfectly good opportunity? I waited for the moment to take out my camera and smiled when the moment came to finally take a picture of my boss having sex with Gretel's husband in the back of the store.....

///1 Week Later///

A week went by as the whole entire store was shut down for unprofessional sexual activity between the owner and a customer's husband but rumor has it that the store would return back but with new workers leading to me and along with others being unemployed. Without a job I didn't have money to put into the house and without the money to put into the house along with my savings being given to mother dearest, I was *quacked*. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the wall by mom, hearing her yell at me, again."Listen to me!! You don't want me to send you to your father's. Trust me, you will be miserable and without everything that I have ever given you in your life! All you will be able to take is the socks on your feet and the underwear that you staind. Everything is MINE!!!!! Everything belongs to me so if you don't like the fact that I am taking money from you that you can get the hell out and don't come back!!!!"

Looking over to see both my brother and sister staring at me, taking all of the money from my pocket, giving it to his mom... She put the money into her bra, I literally couldn't take it anymore; I decided to come up with a plan to leave this hell hole that I considered my home.

("Well I'm a graduate with a certified graduation sheet, got no kids, treated like trash by everyone that I've ever dated, seeing the world for what it is and being given crap for my hard work..... This is no place for a duck to deal with this type of stress. If this keeps up I'm literally going to bug out.")

Before I knew it, I was sent to his room like a child with tears in my eyes. Instinctively, I looked at an old picture of dad, remembering what the old man told him: "No matter what happens, don't let them see you bug out."

I took the picture and chucked it, hearing it smash against the wall; despite knowing that I had to pick up that glass off the floor, it made me feel better. Looking at the picture and picking up the picture of Naya that has hung on the wall, "The thought of Naya and Me having a life together in my mom's house would be hell; no matter what I need to get out of her."

I decided then & there when the sun went down I'd disappear. Throughout that time I still felt the pain of my mom's hands around my throat squeezing and tugging at my emotions wanting to bug out or at least destroying this godforsaken room. While waiting, I had to listen to my mom have sex with some random guy that she knew from different companies but this was nothing new for me. 

//That Night//

As time went by, I made sure that my mom was fast asleep before packing his things & stealing the car keys to my dad's old handmade Ferrari. However things were not as easy as one would expect….. I went and grabbed the keys in the old coffee can, had my bag of stuff & a container of car oil but before I could head out the door; my mom was just a couple feet away which made me gulp. How did I know it was her? Nana has an obvious and overwhelming smell that is a mixture of booze called Birdy and 20 packs of reds. The sound of a belt rattled made goosebumps run up and down my spine. "And just where do you think you're going at this time of night?" My mother asked with the domineering aura.

"I-I'm just going to a friend's house." I lied while Nana questioned me. "What's with the gas container then?" She had her belt ready and her boxing gloves we're about to be put on. I felt a bit of confidence that I didn't even know I had so I took a deep breath and spoke up. "Because I'm going away and never coming back, you destroy everything that you touch and I don't just mean people, but your family, your friends, everything."

Nina my mom the one who gave birth to me and watched the moment I hatched had a face that looked ugly like an ostrich and was ready to bite my head off. "I don't know who you're talking to and I don't know where you will go but I know for every pluck that I ever gave was for you and your siblings; everything that I've ever done was for y'all! So I'm giving you this one chance to go to your room."

If this was before I might have given in but this is me who has seen both a life filled with love and care just to end up in one filled with neglect and pain. I made my choice knowing the aftermath was not gonna be easy nor was it going to be simple. "But it doesn't matter what you have to say about the situation because I'm going anyway."

As I went for the door, the moonlight coming from the 3 moons had begun to align behind my mom; at that moment, I was finally going to bug out and somehow, some way, stopped my mom from hitting me with the belt with some type of willpower. Then when she went for a punch, I pushed mom with enough momentum to send her flying backwards into their 70 inch plasma screen CV with the fact that the shockwave hit all of the windows around the area. I breathed heavily as I looked at my hands feeling the sting from the belt but it didn't hurt as much as the feeling of my heart being ripped apart by the woman who raised me. I looked over, saw my brother and younger sister standing there in the shadows which made me feel ashamed as I forgot about them. But as they got closer those young kids slowly became teenagers then finally the adults they are; it brought a tear to my very eyes knowing that they were all grown up and I was no longer needed but they still shocked me with a hug. Before I knew it they let go of me but they left things behind. Demi put $30 in my feathers, while Yim gave me a pair of brass knuckles along with a pack of reds. "Get going and you have a long road ahead of you." Those words for my brother definitely gave me hope as I probably would never see him again but I knew that whatever he did or wherever he went he would be the hero of his own story because that's my brother. Walking over trying not to stay for too long as I could hear mom starting to wake up. "When mom wakes up, tell her I'm sorry..... & I love her." Without thinking, I ran out of the mansion, went for the car that was staying in a dark alley for years now but before I could open the door; my younger sister hugged me, comforting her with tears running down my face. "I gotta go."

Hugged my sister one last time before she ran off, allowing me to fill up the car, then get in. 

Ironically enough, I found hobos that were living in that car, having sex, but at the time it really didn't matter because for the sake of my well-being I was going to do anything to get out of this godforsaken New Bird City.... But first, I wanted to go see Naya, but when I started the car and drove her home, I could see her getting it on with a guy that looks similar to me in many ways; I should be mad or upset but all I could see was her happiness from the window. I didn't make it sound and rode off with the sound of the engine going off, leaving New Bird City. Cop cars came after me, Nana probably had called them to try to stop me from leaving, but they were already too late & the moment that I passed through the city border the moon's were getting closer and closer to aligning. Started feeling weird, but that feeling wore off when the cops had stopped, "HA! SO LONG COPPERS!!!!"

Calling out with arrogance in my throat, laughing out loud until the car suddenly ended going downhill when the bridge to the other side collapsed. Truly I didn't think that the bridge would collapse nor did I end up believing that I'd fell down into the parking area to a bar in New Wind Town called "Eggy". I was shocked for a bit then surprise crept in realizing that I survived such a dramatic fall. Got out of the car and went into the truck to get some of my dad's clothes that no longer fit him but would definitely look good on me:

Just a simple white button down with the sleeves rolled up, pink vest, yellow tie with orange polka dots, finally a gold watch placed on my wrist, dapper. With new clothes on, I looked through the rest of the truck to see if there were any wheels that could be used for the car since the other wheels seem to be flat but all I could find was all the baby clothes and I thought of our room that somehow was in the truck. I put one of the photos into my pocket as tears slowly ran down my face, going into the bar, sitting down on a stool waiting to be served. ("After years of this BS, I really needed a drink, but was any of the torture worth it?")

Despair, sadness & aggravated by this whole situation, looking at the news, it talked about me and how I turned my back on New Bird City. Lowering my head then asked the owl bartender for a drink; but as soon as my drink came, I was angered by the bartender giving me a shot glass. Turns out, I didn't have much money and didn't wanna waste it so I drank it then took other shots of different alcohols. Suddenly, the bartender brought a large mug of beer, I was about to get angry thinking that he was trying to jip me with a large bill; suddenly I heard the sound of a cat call from a woman who seemed to have bought me the mug of beer. I looked over to see it was a chicken in a sexy red dress with long black hair.

///41 drinking minutes later///

"Hahaha you literally sent your mom flying hahahaha."

June laughed while the two of us were drunkenly compensating while I was telling my story, 8 pints of beer & 30 years of bull. "It is funny and not funny, the fact that my own siblings feel pity for me; even my girlfriend ended up being with someone that looked like me, maybe even sounds like me..... I don't care how much she begs or pleads for my forgiveness, I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO HER!!"

June cut me off and caressed my cheek; she was flirting with me or just trying to comfort me, "Is there anything that I can do for you?"

Hearing June say this, I clearly was not in my right mind; while the booze was definitely hitting me, it was making me feel confident and willing to take on the world no matter how tipsy I was, "I think I know a way we both can feel better." 

You'd probably think that two of us went straight to her house with a make out session, hahahaha! —Strangely no. We literally ended up spending a whole bunch of money on the casinos, going to nightclubs and spending time with each other but I don't remember much of everything that happened that night besides me going to location after location for some reason, even a fight that I won. Before I knew it, The two of us were going at it in a fierce Makeout session inside of her car with our tongues swirling; our becks colliding to where we finally got it on. June and myself are both craving this sensation, and then we somehow made it into her home that was pitch black. "Oh Devo~ what have you done to me~? You're an animal~."

Hearing her say that I couldn't help agree with her since since I've been in this world I've had no complaints in the bedroom department and for some reason my cock was definitely feeling like it had been through a few rounds so one more for the road couldn't hurt. "Hell yeah sexy...."

I kept on going at it, giving June extra strokes, hitting those spots that made her make chicken sounds with every single thrust underneath the blanket. Hearing the sound of a car rolling up and stopping which instantly made me start pulling the blanket from over my head. "I just heard something. Do you have a visitor coming at this time or should I be worried? "

June Heard the sound of a car opening closing which made her eyes nearly pop out of her skull, "Oh pluck!"

Hearing her say this made me look at her confused. The sound of keys rattling filled me with a sense of fear and concern, "What oh pluck?!"

"It is nothing!" June said this but it didn't reassure me he just filled me with even more excitement. "No, no, no! You don't say "oh pluck" for no reason!"

Just like that, a male rooster bursted through the door and he turned on the light showing that her husband was a hunter of other bird breeds that came into his house. "WHAT THE PLUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!????"

"H-h-hi honey.... This isn't what it looks like...." June was scared to anger her husband any further but he wasn't trying to hear that as it turned out that his name was Harry that was illegally killing his own kind for a different alien race but that doesn't stop his wife from cheating, especially with a man who made these changes to their society. "This is the 97th time you have done this, now I have to kill him just like the others that you have brought up he-"

My anger truly felt like I wasn't even in the situation anymore so I had to point out the obvious of the situation, "Time the duck out! You're telling me that your wife has been doing this for 94 times and you have not even tried to file a divorce or left her to start your own life in any other way possible?!"

Harry thought about it for a moment but his wife gave him a certain look that I didn't realize at the time but definitely he changed his tune real quick, "You can't judge our love… certainly if you're hanging up on my wall!"

Harry pointed his gun at me while I gulped, "Mother.."

("And that's how this whole thing started. Now they were all caught up-")

I made my way all the way to the bottom of the hill, holding my groin in the process; I was holding my groin. Harry the rooster was in his Jeep and followed the pathway down the hill. "Hahahaha! I caught you! I'm going to chop you up and put in my lasagna tonight while your head is on the front of my fireplace little plucking Duck..."

Henry clicked his gun and pointed it at me, not noticing that the 3 moons moon was becoming full, the clouds were disappearing, "As you know the old saying goes: wrong place, wrong time."

I did my best not to bug out knowing that this was my fault in the first place and I knew that something like this would happen one day but I couldn't help but be a little snarky at my last and final moments."Some rules are meant t-" Before I could even finish my sentence, all three moons were in alignment and shot a crystal like beam down to where I was standing, Harry was shocked by these turn of events while the duck named Devo was shot through space; entering another dimension to another dimension in a panic and confused on what the outcome will be. "WHAT THE DUCK IS GOING ON!?"