A little midnight killing. (Part 2.)

I told Suzuko to bring her mother along as I needed to save three more girls before we could leave this world. She nodded and helped her mother up as I looked at her lifeless eyes, and I felt pain in my heart as I touched her cheek and made her look me in the eye. Life started to come back to it before she began to cry and hug me, making Suzuko shocked as her mother didn't show any emotions and wasn't eating anymore. "It's okay; I will take care of you from now on. I will shower you with love so you will forget what those limp-dick Japanese rapists did to you." She hugged me harder and nodded into my chest as I looked over to Suzuko. "I will ensure your girls never suffer; you have my word. Now let's go kill the rest of those people that don't deserve to live, shall we." I said, and she nodded.

"How long till the cops get involved, do you think?" I asked Suzuko as we walked to the car. "Cops? what is that." She said as I almost tripped on my feet. "Nothing, where I am from, they stop bad people. But it makes sense they wouldn't be here as they would have killed the rapist long before I came along. This world is fucked up and needs a little US Freedom, I guess." Smiling, we got into the car. I guess I don't need to hide around, and I can go balls to the wall. Let's have some fun, then. Getting back to the school and walking towards the baseball field where Tomomi Yamanaka would be, I pulled out my AR-15 from the storage. I aimed at the baseball team members that were about to stick a baseball bat into her pussy, and I pulled the trigger, hitting them in the head and killing them. As the rest tried to run, I shot them in the back like the bitches they were.

I walked over to Tomomi, and she looked up at me with tears. She jumped onto my chest and started to cry as I rubbed her back. "It's okay; I will take care of you from now on. Come with me if you want to leave this place." She looked up at my face and then at a boy before looking back at me and nodded. "I wish to leave this place." Her boyfriend didn't save her, and she let her first love die out as she followed me along with the other two. I switched mags out and reloaded as I started to gun down every red name I saw. By the time I got into the school, I had killed close to 30 people. This village should just be bombed, as I know for a fact their fathers were a part of this sick Club and stupid tradition. 

I walked into the school, gunning down everyone with a red name as I made my way to the school nurse's office, the three girls behind me were in wonder as I killed all the scum of this school bodies fell to the floor and some even beg before he blows their head apart with his handgun as he stops before the office and heard two women and a group of males I kick in the door as the boys hold knifes two my next two girls as the hand knives to their throat and the other boys stand around "Drop your guns! Or we will kill these bitches!" I sighed and threw down my AR-15 and two M1911s. They picked them up and pointed them at me as they threw the two girls to the side. "We got you now; we are going to make you watch as we rape these girls." They said as I started to laugh and walked forward. I got near the two who had knives and smirked. "Have any of you ever even touched a gun?" I said, making the guys holding the guns look at them. I grabbed the arm of one of the kids with a knife, bending it, making him stab himself in the neck as I pulled the knife out, charging the next one.

Getting in front of him, he swung wide as I dodged and stabbed him in the back of the neck, cutting his brainstem. He fell to the ground, unable to move as the ones with the guns tried firing. I pulled out the M4 shotgun, blowing away seven guys with rapid firing, leaving the three with the guns as they walked back, dropping the guns as their backs hit the wall. "I never reloaded the guns after emptying them. I knew y'all would use the girls as hostages and pick up my guns if I dropped them, giving you a failed sense of being in power." I said while putting the empty M4 shotgun away and picking up one of my M911s, and they started to plead. "We were forced to join the Club. We never wanted to rape anyone." They said as I reloaded it and put a bullet in all three of their heads. "No one can make you break the law. You choose to do it by not standing up. God won't care when you say someone made you do, at least dying owning your a piece of shit." Trash, enjoy your place in hell.

I picked up the other guns and reloaded them. I looked at the two women and smiled, making them blush. "Come with me if you want to live," I said while holding two hands. They grabbed them, and I pulled them up. The map shows me the next one isn't that far away as I make my way, killing some more, but most of them have run. I get to a classroom and hear yelling, "If I am going to die, I will at least rape the girl I have been wanting to!" I killed in the door, making the two guys in it look over as they held down the last girl, Maki; she was crying as I shot the two. She hadn't become the girlfriend of the blonde bitch that runs the Club yet, so I reached my hand out and pulled her up as I covered her with a blanket as she hugged me. "Do you want to come with me?" I asked, and she nodded. I like that the system makes them fall in love with me the moment I save them, making everything much more straightforward.

I saw all the red dots moving toward the shrine area as I started to walk toward the region. I changed my path as I took a position on a cliff overlooking the opening before the cave, as a group of men started massively before it. I began to set up my M240B and link seven hundred rounds together. When I finished, the group of people in front of the area was around two hundred, all men from the village. The blonde girl, I didn't even bother to learn her name as I don't care to learn the names of those I kill, walked out of the cave to the Shrine and started to speak.

"Someone has been killing members of the Club; the teens here are the last of them in the school. Your sons were killed." About ten teenagers were left behind her as the adult males started to yell. "WHO WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM!" I began to laugh out loud, and as I was only 25 meters away, they could hear me. "I was the one who did it!" I yelled as they looked at me. I opened fire, mowing down everyone, including the blonde bitch; they got massacred within seconds, as they froze up the moment I opened fire. By the time I fired all the rounds, the barrel was red hot as I looked at the corpses on the ground, not one making a sound as I let out a moan of pleasure smelling the gunpowder. "American style first form: Get Rekt," I said, standing up and putting the M20B away as I started to walk down the cliff.

"What are you doing?" The girls asked with worry. "I am going to blow up this shitty Japanese Shrine, and we can leave this place," I said with a smile as they smiled back and nodded. The nightmare of Rinkan Club is over, and no woman will ever have to suffer at its hands again. They were happy. I walked in and started to place all the C-4s throughout the cave and Shrine as I heard a voice coming from an Idol. "Why do you desire to destroy my Shrine!" I looked over at it and started to laugh. "Because you're a shit stain on life and don't deserve to be worshiped. Now get fucked." I said while finishing up, and I could hear the Idol cursing me, but I have a goddess on my side, way stronger than your limp dick. As I walked out and walked over to the girls 300 meters away, I pushed the button, and the whole place shook as the cave filled in, and I smiled at them.

"Shall we go to the next world and save some more girls? " I smiled, and they nodded.