A little midnight killing. (Part 3.)

As I and the girls opened our eyes, we were outside a mansion. As they looked around in wonder, I pulled out the M32 grenade launcher and loaded an M433 and five M670 smoke rounds. I put the thermal goggles on and stood about 100 meters away from the big front door, looking at the building map. No one was in front of the door, and one of the women I would be saving was in the living room, surrounded by red dots, as the other two were on the next floor. I fired the anti-material round at the door, blowing it open as I fired the smoke rounds into the ground floor and top floor in rapid response before running in as people were freaking out. This period was before WWI. They had no idea what was going on. Gunning down, the males who had ran out of the building as the girls followed behind me; watching me kill bad guys made them horny as I could see blush showing up on their faces. I am a hero, so who wouldn't like me? I killed five as I entered the building, and the girls followed behind me as shots ran out, downing every man on the bottom floor.

I stepped in front of Saya, "Come with me, dear; you deserve a better man than your husband." I pulled her as she nodded, and I went to the stairs, seeing the last of the red dots and the two girls I needed as the head of the household spoke. "What is a white foreigner doing here!" He yelled. "I am here to save these women from a horrible fate, so I would kindly ask you to die for me." I finished saying as I gunned down a fat fuck and two older men along with the head of the household. I walked up the stairs and held out my hands for the two women as they grabbed hold of them, and I asked Lilly to send me to the next world.

Standing in a stadium-like back area with the girls, I followed the map to a changing room for the girls. I kicked the door in and saw a middle-aged man with glasses and a beard. I pulled out one of my M1911s as he had one of the girls against the wall, and the other one had been standing outside as she was told to. Not knowing what was going on, she walked in after us. Seeing the producer pinning her friend against a mirror with her top off, anyone could tell what was happening. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" The producer yelled as I looked at the pink-haired girl and said, "I am here to save her and take her with me along with her." I pointed at the blonde-haired girl behind us. "You want to rape these women, and I will kill you for that," I said as he broke out in laughter. "She is doing it out of her own free will." He said with a grin, and I laughed at his stupidity. "You threatened her with not promoting her and making sure she wouldn't ever sing again. That's not freewill limp, dick Japanese loser; that's a threat. But don't worry, I don't make threats; I make promises as I do everything I say." I finished saying as I shot him in his left kneecap, making him fall to the ground.

"FUCK YOU! YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS I HAVE POWERFUL FRIENDS!" He yelled on the floor while screaming in pain like a little bitch boy. "Why are you screaming? It's only a gunshot wound; those don't hurt. I have at least a dozen of them, and I never screamed like a little bitch." I said while walking up to him and kicking him in his face. Making him slide across the floor and slam up against the wall as the pinky-haired and blonde looked at me with blushed faces as I walked over to them. The two were hugging each other as I kissed the pink-haired Miyu and then Reina as I pointed my gun towards the producer the was lying against the wall and put a bullet into his head as he wasn't a man at all but a screaming little bitch boy. "You two are coming with me," I said while putting my M1911 away and squeezing their asses as they smiled and nodded.

Lilly sent us to the last world as both these hentai occur in the same world. As we get there, we end up in a school gym. No one is around, and I put my gear away as there are only two sacks of shit I need to kill here. I can easily do it with my hands as the gym teacher is a fake strong man, and the second one is a fat nerd who follows a girl. I could easily break their necks with my hands. As I finished putting up my gear, the woman asked: "Why did you put your weapons up?" 

"Simple, these next two aren't worthy of my guns, and my hands can easily deal with their shit stains existence," I said with a smile as we walked towards the girl who was on the move. As I ran into her, she was Kaya. "Young lady, can I ask for you to guide me towards your gym coach," I said as she looked at me through her glasses, blushing as she thought to herself that I was the most handsome guy she had ever seen before, shaking her head and speaking. "Sure, my name is Kaya. What's yours?" She said, wanting to know my name. "It's Freddy. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaya." I held out my hand as she reached for it. I kissed the back of her hand, making her get flustered before walking faster with a smile on her face.

I noticed a red dot following us as I whispered to the girls to leave momentarily. Me and Kaya went into a room and hid as a fuck nerdy guy walked in. Those you think would read or watch this type of hentai were breathing heavily as he was angry. I whispered to Kaya as I held her around the waist, her ass rubbing up against my groin. "That guy has been stalking you. Do you want me to take care of him?" I said, as she had seen this kid watching a lot lately but was too scared to do anything. She nodded, and I kissed her cheek, and we left our hiding spot. "You shouldn't be stalking a woman; that is beta ass fuck," I said while telling Kaya to leave the room and join up with the girls standing outside the room while I took care of this.

"YOU STAY WAY FROM KAYA!" This fatass charged me as I hit him with a "Golden Ratio," making him fall backward onto the floor, crying like a little turdnugget. As he started to get up, I backed up and ran up and performed a "Cave-in," slamming him back onto the ground, screaming in pain as he grabbed his chest. I felt his sternum crack along with some of his ribs. It's time to end this so I can go kill the teacher. I roll him over, and he screams in pain as I break his neck, making his fat body go limp. I throw his head onto the floor as I stand up and leave the room. Kaya looked at me with worship as I rubbed her cheek, "You're one of my girls now." I said, and she smiled and nodded.

We started to walk. As we got to the gym teacher's office, I saw a girl walk into the office with him. I told everyone to wait as he made her drink something in the hentai. If I entered now without her drinking it, she wouldn't understand what I was saying, so I would enter after a moment. After two minutes, I entered the room along with everyone else after picking the lock, making the teacher freak out as Aoi Kanzaki was getting dizzy.

"Look at this limp-dick teacher trying to rape a student; you got to be a massive loser to drug a woman. That screams beta; let me put you in your place." I said while stretching my arms.