A little midnight killing. (Part 4.)

The gym teacher didn't know what was going on. A White guy just barged in and is now walking towards him while he was about to rape the girl he has been eyeing for a while now. "You're not allowed to be on school grounds. Leave before I call the cops!" He yelled. I broke into laughter as I smiled. "Sure, call the cops, and we can tell them how you drugged a student and were about to rape her. I know they would love to hear that story more than a guy who is not supposed to be on school grounds. Who do you think will be going to jail, me or you?" I said while I kept walking towards this dumb fuck of a beta male. "You think you're an apex male, don't you? But needing to drug a girl just to sleep with her is the peak of bitch boy; I can't believe people self-insert as you. Like you are some kind of alpha male, the only thing that makes a male alpha is his ability to kill, and you don't have that at all. But I will show you what a true Alpha male is as I break your body bit by bit until you lay broken on the ground, and then I will kill you." I said, making him back away, sweating in fear.

I get four feet away from him, and he swings a fist at me, parrying it, and sends a punch to his floating rib, breaking it as it pokes into his liver, sending him to his knees as he screams in pain. "Oh, come on, it's just a broken rib damaging an organ. Nothing to cry about," I said, looking down at him sarcastically as tears started to flow from his eyes, and I couldn't help but laugh. "I thought you thought of yourself as a strong man, but here you are on your knees crying. Well, you had to drug a girl just to be able to touch her, so I shouldn't have expected much from you as your clearly a beta bitch." I finished speaking as I grabbed his hair and started to punch his face over and over as cuts began to form; I made sure not to damage one of his eyes as I wanted him to watch as I fuck Aoi Kanzaki. I look over at her, and she is starting to get able to move somewhat. The drug was a long-lasting one as I turned back to the gym teacher and placed a foot on his ankle, stepping down, shattering it, and ripping the tendons in it as I repeated it on the other ankle, making him lay on the ground in pain. 

"I finally understand why the people who watch these kinds of hentai self-insert as the antagonist; it's because they have no fucking ability to talk to women and think drugging a girl is somehow manly. They are just as much as a bitch boy as you." I spoke, making the guy confused about what the hell I was talking about. I bent over and grabbed his left arm. Placing my hand on his wrist while he tried to struggle, but he was way weaker than me. I put my other hand on the back of his elbow while holding his wrist tightly. I pushed on his elbow, breaking his arm as he screamed in massive pain while tears and snout flowed from his bloody face. As I reach for his other arm, he starts to beg. "Please, I am sorry. I will quit my job and never bother her again." When he finished, I grabbed his other arm, smiled, and spoke. "Why are you saying sorry to me? I am not god, and I don't do that whole forgiveness shit. You are a piece of shit, and you deserve to fucking die; your own actions brought this upon yourself. If you were a McRapist and McPedo, I wouldn't be here immediately breaking your arm." I finished saying as I broke his last good arm, making him unable to move or stand now. 

As he lay on the ground whimpering like the bitch boy he was, I turned to Aoi, who was now not drugged, as she looked at me with a blush and a smile on her face. I walked over to her and leaned forward, whispering into her ear as her eyes light up, and she smiled while nodding her head I pulled the coffee table in front of him as he cried on the ground in pain. Aoi walked over and squatted down as she undid my pants, and my cock fell out as I was semi-hard. It was pointing to the sky a little. "You are so much bigger than that Japanese rapist of a gym teacher; he wanted to take my first time with something like his little pencil dick, but your massive white cock is the only kind of cock I want." She said while looking at the gym teacher with contempt. Aoi slowly licked it from the base to the head while I could hear the gym teacher grinding his teeth in hate, and I chuckled. "See, I am what you call a real man; I don't need drugs to get a woman to want to bear my children. But with your horrible looks and small dick, that is the only way you could ever get a girl to touch you. You're a beta, while I am an Alpha." I said while he started to curse me.

Aoi got up from her knees after a few minutes and turned around as I picked her up and held her from behind the knees. I walked over to the gym teacher after kicking him and making him lay on his back as I stepped on his chest so she couldn't move. I lowered Aoi onto my cock, making her moan as the head started to spread her open. "Dear, your godly white cock is spreading my pussy wide open. It's amazing. Please fuck me hard and turn my insides into your shape." She moaned out as I hit her hymen and pushed through it as it went all the way to her womb, making her stomach bulge. She started to piss from the pleasure as it landed on the face of the gym teacher, making his cuts burn as he screamed in pain. "STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH TEACHER! YOU WERE ABOUT TO RAPE ME AND NOW YOUR CRYING LIKE A BETA MALE!" She said, taking pleasure in his screams of pain. She was tight, and her pussy was wet and hot as I started to move inside her while lifting her up and down.

We went at it for an hour as we humiliated the gym teacher, and I broke a few of his ribs, as I told Aoi. "Aoi, I am going to fill your virgin womb with my cum! Take all of it!" I yelled as she tightened up and moaned as she spoke. "YES! FILL ME UP WITH YOUR ALPHA MALE CUM, BREED ME WITH YOUR WHITE BABY! I DON'T EVER WANT A JAPANESE OR ANY OTHER KIND OF MANS BABY BUT YOURS!" She screamed as I started to pump cum into her. As she pissed once more onto the gym teacher, who was lying on the ground, lifeless and broken, I smiled at this pathetic McRapist. She went limp in my arms as she smiled at her work; she was happy that I let her help in the torment of her rapist as I lifted her up, and my cum sprayed out of her pussy, covering the teacher who was still looking up at us in my cum as I pushed down on his chest squashing his heart and killing him.

Moving her to the sofa, I let her down and started to wipe her body clean. As she watched me clean her up, she smiled at me. Not only is this man ruthless to those who want to hurt her, but he is kind to her in her time of need. He is gentle. She likes this man a lot; he saved her from that ugly rapist of a teacher and got her justice while also making her first time memorable. She wants to follow him to the ends of the world even though other women surround him as she looks at him, smiling at her with a kind smile, even though Kaya is here.

"Come, we still have two more women to save from a couple of Japanese rapists," I said while I finished helping her dress.