WebNovelCult Wars36.36%

Next President

As the word got out of Denver's death, many leaders started preparing for their election campaign and their debates to prove them as ideal candidate to be the next president.

DOP has reached West Zone and as soon as he got there he met Domer and gave his condolences. He then asked Domer to handover the assasisns to National Police. Domer refused for obvious reasons, he wanted to find out about the people behind it by himself and avenge his father's assasination attempt.

Denver was alive and well but according to Denver's plan he wanted people to think that he was dead and all of the Hospital staff was told not to open their mouth or else they will lose their life.

Domer and Harlem have a conversation about who should handle the captured Assassin.

Domer: I know you want him but I can't let you have him, not until he tells me who was behind this scandal and who hired him.

Harlem: We both want to know who is the brain behind this, if you just let me do my job, I might be able to find him and I will also need the dead guy with me.

Dracos barges in between the conversation

Draco: there's no question about it, we won't give you any of the guys, they will be taken to our base and we will find out with our own ways.

Harlem: I understand both of your concerns but It's my duty! Why don't you two understand!?

Draco and Domer both refuse in unison. Harlem takes a pause and thinks for a moment and talks again.

Harlem: So how about we make a deal?

Draco: What deal?

Harlem: You give me the dead guy, National Police will have a post marterm and give him back to you in 5 days and you can keep the alive guy but you will give every information that has been extracted from him. What do you say?

Domer thinks about it for a moment but Draco was about to refuse it without any hesitation but gets stopped by Domer.

Domer: okay it's a deal but I want you to conduct any of your Investigation or operation with the body in Scorpions HQ. Deal?

Harlem has no choice but to accept it, so he accepts the deal and immediately sends a message to National Police HQ in Central Zone.

(Cult Facts: Since Central Zone serves as the government captial of the country, the Spiders get a fixed amount of money from all the Cults and a fixed cut in their annual taxes)

27 January, 1840 (9 days till elections)

Harlem and his team have arrived at Scorpions headquarters, he has told his team of doctors to find out everything possible from the corpse.

Meanwhile the alive man is taken to the cell for a 3rd degree treatment, the person who was incharge for this torcher was Draco. He is an expert in 3rd Degree torchers, he has been doing this job for the Scorpions for years. It doesn't take long for Draco to get out important information from the assassin. It only took an hour for him to break and puke out everything he knew.

Jon was preparing his convoy via waterways to travel all over to the South to have a chat about the elections with The Sharks. The plotting and scheming had already begun, the Cult Leaders were ready to claim their name on the President's position. There were talks of Dagger or Jon holding the position of President and becoming 2nd ever President of Takht.

Meanwhile, the operation on the dead assasin brought some revealations to the National Police, DOP was made aware of the findings as soon as possible. He told the doctors to not tell these findings to anyone and no one should know about it except them.

Harlem was worried with the findings, he prepared to go on the site where Denver was attacked, they were trying to find how and where did Denver got attacked. The police patrolled the entire area and tried to find clues, they went into the woods and followed the path of the dead assassins that he took while running away from Draco. Harlem and his team find something in the woods which was hidden away, they found a sack which was burried under the ground. They dug it up and took out the sack, inside the sack their were long range weapons and some money. The currency was not of Takht, this lead to the speculations that the assassin was called here from a foreign country and paid to do the job. It was a huge finding in President assasination case.

28 January, 1840 (8 days till election)

It was the morning when Draco went to meet Domer to tell everything about his findings of the assassin that got caught by Domer. Draco entered the hall where Domer was sitting and at the same time Harlem enterd the room too to tell Domer about his findings. Both the men entered and yelled the same thing at the same time. "HE CAME FROM A FOREIGN LAND!" both of them were surprised as much as Domer. Draco wastes no time and tells everything about the Assassin.

Draco: Brother, he lives in a nearby nation and he was paid to kill father, he was hired by Bandits. The men who liked to hunt villages, destroy homes, kill people and take women. They are monsters who wanted father dead because they want to takeover Takht!

The funding shocked Domer and Harlem alike. They both were concerned and alert, this was a national issue that needed to be raised in the conference. Domer says that now Takht needs to be prepared for an upcoming war.

Domer asks Harlem if there was any new findings regarding the dead guy, Harlem says that apart from being a man from out of this country, he also had money in his country's currency which was a good amount according to the Police's calculations. They also found weapons which were made in Takht and to be precise, made from East Zone.

Domer: do you mean to say Jon is involved in all this?

Harlem: I'm not sure but right now he is the prime suspect and this will be the last time I'll share anything with you. National Police will be conducting their own investigation from now on.

Domer: Well if that's what you want, but you got all the help from the Scorpions whenever you want.

Harlem: I appreciate that, tomorrow I'm leaving for the capital, I'll send warnings to all the regions regarding the Bandit threat.

Draco: The guy said that these Bandits are closing in quickly and will be on the Northern borders by 2nd week of March.

Harlem: Thank you for the information, I think it's time Takht unites and fights a common enemy.

Domer: This might probably stay a dream Mr. Harlem. I wish you all the best in your journey.

Harlem nods and leaves the room. Domer sends a note in the entire West Zone to increase the defences, alert the Cult Crew and prepare the weapons because things are going to be worse from here.

30 January, 1840 (6 days until Election)

Jon and his men were meeting with the Sharks, they reached on the shores at around 10:45 AM, Jon brought his son Rudolph with him, he was a 26 year old young man who would overtake Jon as the successor. The Slithers met with the Sharks in a small meeting where Jon wanted the support of Sharks in the elections. He convinced Dagger to support the Slithers and in return he will have his benifits, the meeting was still going on but a crew man came in rushing to Dagger, he alerted in a loud voice "We're under attack my lord! They came from the seas!"

Read the next chapter to know who had attacked the South Zone and what will become of the meeting between the Slithers and the Sharks.