WebNovelCult Wars45.45%

Battle of the South Sea

The ships and sails covered the seas of South Zone, the men with chants of "Long Live Ghors" were surrounded in the entire coast of South Sea. The Sharks and the men of Slithers travelled to South Zone were surprised, they had never seen such an attack in their life and this kind of attack on Takht had never happened since 1385 during the rule of previous Dictator.

There were just a few men on the shores of South Sea, around 50 Shark Crew members and around 30 Slithers Crew Members. One of the Sharks men took out his monocular and started counting the number of boats, then he runs to Dagger to tell him that he counted approximately 30 boats carrying 20 men each. Dagger alerted his men for a battle, a battle with around 600 men.

Dagger alerted Jon and adviced him and his son to leave the site and get to a safe spot as this could be threatening to their life but Jon refused. Jon said that now the Sharks and Slithers were friends and friends always fight together.

Jon still insisted that as a friend he wants them to be safe and sound, but there was another reason he didn't want to tell the Slithers. If the leader of a Cult dies in his territory then it might trigger a rage in the people of East Zone and this might also give a bad reputation to West Zone.

Despite Dagger's insistence, Jon refused to leave the front and took his stance. Rudolph though had other ideas, he asked his father to leave the field and move to a safe spot while he would command the Slithers. Jon trusts his son and hence he went to a place away from the shores escorted by 2 Slithers crew members. Rudolph took the charge of the Slithers and Dagger was ordering his men. They were prepared for a battle and were waiting for the ships to come in the range of their arrows, with only few men currently on the shores the Cult Party didn't have many archers on the shores. But with the few men they had they made the most of it, they lit their arrows and aimed for the sails, they were trying to burn the sails but unfortunately only one ship burned it's sail. It was too late anyhow, the ships were already in shallow waters, all the people on that boay survived and now the attackers were on the ground running towards the Cult Party.

The attackers attacked with swords in their hands, one by one all the boats were landing on the shores, the archers aimed for the attackers and other men with Swords and Shields barged in to the fight. Rudolph yelled to his men "The Snakes formation! To the ship!" He lead his men to the ship on the very front. They ran like a snake in a zig zag formation while killing the enemies in their way. Rudolph was in the centre of the formation ordering and guiding his men, their plan was to capture one of the ships and kill the men on the ships on by one. On the other side, Dagger and his men used a lethal and direct way, they went head on with the enemies and tried to kill them with their exceptional sword skills.

Dagger and his right hand man Fredrich both leading a two way infantry - a fighting formation where 2 groups face their back to each other and fight while also protecting the person behind their back. The attackers who called themselves "Ghors" were much more in number as compared to the Cults party, Sharks and Slithers were outnumbered for the time being. The Slithers invade a ship successfully and start killing the men in their, Rudolph skillfully kills 3 people in the boat alone. He wasn't just a skillful warrior but also an intelligent leader, he asked his men to be silent while invading. They went in silently just like a snake and started "biting" everyone ending their life.

The Sharks were brutually outnumbered and lost some of their men, they got surrounded by th Ghors. Dagger and Fredrich however tried their best to reach a nearby lighthouse which had some safe space and which can hold these Ghors for a while. They ran to the light house while watching their men getting killed by the Ghors, no matter how skillful the Sharks were they were getting defeated in the numbers game.

Dagger and Fredrich were close to the light house but they got ambushed by a horde of the attackers, eventhough they were pretty good in fight the numbers were just too high. Fredrich was cornered by 7-8 men and Dagger was still running to the lighthouse by killing whoever tries to stop him. Dagger turns behind to see if Fredrich is following him or not but as soon as he turns behind he sees that Fredrich is getting attacked brutually by the Ghors, he turns back and runs to save him but he wouldn't be able to reach in time. As one of the Ghors tries to stab Fredrich in the back a sharp cut pierces through his chest. Dagger was relieved to see a man saving Fredrich, but he focused more and saw few more men behind Fredrich, they were not the enemies they were his own men. Dagger was relieved and finally felt better after seeing that more of the Sharks members have arrived on the shore.

Almost 500 men came running on to the shore stabbing, cutting and piercing the Ghors. This brought a new life in Dagger and he was as motivated as ever, he got up and started cutting some more Ghor flesh. The battle was balanced now, as both the Ghors and the Cults had almost the same number of men. As the battle was turning it's tides, something strange happens, the men Cult members start fading in the ground without any Ghor even touching them. Now the tides of the battle starts turning into the favour of the Ghors instead of Cults. Fredrich while fighting got a chance to check on one of his faded men, he checked him and saw a small dart on his back with a strange smell coming out of the dart. Fredrich understood that the dart was shot by someone unknown from an unknown place and that they will have to kill that person.

He runs to Dagger to tell him, Dagger tells his men to stay alert from darts and runback on the porches to take cover. The orders reached the men but it was too late, several darts started hitting the men on the beach, some even including the Ghors. The darters didn't hesitate and even hit their own men, Rudolph saw this and quickly took charge to find the attackers. He looked around and found that the darters are actually attacking from a ship in the middle, he ran from the ship and jumped into the water. He swam all the way to that ship of darters, and climbed on the ship without getting noticed. He grabbed one darter and cut his neck with his sword while shutting his mouth with the hands, one darter noticed it and tried to hit Rudolph but as soon as he was trying fo attack darter he got hit himself with an arrow that came from the ship next to it. Rudolph noticed that the next ship was took over by some archers from the Sharks. This gave him more confidence and he started killing the darters with the help of the archers.

On the beach the number of Ghors started to decrease and the number of Cult Crew started to increase. More and more Cult men came to the beach to fight and outnumbered the Ghors, Dagger noticed this and ordered all of his men to capture the enemies instead of killing them. It was already 3 PM since in the noon and it was hot for both of the groups to fight, some of the Ghors started running back and jumped one ship. A number of Ghors boarded that ship and sailed back while the Cult Party was busy killing and capturing the Ghors on the seashore. Rudolph and his men also killed and caught a few men for interrogation. The battle was over and Takht had won, this was one of the most important wins in Takht's history although a small one. The Ghors were tied and took away for questioning. The attack on South Sea was unexpected and a lesson to learn for all the Cults.

Rudolph came down the ship and walked onto the shores of South Sea, as he was walking he was stopped by Fredrich. Fredrich raises his hand to shake it, Rudolph reciprocate with the same feeling and they both shake hands. This was the sign of the Sharks and The Slithers new friendship. The both looked tired but they knew that the job wasn't over.

In the next Chapter you will see who were these Ghors and what was their reason to attack on the South Sea. Stay tuned as the things are getting interesting.