31 January, 1840 (5 Days till election)
It was at the noon when the DOP got a message regarding the attacks on South Sea, the DOP was doing his investigation in West Zone. His reaction after hearing the news was as expected, he was surprised. Harlem told the entire National Force to increase their border security and of each regions and prepare for something big to come.
In the dining room of Mahato Mansion, the Mahato family was having lunch. There were 6 people sitting around the table, Domer, Draco, Domer's wife - Matilda, Domer's son - Dorem, Domer's daughter - Dorothy and Draco 's wife - Lilly. They were a happy family mourning the death of their father Denver Mahato, the only person who knew that Denver was alive was Domer, so he put on the act like Denver is no more. Denver's seat was kept empty as usual.
The aftermath of the Battle of South Sea was destructing. The ships and sails of Ghors were on fire, the poarches and shacks were destroyed, there were bodies lying on the beach, a wave came on the shores and dragged away bodies of the dead to its waters. A man if saw the sea, he could only find dead bodies floating on the surface of the Sea. Rudolph and his men are carrying the captured criminals on one side of the Beach while Dagger and his men also captured some attackers, they were taking them to the jail were they will be investigated and answers will be forced out from their mouths by any means.
By evening the attackers are put in jail, Rudolph and his men went back to the stay of the Slithers arranged by the Sharks. Rudolph was welcomed by his father proudly, Jon had never been so proud as a father. As soon as Rudolph entered the room, Jon came up to him and hugged him tightly to congratulate him and showed him the gratitude of a father. They were having a chat about the battle, Jon asks Rudolph to tell him everything about the attack, Rudolph tells him everything, from the first arrow drawn to the last Ghor captured. As proud as Jon was, he was also surprised and worried by the attack. Only 5 days had left for the elections and the attack on South Zone was a bad news for both the Slithers and the Sharks.
DOP was thoroughly conducting his investigation. He had collected as much information as he could from the dead body and now just wanted to talk with the captured assassin in the cell of Scorpion's jail. It was night and bed time for Harlem, he tried to sleep but he couldn't sleep because of his thoughts. He was already worried about the effect of Denver's death on the nation, since the official death announcement the nation has been mourning. Now Harlem had another reason to worry, the attack on South Sea had confirmed his speculations and doubts of a foreign power being behind the attacks on Takht and Denver in these past few days. He was also thinking of the findings he got from Denver's assasination case. Right now Harlem Joras was the man with the most close predictions and information regarding the attacks. He was thinking about meeting the captured assasisn in the morning of nexr day and confirm his theory about the attacks.
1 February, 1840 (4 days till election)
Harlem wakes up does his daily routine, he takes a bath in hot water, wears his uniform as usual, picks up his investigation file and goes to meet with Domer. He reaches the Mahato Mansion where he sees Domer in the main hall playing with his kids, Domer sees Harlem coming through the door and tells the kids to go somewhere else and play, Harlem very gladly insists Domer to keep playing and that he can wait for some time until the playtime is over. Domer appreciates his words but still want to talk to Harlem right there and then.
Domer and Harlem then move into Domer's room.
Harlem: So I wanted to talk to you about the recent findings in Mr. President's case. We investigated the crime scene again and found out that the there were 3 arrows shot but the 2 attackers out of which 2 hit the President.
Domer: So you're saying that the last arrow was a miss and that father could have been shot again?
Harlem: yes and 2 of the arrows had poison on them, the missed arrow and the one on the back had poison in them. Today I'd also like to interrogate the assassin in your custody. So please let me investigate him!
Domer: Thank you for sharing the findings with us and I'll let you interrogate him but I got a condition.
Harlem: Of course, you always have a condition, what is the condition this time?
Domer: We will kill him after you've done interrogating him!
Domer replies with rage in his eyes.
Domer: We have extracted everything we want to know and now he's of no use to us.
Harlem: Fair enough, you can give him a death sentence by law. He's a prisoner of West Zone so you have the right to give death penalty to your prisoner when the crime is proved. I won't interfere in that matter. We will officiate his sentence in the next conference session.
Domer: alright, follow me.
Domer then takes Harlem to the torcher room. The torcher room is designed for people to get as less human facility as possible. There's no window, glass door or even a hole for sunlight, there's just one bucket for passing waste. The doors are hard steel and the room is in a deep dark prison which is built underground by the Scorpions. Harlem while travelling between the walls could only hear the agony in the voice of the prisoners and the cries piercing through the walls of the jail. Although Harlem was pretty accustomed to it yet he never liked the idea of people suffering and getting torchered in such inhumane conditions.
Domer and Harlem entered the cell where the assassin was tied naked to a pole bruises and beaten. His nose was bleeding and his nails were ripped apart, he bled from his mouth and his eyes were trying to close themselves as they fight with the splash of water crashing on them every minute.
Harlem comes close to him and takes a look at his condition, he requests everyone to leave the room, even to Domer. Domer respects his requests leaves the room after everyone had left it. Harlem now takes out his pen and paper and starts investigating the assassin.
Meanwhile in the Northern mountains, there were complains from the locals that someone have been stealing their food which is meant for storage. The Northern mountain was a large mountain area with several hundreds of people living their, the climate is sub zero and too cold. The locals always store their food in the winters which they had collected in the rain, the winters bring snow storms and snowfalls.
The Aves' leader - Brian Trainor who was a skilled swordsman and a leader of the Aves since past 10 years asks a group of 10 people to visit the Northern mountains to look into the matter. The 10 people took around 18 hours to reach at the spot where the complain came from. They met the locals and the locals wasted no time and went to show them the place where they store their food. The storage was unmaned before the incident of robbery but since the robbery started, the locals started keeping a watch person every night who would guard the storage.
The stealing had stopped since 3 days, since the guard had been placed. The Aves Cult members team reach the storage and the local mayor took them there, as they got there they saw that the store room's door was open and the guard was nowhere to be seen. They hurried and went inside to see, but since it was very dark they burned a lamp and saw the room, they were shocked to their core when they saw the guard's head hanging on a rod and his body on the floor, when the lamp was brought near the wall it showed the writings on the wall. There was something written on the wall in a very disarranged and poor manner, when the lamp was brought even close they observed that the writing said