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The Election Day

1 February, 1840 (4 days to election)

It was the morning when the Slithers and Sharks decided to go to the capital that evening, they want to reach there as soon as possible to prepare their strategies. The Sharks decided to go later than the Slithers since Slithers were the guest in South Zone. Jon ordered his men to start moving at 11:00 AM and asked Dagger to allow the Slithers to keep the captured Ghors in South Zone cells. Dagger didn't refuse the request and gladly accepted to keep the Ghors captured by the Slithers in a separate cell than that of the Ghors captured by Sharks.

In the Northern mountains the problem of robbery was almost at halt since more security from the Aves arrived at the spot, the person brutually murdered by the Ghors was identified and compensated. Since this incident, more and more Aves crew members were sent to the Northern mountains and all of the area was in a guarded state. This incident and the rising crimes by the criminals who call themselves Ghors have been increased since the attack on President. This worried Brian Trainor, he had many questions in his mind like "why are all the incidents happening now?", "who are the Ghors", "what do they want?" But soon enough all of these questions will be answered. Brian was already preoccupied with the debates, strategies and scheming for the next session of conference. The thought of leaving his province while the attacks were rampant didn't sit right with him, but being the leader of an official Cult he had to fulfill is duty, thus he decided to go for the conference and left his region in the hands of his wife Gwen Trainor.

In the Mahato Mansion, Draco and Domer were preparing to leave for the capital on 2nd February and were preparing for their speeches. Domer tells Draco to gather his finest men and tell everyone to be prepared for a battle or an attack anytime, Draco agrees and goes to do make the announcement right away. Domer leave his house, sits on his horse and rides away, everyone thought that he's just going for his regular horse rides but he actually went to the warehouse where Denver was kept and taken care of. Domer reaches the warehouse and opens the main door with a man guarding it, Domer goes further inside in a dark alley to cross it and reach a locked room, he enters the room and looks around, he looks at his father writing poems as usual.

Domer: Father did you eat?

Denver: How can I eat when I'm so worried about the elections? I just can't eat son!

Domer: Father don't worry, I'm convinced that I will be elected as the next president of Takht and Scorpions will rule again.

Denver: How are you so sure about it? The Sharks are against us, The Spiders are against us, the Slithers probably sent the attackers and the Aves support the Spiders. How can you be so sure?

Domer: Father, I have prepared a plan that could probably help us win the elections and I'm hoping to get votes of other Cults along with the National Police.

Denver: ...and what is your plan? To bribe them into voting you!? To request their allegiance? What exactly are you planning?

Domer: No. I will give them what they want. I will resolve all the conflicts with them and reverse all the decisions we took in the past 5 sessions and-

Denver interrupts Domer

Denver: and undo everything that we did? No! I won't let you do it!

Domer: No father, we will let them think this. Just because we say we're gonna do it doesn't mean we will have to do it. I'll just convince them to think that I'll play by their rules while they all will be playing by my rules.

Domer sits besides his father and tells his plan in detail. As this fathe-son duo was scheming for their session speech, another duo from the East was leaving for the Capital. Jon and Rudolph along with the rest of their alive men left for the capital and are predicted to arrive in the capital by 3rd February. The Sharks decided to leave for the capital at 2nd February with a good strength. The Sharks and Slithers now shook hands with each other before the elections and it was pretty visible how they will stick together during the session.

Meanwhile in the Central Zone, the Spiders had made preparations for the arrival of the Cults at any time. The National Police had patrolling going in each town, the idea was to prevent any terror or assasination attempts and to eliminate all threats posing danger to Takht or the Cults.

The general public was quite eager to know the results as it was the first time ever an official selection of the head of the state will be announced since the Independence, Takht was as curious as a toddler and very ready for the results. Each Zone rooting for it's own Cult, the North Zone was rooting for the Aves, the South Zone was supporting Dagger and his men, the East Zone had already began the celebrations of victory, the West Zone was ready to retain their Presidency and the Central Zone believed that they will be win for the first time.

With the elections on the door, Takht was prepared for a National celebration no matter the winner. National Police had been positioned in the entire country by DOP Harlem Joras, while he already left for Taj he had already finished his investigations in the West Zone. He was ready to present his findings in the case of President's assassination, although he didn't know that the President was still alive.

The Nation seemed happy, curious, lit up with energy. The nation was as much alive as the Cults and the Leaders were nervous, because it will be a big success for those who win. The hearts of Takht was excited but the edges of Takht were struggling with attackers crawling inside the country, the attack on the South Sea, the robbery incident and the murder, and the attack on the President were the most worrying incidents not just for the Cults and their leaders but also for the National Police and Harlem. Harlem got the news of South Sea attack just before leaving with his men to the capital, this made him anxious and tensed, with the information he already had with him this attacks were even more problematic.

The Cults eventually reached the capital and started their stay at the Cult House. The leaders of all the Cults met each other while trying to convince, plot, scheme and sow the seeds of hate against each other.

....and eventually the big day arrived, when the future of Takht will be decided.

4 February, 1840