WebNovelCult Wars72.73%

The Big Reveal

4 February, 1840

Finally the big day has come, it's the day of election and all the Cults are present in the conference hall. As usual the 5 leaders of each Cults in the front with their 2 main men besides them, 50 crew members from each cults sitting in their section, A national police 50 people team on the balcony and the speaker in the very end of the room who is the DOP.

As expected, the Conference hall was filled with tense mood and anxious faces, the glares and stares spoke a lot more than any voice could have because actions never lie. The Cults were expecting the results to be in their favour and the DOP just wanted to make sure that Takht was in the right hands.

As per tradition the opening note and speech was presented by the DOP.

Harlem: Good morning everyone, today in this 2nd session of 1840 conference meetings, I, Director of Police and current partial head of the state declare the conference open. I'll start my speech with the first statement and shed some light on former President Denver Mahato's assasination investigation. I'd like all the cults to take note that Mr. Denver were attacked by 2 different people which we all know but the important thing that came out in this investigation was that both of them were sent by 2 different people.

Everyone in the hall was surprised because all of them were thinking that both the assassins were together and sent by the same people, but this reveal was a very important point in the assassins case. Harlem Joras continues his speech.

Harlem: I would also like you all to notice that both the assassins were of foreign origin, one was sent by a foregin group while the other was sent by someone from the country itself.

This shocker of a news again startled the entire Cult fraternity, all the eyes were looking at each other as if they were trying to find the culprit. Every Cult was doubting on the other Cult, everyone was waging a war with their eyes. This revealation had already made the Cults suspects to each other but the news wasn't over, DOP had something more to share and he continued again...

Harlem: The forgien power that sent the assassin to kill Mr. President were 'terrorist' group who call themselves "Ghors". The same people who attacked at the South Sea.

This series of news were enough to bring chaos in the Cults but little did they know that Harlem had some more shocking discoveries to share. Harlem continues again...

Harlem: The second assissn was sent by someone from the country and I will tell everyone who that person is but not now ... i will tell who that person is after the elections are over because this news might affect the results. Now for the elections, I would like to recite the election rules from the official constitution of Takht made by our Cult Fathers and the former President Mr. Denver himself.

Harlem starts to recite the rules for the election as everyone listens.

Harlem: Each vote carries points and the points depend on the position of power the person who voted holds. The Leaders have 100 points of votes, the sub leaders have 50 points of votes, the Cult members have 10 points each along with the National Police members and the Speaker has 100 points just like the leaders. Everyone has been provided with a paper pamphlet and stamps of each cults. We will be starting the voting... Now!

Everyone pick up their pamphlet and start casting votes inside a small box containing the stamps. The votings went on for 10 minutes and the results were to be discussed at the end of the session. After the voting ended, the speaker (Harlem Joras) collected the votes and asked his sub inspectors to count the votes and results. While the votes were counted, Harlem decided to let every Cult leader speak their mind and proceed with their regular Session Speech. The discussion started with the Sharks and Dagger wasted no time in declaring their war against the Ghors and demanding a declaration of Terrorist treatment against Ghors. Dagger also provided the aftermath and the details of battle of South Sea, Dagger also shared his views on the President's assassin and an official condolences to the West Zone. He then ended his speech with an alert and a request to National Police to increase security at the borders of Takht. The Sharks concluded their speech and then it was time for the Scorpions' speech.

Being the new leader of the Scorpions, Domer decides to have a full investigation and a report regarding these Ghors, he also announced the new leader of Scorpions. At the end he also wanted to share some news that will be difficult for swallow all the Cults. Domer declares that his father and the former President of Takht is well and alive but currently is under his shadows and hidden away somewhere in the lands of West Zone.

The revealation not only shocked all the Cults but it now also has disrupted the Voting process and has affected the results pretty much. The Cults had so many questions but they can't interrupt Domer in the middle of his speech so they waited until their turn. Domer concluded their speech with a promise thag Denver will come and hold his place from tomorrow and that it is a slap to whoever tried to kill Denver, he also sent a warning to the killer (who was thought to be inside the conference hall) to reveal himself and get some relief in his sentence. But no one would say a word and nobody would step up. He concluded with his agreement in declaring Ghors as a terror group and declared war against them.

The Spiders didn't have much to say but they were sure about waging and declaring war against the Ghors and that they will help Takht fight it's enemies. The Aves decided to open up about their recent killings in the Northern most regions of North Zone and the robberies in the mountains of North Zone. The Aves declared war against the Ghors as well and showed support to the Sharks, the Scorpions and the Spiders. Now the Slithers had nothing much to say so they just agreed to rest of the Cults but they really wanted the confirmation of Denver being alive and so they demanded the proof of Denver being alive, to which Domer shared a hand written letter of Denver where he has written about the truth of Denver's disappearance.

After all the Cults were convinced of Denver being alive the conference went ahead with the agenda of Ghors being the nuisance. The Cults together formed ground rules to follow when facing the Ghors individually.

Harlem ended the discussion and was about to convey his final message, his main concern was the elections that had been disrupted with the news of Denver's livingness. The question now arised that who will be the new president? Denver or the newly elected president? For his concluding speech Harlem says...

Harlem: since the news of President being alive is out to everyone, the elections are not valid because the last president is not out of position yet, however according to the Constitution, any result that shall be drawn under elections must be followed and therefore the presidency will be on hold till next session. As for the reveal of the person who hired the second person, I will reveal the name of that person now. I want to give him a final chance before I speak out his name, if you want to come out and commit to your sins, then this is your chance...

No one comes out as everyone looks around.

Harlem: very well then... The person who hired this archer to kill our president was none other than... His own son...