One day, Eun-woo was strolling down the school field when she saw Jan-di talking to someone via video call in her phone, she was sitting by the tree, he then stopped to watch her from a distance.

Eun-woo: [I wonder who she's talking to, by the way, why am I so concerned?]


Jan-di: yes perfect, you know, you two really do fit each other though, like boyfriend like girlfriend, after all, you're both just jerks who goes around doing what they like without considering people's feelings, you know what? I'm feeling disgusted right now seeing your faces (leaves)

Flashback over

Eun-woo: she hasn't said anything to me since then (phone clicks) who's that (he then picked up the phone to see a message "son, why don't we have dinner together)

Jan-di: (accidentally spots Eun-woo looking at his phone) [Why is he here again? I hope he didn't come to cause any trouble] (focuses on the phone) hey, as I was saying, Ji-Yoon, we also have a basketball court and it's really perfect, i know you love basketball, do you wanna see it?

Ji-Yoon: (via phone) alright show it to be

Jan-di: alright (leaves)

Eun-woo: (raises up his head) she was here a second ago

Han-bi: who was here? (Taps him)

Eun-woo: hmm, no one, I'm leaving, bye (leaves)

Later, after school, Kim Tae-hyun and Geum Jan-di went to the restaurant which Jan-di promised to take him.

Jan-di: hello (waves)

Staff: hey, Jan-di you're here, what do you want to order?

Jan-di: (brings out her coupon) I've got a coupon

Staff: oh (collects it), 50% off nice one, if you had come tomorrow, the coupon would have expired.

Jan-di: woah, good thing I came today (looks at Kim Tae-hyun and he smiles back)

Kim Tae-hyun: (They ordered tteokoboki, and water, a bowl, they were to eat from the same plate) one bowl?

Jan-di: yes, you know, my family believes there's more love in sharing and I believe it tastes better, it's really tasty

Kim Tae-hyun: alright (picks up his chopsticks and tastes from it), it's tasty

Jan-di: (eats) do you know how I found this restaurant?

Kim Tae-hyun: not really, how did you find it?

Jan-di: one day, I got lost in the street, I cried and I was starving but when I looked up I saw the billboard and the restaurant had a nice aroma attached to it so I followed it and ordered something, it was so tasty, after which I asked for direction and made my way home (eat)

Kim Tae-hyun: please be careful next time so you don't get lost, okay?

Jan-di: okay, if only I knew the city more, I'd like a tour though

Kim Tae-hyun: alright, on Saturday, I'll give you a tour.

Jan-di: really? Won't you be busy?

Kim Tae-hyun: I can spare some time, Ha-neul told me what you did, thanks a lot for always being there for Ha-neul

Jan-di: thank you [for always helping me out too]

Kim Tae-hyun: I haven't really done much

Next day

It was raining cat and dogs and Jan-di needed to go to school quick as she was running late, she rode in her bicycle but it was not save, although she was putting on a rain coat. While riding the bicycle, a car slowed down and wined down the glass, it was Eun-woo.

Eun-woo: it's raining heavily, I'll give you a lift

Jan-di: you don't get it, do you? I'll rather get drenched in the rain than ride your car.

Eun-woo: you really are stubborn aren't you, didn't your parents tell you it's not safe to ride on a rainy day, you should have just stayed at home

Jan-di: don't bring my parent, I'm not taking your offer

Eun-woo: alright (his driver then blocked her way with the car, after which, Eun-woo got down in the rain and walked up to Jan-di)

Jan-di: are you insane? You're in the rain and why will you block me?

Eun-woo: I think you're the one who's insane.

Jan-di: excuse me, you should...(he then carried her in his arms leaving her speechless). If you ride in the rain you'll catch a cold, you'll get drenched and could even get injured (he then carried her into the car while the driver carried the bicycle and placed it in the boot, after which they drove to school, on reaching school, Eun-woo took Jan-di by the hand and rushed over)

Jan-di: wo? Where are you taking me to?

Eun-woo: just keep shut (he then took her to a room which was well equipped, it had a dryer in it). At least dry your hair off before coming to class (walks out of the room while shutting the door behind him)

Jan-di: [what happened earlier? Why did he carry me in his arms? And why couldn't I scold him? Why is he acting this way towards me? He brought me here to dry myself up? Is this the Eun-woo I know or is he playing me? Oh my gosh I didn't know such a room existed in this school but I'm not shocked] (after drying her hair and uniform she walked of the room to see Eun-woo waiting by the door) you're here?

Eun-woo: ehn, so...no one will come in, you better hurry to class if you don't want to miss the lecture (walks ahead of her)

Jan-di: Eun-woo, why did you give me a lift?

Eun-woo: (stops) for....for granny's sakes (walks away)

Jan-di: [I'm so relieved, he really does love his granny a lot, she's quite nice to be honest but he should visit her more often, I better get to class now] (walks to class)

After school, Eun-woo went to a restaurant with his dad where they were having lunch but their conversation was suffering, they weren't talking much.

Mr. Jang: (cleans mouth with a napkin) so, how has school been for you recently, I heard from the teachers you came out 2nd in your grade and 1st in your class, that's nice.

Eun-woo: (cleans his mouth) yes, I'm full right now, can I leave?

Mr. Jang: Kate wants you to visit us

Eun-woo: Kate?


7 years ago

Eun-woo: (he was sitting on the couch while watching a show when Mr. Jang stepped in with Kate)

Kate: Mr. Jang, your son is so cute, he's going to be a lovely son

Mr. Jang: Eun-woo, say hello to Kate, she's going to be my wife, your step mom.

Eun-woo: what?

Jake: (walks in and hugs Eun-woo) and I'm going to be your step brother, I'm older than you by 2 months so you should address me as big bro, we'll have a lot of fun

Eun-woo: (runs to his room)

Flashback over

Eun-woo: why does she need me to visit when you guys already have a perfect family?

Mr. Jang: you know, we're one family so please have dinner with us on Saturday.

Eun-woo: I can't, I'm too busy.

Mr. Jang: with what? Hanging out with friend? Assignment? We can clear your schedule.

Eun-woo: I..

Mr. Jang: you what?

Han-bi: (walks in) he has a date with me (she was putting on a cute pink dress), uncle

Mr. Jang: oh Han-bi, well if it's a date, I guess he can't adjust it

Eun-woo: I'll leave now (leaves with Han-bi to his car), thanks.

Han-bi: I know you don't want to hang out with them, especially Jake, your step brother, so I pulled it up, you should reward me.

Eun-woo: how?

Han-bi: let's go on a date, on Saturday, okay?

Eun-woo: fine.

Jan-di's POV

Jan-di: (she just stepped in as she was coming back from school, her two brothers were sitting on the couch while Mrs. Geum was making kimchi, an envelope was lying on the desk) umma, I'm back

Mrs. Geum: (continues making the kimchi)

Jan-di: [what happened, unlike umma, she doesn't seem excited to see me] (looks at Geum Ji-min) [what happened to umma?]

Geum Ji-min: [she's really angry right now, she's angry at you, she read those papers in your room and got angry]

Jan-di: [really? Thanks] (she then rushed into her room to check the drawer which she had kept the suspension letter but it was missing) gosh

Mrs Geum: (raises up the letter) looking for this?

Jan-di: [oh no] umma

Mrs. Geum: when were you going to tell me? Suspension letter? What's going on?

Jan-di: umma, I'm so sorry, I...

Mrs. Geum: two weeks? How did you manage to pull this off without me knowing, Jan-di that i know would never lie to me.

Jan-di: umma

Mrs. Geum: you played me, wait, how do I know if your result is also true, you pulled the suspension, you could also pull this one off, think, how could a suspended student get second, or did you cheat? Because right now, I don't even trust you.

Jan-di: umma, I'm so sorry, I would never cheat, I hate that, I also hate hurting your feelings , I thought you would be hurt and disappointed if you heard about it, I'm sorry mom, I spent my suspension days in a library, my friend was really cooperative, my friend got me the needed resources, (kneels down) I'm sorry, umma, please forgive me, your silence is killing me

Mrs. Geum: (stands her) you poor child, how did you manage all this on your own, there's a reason you've got parent, a mother, to share your pain, I forgive you

Jan-di: (cleans her tears) thank you, I won't do it again?

Mrs. Geum: but why did you get suspended?

Jan-di: SHA is a well disciplined school, I punched a girl who insulted my mom, she's quite influential though, so I got a suspension in return as a gift

Mrs. Geum: I'll talk to your principal.

Jan-di: that won't be necessary, everything's already settled

Mrs. Geum: alright, take your bath and come have some Kimchi (hugs her and leave)

Jan-di: [I can tolerate anything but not my mother's anger, tears or pain, it kills me] (takes off her bag).

Next day

Closing bell rings

Kim Tae-hyun: are you leaving now?

Han-bi: yes

Kim Tae-hyun: today you seem to be in a good mood, what happened?

Han-bi: I'm going on a date with Eun-woo tomorrow, it's special, we don't go on dates that much, he never agrees to it except he feels in the mood, and he has hardly ever been in any mood for the past 7 years now of our friendship, so I'm leaving first, bye (hugs Tae-hyun then leaves)

Kim Tae-hyun: (he then picture the image of Han-bi happy mood when she was 7 years) [Han-bi sure has changed a lot, even Eun-woo has but my feelings haven't changed a bit] (carries his bags then leave).


Geum Jan-di: (she then rode to the place where she and Kim Tae-hyun agreed to meet, she was dressed in a causal T-shirt and a pair of jeans, she was also wearing a hat as it was a bit cold) sorry I'm late Kim Tae-hyun I peddled as fast as I could

Kim Tae-hyun: (stands up from the spot he was sitting down and began to stare at Geum Jan-di)

Geum Jan-di: I had some chores to do so I completed them before coming, I....(notices his unusual stare). Is there something on my face? (Touches her face)

Kim Tae-hyun: you didn't bring a jacket?

Geum Jan-di: jacket? No, why?

Kim Tae-hyun: (raises up his motorcycle key) we're going to use my motorcycle, don't you know it's going to be really cold? It's going to get breezy and cold

Geum Jan-di: (notices the motorcycle) what? Motorcycle? But that'll need fuel, how are we going to...

Kim Tae-hyun: what did you think we were going to ride?

Jan-di: well, my b....bicycle

Kim Tae-hyun: you peddled from your house to here yet you're tired, what will happen when we peddle round the city, your bicycle won't even be able to resist it.

Jan-di: [

Jan-di's Imagination

They had just finished peddling round the whole city with her bicycle, and their clothes were dripping wet from sweat and Tae-hyun was breathing like a monster.

Jan-di: that was not bad

Kim Tae-hyun: I'm so tasty, you're a monster Jan-di, let's never hang out again (staggers away), I'm dehydrated.

Jan-di: (falls to the floor) aneeeeeeeee , what will I be without your support in school


Jan-di: w....Well...

Kim Tae-hyun: (he then took off his jacket and wrapped it around her, she was shocked and savor the short lived moment) you really should wear that, it'll get really cold, I've got a full tank, it's alright.

Jan-di: Kim Tae-hyun, I'm sorry for putting you through a lot, it must have been expensive to get a full tank, you're suffering because of me and I'm not paying you

Kim Tae-hyun: suffering? getting a full tank wasn't that expensive. Well, if you feel bad about my expenses then you'll owe me one, that would settle the scores, right?

Jan-di: yes (puts her hair behind her ear) [he's so cool]

Kim Tae-hyun: we'll have to get going, what will happen to your bicycle then?

Jan-di: well...., granny's house is not far off from here, I'll take it there, when I'll come back I'll get it (rides the bicycle), see you in 5 (she rode the bicycle to granny house, got down from it and held it, she opened the gate to see Han-bi and Eun-woo standing with granny)

Eun-woo: Jan-di?

Jan-di: [oh no, Han-bi's here too, what did I expect? she's his girlfriend so he could bring her here, I'm such a dummy, I feel like I'll get in a bad mood real soon and that won't be good] granny, I...

Granny: good thing you're here, I was just asking about you , good thing you stopped by, now you can have lunch with us.

Han-bi: granny, what is this low class citizen doing here?

Granny: Han-bi, words please, Jan-di please come in.

Jan-di: actually granny, I didn't come here for that, I was in the neighbourhood and I need somewhere to drop my bicycle as I'm going somewhere, home is too far from here, so I came to seek permission if could leave it here.

Granny: of course sweetie but it does hurt that you won't be staying for lunch.

Jan-di: bye granny (runs off)

Eun-woo: [where is she heading to so fast]

Jan-di rushed back to Kim Tae-hyun, and they both got on the motorcycle, after which they zoomed off happily,

Jan-di: it's fast and fun, I don't get to ride motorcycle that much .

Kim Tae-hyun: if you like it so much, then you can ride it with me

Han-bi's POV

Han-bi: (she was outside alone staring at the bicycle as granny and Eun-woo were inside) I just hate you Jan-di or whatever your name is, you just don't know your place, no one has ever challenged me this much before but you have, I won't spare you (she then looked at a nail which was lying on the floor, smiled, then picked it up, after which she started staring at the bicyle)

....To be continued