Han-bi: (she then punctured Jan-di's bicycle tyre with the nail)
Eun-woo: Han-bi? What are you doing outside, granny is waiting for you (he then walked up to her), why are you standing here?
Han-bi: I was....
Eun-woo: (notices the nail she was holding) did you? (Looks at the flat tyre on the bicycle) Han-bi
Han-bi: I'm only trying to teach her a lesson
Eun-woo: but you've already settled scores with her by the suspension.
Han-bi: Eun-woo, I don't make scores even, I make sure to get a higher score, besides, this is a payback for talking to us rudely at school the other day.
Eun-woo: Han-bi, how do you think granny will feel when she hears that her Han-bi did this to her precious Jan-di? Go in, I'll take care of this (he then carried the bicycle, placed it in his car then drove off).
Han-bi: (scoffs) precious Jan-di?
Jan-di's POV
Jan-di: woah! The city is big and pretty (They were riding in the motorcycle, it was fun, you could feel the cold breeze on your skin)
Kim Tae-hyun: do you like this city?
Jan-di: you know, I never thought I'd like this city compared to my hometown especially when I met Eun-woo, but I see this city has more to it than I know
Kim Tae-hyun: so, let's make today one of your best days in this city
Jan-di: yayyyyyyyyyy!
They had a lot of fun, he took her to a lot of places, from their cinema to their zoo where they fed some of the animals to the skyscrapers to their museum and lot more, they had a fun time, they even took a break to eat with Kim Tae-hyun paying the bills, after the outing he dropped her at the place where they met and Jan-di made her way home, on the other hand, Eun-woo spent his time getting her bicycle fixed and making it beautiful which Jan-di letter picked up on her way home, she had no idea about what had happened.
Next day
Geum Jan-di:
Mr. Geum: (hugs her back) my little girl was sleeping so sound.
Geum Jan-di: appa, when did you get here?
Mr. Geum: last night.
Geum Jan-di: why didn't you wake me up?
Mr. Geum: you were already asleep, I didn't want to wake my princess up from her beauty sleep.
Geum Jan-di: I'm so happy you're here.
Mr. Geum: take your bath and come downstairs, I made a delightful meal from the ingredients I brought over there (leaves)
Geum Jan-di: appa's food is always tasty and sumptuous, I can't wait to eat, I'll go take my bath (she then ran into the bathroom to take her bath)
After taking her bath, she went downstairs to have breakfast, there were different varieties of food on the table as her mouth was dropping from how delicious looking they were, they then sat down to eat.
Geum Joon-woo: appa, how was it like there staying overseas.
Mr. Geum: well, what do you think?
Geum Ji-min: it must had been so cool, right?
Mr. Geum: ahhhhhh, it was amazing, my boss over there is so nice, Jan-di, how do you like your new school, how's it?
Geum Jan-di: (she paused as she was about putting some food in her mouth with her chopsticks) [it was not that nice but I've got friends who makes it nice] well, the learning system there isn't bad (eats)
Mr. Geum: I'm glad to hear that, have you made any friends?
Mrs. Geum: that's true, I've not asked her that.
Geum Jan-di: well, it's a big school filled with high class citizen, people there are quite picky about their friends because of their family, but I managed to make a few friends though
Mr. Geum: this all because of me, I'm sorry princess I can't get you the life you need
Geum Jan-di: dad, what are you saying, I'm happy with the life I have right now
Mr. Geum:
Geum Joon-woo: this is so tasty, this is the most have a tasty meal I've tasted in my entire precious life
Mrs. Geum: (Folds her hand and frown) why don't you just tell me directly that my meal tastes like poison
Mr. Geum: honey, I can't be compared to you while cooking, aside mom, you're still the best cook in the world, take this queen (he then picked some piece of meat with his chopsticks intending to feed her)
Mrs. Geum:
After eating, they played a lot of fun games with appa like charade.
Next day
In school
Boy: (hangs a dance poster on the wall concerning the school then leaves)
Jan-di: (she was strolling down the hallway with Hana when they heard the noise from the girls) why are thry screaming, it's probably for another dumb reason (she then stopped walking to see the poster, the excitement from seeing the poster left her mouth opened) [oh my gosh]
Girls: so cute (the girls were chanting as a result of a boy walking down the hallway, he didn't seem to be from the school, he was dressed in mofti, he was good looking, the girls were so happy to see him, appareny Eun-woo stepped in to see him, he begun to glare at him)
Jake: (stops in front of Jan-di whose mouth was left opened) oh, what a cutie, it's okay (he then took her phone from her hand, typed his number then called it, after which his fun rang, he cut the call then gave her back her phone) that's my contact.
Jake: (blows a kiss to the crowd)
Jake: (notices him) oh, Eun-woo, long time no see.
Eun-woo: why are you here.
Jake: (he then walked up to him)
Eun-woo: you've seen me, now leave (walks away in anger)
Geum Jan-di: [i never knew he had siblings, Granny never made reference]
Jake: (turns to Jan-di) hey cutie.
Geum Jan-di: [what is this?] What?
Jake: see you later
Girls: awwwwnnn, i'm jealous (leaves to follow him)
Hana: my heart is beating so fast, how does it feel?
Geum Jan-di: he just got on my nerve, that was stupid, I'll delete his number right now
Hana: wait, since he's getting on your nerves you wouldn't want to pick his call, how will you if he's the one calling in order to avoid it if you delete it, Jan-di?
Geum Jan-di:
Hana: you see, SHA renders a service which allows their student to participate in real games
Flashback over
Geum Jan-di: I've got to sign up]
Eun-woo's POV
Han-bi: (walks in) Eun-woo, i heard Jake came here, are you alright?
Eun-woo: alright? I just hate seeing them, i bet he came here to get on my nerve.
Han-bi: actually, maybe he really came here to see you, ever since we were kids, he's been trying to get along
11years old Eun-woo, Tae-hyun and Han-bi were sitting outside while reading when Jake walked in and walked up to Eun-woo.
Jake: Eun-woo, let's play cars, play with your oppa a bit, i'm bored.
Eun-woo: leave me alone, i don't like you, go away.
Jake: oh, someone got an attitude, you're boring (walks away)
Kim Tae-hyun: Eun-woo, that was too harsh, umma said one should never say such a word to someone elsem
Han-bi: (runs up to him, hugs him and pats him) don't cry my baby
Flashback over
Eun-woo: each time i see either one of them, dad, Kate or Jake, i get reminded of my mom and feel angry and feel pity for granny since she seems so lonely thinking about her child and i feel helpless i couldn't even do a thing.
Han-bi: you were just a kid, don't think about it too much, I'll get you a bottlenof water (walks away)
Closing time
Eun-woo: (he was about to enter his car when he saw Jan-di walking outside the school gate) [should i give her a lift?]
Geum Jan-di: oh my gosh (sees Jake leaning on an expensive car while looking at her), what are you doing here?
Jake: waiting for you of course, let's go out.
Geum Jan-di: what?
Jake: (he then rushed over to her took her by the handing while taking her to the car)
Geum Jan-di: Mister, please leave my hand, Mister
Jake: (opens the door and put her in then shut the door and enter)
Geum Jan-di: has this mister gone mad? Help
Jake: hey,
Geum Jan-di: gosh, i don't want to die today, i still have a lot of things planed, too fast
Eun-woo: i couldn't hear a thing they said, where are they going? Wait, no, this shouldn't concern me, i need to find out (he then got into his car anf zoomed off while following them)
Han-bi: (runs out) Eun-woo, did he forget he was suppose to drop me home? My driver won't be coming.
Kim Tae-hyun: (rides motorcycle and stopd it in front of her) i'll give you a ride
Jan-di's POV
Jake: (stops the car) hey
Jan-di: are you a kidnapper?
Jake: no, i don't kidnap people but i kidnap their hearts.
Jake: i kidnapped your heart when i walked into your school, you were amazed by this God creation, you couldn't even say a word, you left your mouth opened.
Jan-di: what a fool? I wasn't looking at you, i was looking at the work of art written on the poster.
Jake: not me? I'm so sorry, i thought you liked me, if it was any other girl, this would have made their day
Jake: Jan-di, you're different, i like you, be my girlfriend.
Jan-di: are you mad? You just met me (opens the door) I'll take my leave, i'm not going anywhere with you
Jake: [i just got dumpped, she's so cool] Jan-di, I won't stop trying.
Jan-di: whatever
Eun-woo: are you alright? Let me drop you home.
Jan-di: gosh, today is the worst day ever unlike on saturday, I've had enough you two (runs away)
Eun-woo: [that reminds me, where did she go on saturday?] (Walks up to Jake amd grabs him by the colar)
Jake: hey, lil bro, it's not polite to drag your big bro by the colar (both of them locked eyes on each other as they glared)
...to be continued