After that awful incident, Jan-di got home an took her bath. After doing the needful, she lay on the bed

Geum Jan-di: [that was real crazy just now, i got really scared


Jan-di: Mister, please why are you kidnapping me, what did i ever do wrong to you, at least let me bid my mom, dad and annoying brothers goodbye (the car was going ZOOOOOOM)

Jake: (stops the car) hey don't cry, i'm not trying to kidnap you (he then brought out a neat hanky and tried to rub off the tears from her eyes but she turned her face away).

Flashback over

Geum Jan-di: he's so unlike Eun-woo, he apologized, i felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest from fear] (phone clicks, she then picked it up to check who it was, it was from two people, Jake and Hana, she then clicked on Jake's message)

[Jake: I'm sorry about today, let's talk some other time, did you get home safe?]

Geum Jan-di: (typing....) [what you did today was wrong] (after replying him, she then opened Hana's message.

[Hana: today, Eun-woo's brother was really cool, didn't it shake you a little 😄?]

Geum Jan-di:

Next day


Hana: last night, I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday, I'm so happy for you.

Geum Jan-di: don't get excited over it, in fact, I think you stop thinking about it

Hana: especially when you were dragged into the car, it was so romantic.

Geum Jan-di: dragged into the car?.... what?.... how did you know.

Hana: you know nothing about SHA, here, news spread like wildfire, it's allover the school secret portal.

Geum Jan-di: secret portal?

Hana: yes, nothing get pass in this school without nobody knowing, I joined the group since. So tell me, what do you think of Eun-woo's brother?

Geum Jan-di: he's... crazy, I thought I was going to die yesterday.

Hana: wait, out of excitement or what?

Geum Jan-di: he nearly killed me, I think we should stop talking about him (stuff the food into her mouth)

Hana: that reminds me, Eun-woo didn't come to school today?

Geum Jan-di: really?


At home

Mrs. Geum: I'm very tired, today has been busy.

Geum Jan-di: umma, it seems you've been getting a lot customers recently, what do we expect, your meals are so tasty

Mrs. Geum: I know it's true but please don't flatter me, Jan-di there's one last order, I'm too tired, please could you deliver it?

Geum Jan-di: sure, where?

Mrs. Geum: that master who tipped us highly

Geum Jan-di: oh (she took the order then made her way to his house in her bicycle, as usual she went up to meet him where she saw him lying while fully covered with duvet, his face was looking pale) Eun-woo? Are you alright? (She touched his forehead, he was running temperature) you're sick, isn't this a mansion? Why are there no one here to take care of you?

Eun-woo: I....don't like....it when people are around so they.....only come out when

.. I'm gone

Geum Jan-di: gosh, I bet you speak to them rudely, I'll be alright (she then got a clean towel and a basin, she filled the basin with cold water then went to Eun-woo)

Eun-woo: what are....you doing?

Geum Jan-di: just....keep quiet and let me work it (she then placed the towel in the basin and squeeze the water out of it, after which she used the towel to clean his palms, then his foot, after which she used it on his face then placed it on his forehead, she kept changing it repeatedly whenever it got hot until his temperature became constant, after which she heat up the meal and dished it out). His asleep right now, he looks harmless now , I need to leave, let me do something (she then tore out a shit of paper and wrote on it, after which she dropped it close to the food and left)


Eun-woo: I'm not hot anymore (remembers Jan-di was here), she must have left (he then got up to see a feast set aside for him, there was a letter on it, he then picked up and read it) "eat your meal and get well soon for granny" (he then sat down and began to dig in)

Next day at school


Jan-di: (walks in) oh my gosh, I wish I could still sleep so more

Ha-neul: (runs up to her) Jan-di sunbae

Jan-di: Ha-neul? How are you doing?

Ha-neul: haven't seen you in a while, I missed you so much (hugs her)

Jan-di: (hugs her back) me too

Ha-nuel: let's hang out after school today, let's go shopping

Jan-di: I...

Ha-neul: don't worry, cash's on me, don't be late, after school, bye

Jan-di: alright [I wonder how Eun-woo's doing, will he come today?]


Hana: Jan-di, I heard from the teachers, we'll be going on a school trip soon

Jan-di: school trip?

Hana: yes, haven't you gone on one before in your previous school?

Jan-di: not really.

Hana: it's really fun, we do it once in every two years here to enhance our learning and be exposed to a different environment, I wonder if we'll be going to the woods this time, no, maybe a five star hotel, I can't wait.

Jan-di: oh

Hana: (scrolling through her phone) oh my gosh, Han-bi just got 1 million follower, she's really popular and beautiful on social media, especially Instagram.

Jan-di: Hana, beauty without a pure heart is ugly (eats)

Jake's POV

Jake: Mom, did I do something wrong?

Kate: what do you mean by that my child?

Jake: I've been trying to become friends with Eun-woo right from childhood despite the fact that I'm older than him but he never judges.

Kate: some relationships takes time sweetie and besides, we've hurt him alot, I just want to have one dinner with him (she was richly dressed as she was pretty)

Jake: I'll try my best

Jan-di's POV


Jan-di: (notices Ha-neul who was standing outside the class then meet with her) Ha-neul

Kim Ha-neul: come on, let's go, my ride is waiting outside (she then dragged her while running to the car, after which the got into the car and drove off to the supermarket). Look at this shade of lipstick, it's very beautiful (tries it), you should also try it

Jan-di: don't worry about it

Kim Ha-neul: Jan-di sunbae, you're very pretty, people put on make-up to make their beauty more pronounce, please try it on for me (she then rubbed it on her lips and showed her to the mirror), you look so pretty Jan-di sunbae

Jan-di: (looking at her reflection) I look different.

Kim Ha-neul: yes, we'll buy this one then, endeavour to put it on tomorrow, let buy more things (she took her to the clothing section)

Attendant: ma'am, will you like to try the latest edition of the gown set.

Kim Ha-neul: yes, bring it out, let's get one for you

Geum Jan-di: Ha-neul, you don't have to....

Kim Ha-neul: stop that

Kim Ha-neul selected a lot of cute dressed for Geum Jan-di along with herself and paid for it, next, she went to the jewelries section

Kim Ha-neul: (put on a necklace) how does this look?

Geum Jan-di: wow, it's so pretty on you.

Kim Ha-neul: then let's get matching ones

Geum Jan-di: what?

Kim Ha-neul: (puts it on her) you're looking so pretty, I'll be these, now let's go somewhere else.

Geum Jan-di: Kim Ha-neul, why are you really doing this?

Kim Ha-neul: let's just say I'm thankful

After shopping, Geum Jan-di went home with a lot of souvenirs

Geum Ji-min: unnie, that's a lot of bags, are they all for you?

Geum Jan-di: yes, Where's appa and umma.

Geum Joon-woo: they both went out leaving us alone.

Geum Jan-di: you know, they're don't see each other everyday and they're not getting any younger so they need time for themselves, just let them have all the phone, it'll get to our turn one day.

Geum Ji-min: yes, unnie, we're going out, we'll be back soon (leaves along with Geum Joon-woo)

Geum Jan-di: today was fun, now I better get these stuffs upstairs (while passing the kitchen she saw some of the remaining ingredients which dad had brought), [he didn't come to school today as well, did it get worse?] (She then dropped the bags in her room, then freshened up, after which she went to the kitchen). I can't help but worry, I'll just do a little (she then made porridge and chicken soup, after which she packaged them and went to Eun-woo's house)

Gatekeeper: oh miss, you're the one, master the didn't tell me he ordered anything.

Geum Jan-di: well, today I came to give him something, so please I can I come in?

Gatekeeper: sure (he then opened the gate and she made her way inside his house)

Geum Jan-di: (sees Eun-woo in sweatpants sitting down) E..Eun-woo

Eun-woo: it's you?

Geum Jan-di: well, I brought you something, you didn't come to school today, did it get worse?

Eun-woo: I got better, I just wasn't able to come.

Geum Jan-di: oh.

Eun-woo: what did you bring? It's scenting nice.

Geum Jan-di: (she brought plates from the kitchen and dished the food) I brought meat porridge and chicken soup, my makes them for me when I'm sick and I make it for my brothers when they're sick, it works well.

Eun-woo: [she cooked for me]


7years old Eun-woo was sick in bed and couldn't go out to play, so his mom dished a bowl of water and dipped a clean towel in it after which she pressed it and put it on his forehead as he was running temperature, she cleaned his hands and feets with it, she kept changing the towel until his temperature got better, after which, she served him porridge and chicken soup

Flashback over

Geum Jan-di: (gives it to him) here you go, have this.

Eun-woo: (takes it and takes a bit) did you make this? [It tastes like the one my mom used to make and it's quite tasty)

Geum Jan-di: yes, do you like it?

Eun-woo: well, you should quit cooking.

Geum Jan-di: quit cooking? then you should give it back, big mistake by coming here (she tried to snatch it but he evaded)

Eun-woo: I'm just joking, it tastes amazing, thanks (eats)

Geum Jan-di: (sights a picture on the desk with 3 kids in it of around 7years of agr, there was a girl standing in the middle of 3 boys with her hands around them, they were all cute as they were smiling) wow, who are these gorgeous looking kids?

Eun-woo: the girl's Han-bi, the boy by the left is I while the other one is Kim Tae-hyun.

Geum Jan-di: [I can't believe I thought out loud] I was just kidding, there's only one adorable kid here (points to Eun-woo) and that's Tae-hyun in this photo.

Eun-woo: that's me, Tae-hyun?

Geum Jan-di: oh, mistake (points to Tae-hyun), he's the only adorable kid because he got a pure heart , I'm done here, I shall take my leave, endeavour to come to school tomorrow.

Eun-woo: Hey, low class citizen , why did you come?

Geum Jan-di: well [


Granny: oh, you should get to to know him better and pardon his mistakes, please promise me one thing Jan-di

Jan-di: granny, promise? But I cannot keep it because promises are meant to be broken Granny.

Granny: not really, but if that is true you should be a change and keep it, promise me you'll look after my Eun-woo for me, please, will you?

Jan-di: fine, I promise

Granny: thanks, you just made my day

Flashback over

Geum Jan-di: [I'm trying to keep the promise, u can't tell him that's why] well, SECRET

Eun-woo: what?

Geum Jan-di: bye bye (leaves)

Eun-woo: [secrets? Does she...like me? No, there's probably no way, she hates me, I've done a lot to her]

After there, Geum Jan-di got back home where she saw her parents along with her brother.

Mrs. Geum: (serving dinner) Jan-di, where did you go?

Geum Jan-di: you guys left me home alone so I decided to stroll.

Mrs. Geum: sorry, well, you made dinner, it's tasty.

Geum Jan-di: I was feeling hungry so I used some of that remaining Ingredients

Geum Joon-woo: unnie, did you swallow a cat? Despite eating your stomach is still groaning like an earthquake

Mr. Geum: you must still be hungry, come let's eat, we brought rice cake.

Geum Jan-di: alright (sits with them)

Next day

It was break time, Geum Jan-di was having lunch with Hana while chit-chating when Eun-woo walked in with a smile, all the girls started screaming and chanting, she walked straight to Geum Jan-di and sat with her.

Geum Jan-di: (looks around) [everyone is staring at me, I don't like being the center of attention, what is he doing here?] E...Eun-woo? What are you doing here?

Eun-woo: I came to have lunch.

Geum Jan-di: you don't have lunch here, remember?

Eun-woo: (takes her chopsticks and eats from her meal) tasty (he wanted to pick another one but she stopped him)

Geum Jan-di: it's mine, what are you doing? If you want lunch then buy yours (eats)

Eun-woo: wait aren't we friends, friends share a meal together, we're you my friend when you brought porridge and chicken stew to...

Geum Jan-di: [this idiot is speaking out loud and he's going to say "to his house", everyone is staring, what will they think of me? I hate this] (she quickly put a huge of piece of meat in his mouth with her chopstick quickly preventing him from speaking) you said you wanted to eat, right?

Eun-woo: (They started staring at each other for quite some time because Geum Jan-di fed him, it was quiet as everyone stared at them, when suddenly the girls broke the silence by chanting, someone was coming)

Geum Jan-di: (checks out why they're chanting) Jake?

Jake: (walks up to her with a rose) hey

Geum Jan-di: what are you doing here?

Jake: I said I wasn't going to give up, right? (Everyone started staring at them while some girls started chanting and clapping)

Eun-woo: (stands up) what are you doing here? (Both of them started staring at each other)

....To be continued