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Reach 30/40/50/100/200/400 Power Stones! 3 Extra Chapters!
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Resets Weekly! [Monday]
Standing under the tree, Lys adjusted her cloak. Perhaps it was time to don the thermal-enchanted sweater El had given her - the air was growing chilly.
After more than ten attempts at recreating what she'd read in the book, Lys finally managed to produce a wisp of black mist from her wand tip. However, it felt as if something had been wrenched from her very being. In an instant, her face turned ashen, and she crumpled to the ground, utterly drained.
It took ages before Lys mustered enough strength to drag herself back to the dormitory. Never again would she experiment so recklessly - her arm was in absolute agony! The pain in her left arm seemed to echo that previous torment.
Barely managing to feed Gawain a bird she'd caught earlier by the Black Lake, Lys curled up in bed, grateful for the upcoming weekend.
When Lys reappeared in class, she gave Professor Snape quite a shock. He'd expected this magic would prove too difficult for that muscle-headed sweet tooth, but he hadn't anticipated such severe consequences.
After struggling through the lesson, Lys decided to visit Madam Pomfrey. At this rate, she wouldn't even have the strength to eat.
Finally reaching the hospital wing, Lys collapsed at the doorway, gasping for breath. Madam Pomfrey's shriek preceded her being whisked onto a hospital bed. "What happened?! Why are you so weak?!" Though the matron didn't really need an answer - she quickly diagnosed magical exhaustion. Three bottles of magic restoration potion were promptly administered. "Magical exhaustion! This is absolutely unacceptable! Prolonged magical deficiency can permanently damage your magical core - your entire future as a witch! You should have come sooner. Now drink up!"
Lys was puzzled - exhaustion? So that sensation of something being drawn from her body was magical power? Soon after, Lys fell into a deep slumber on the hospital bed, hiccupping from the potion's taste, her weakness making her sleep profound.
When she woke, it was already afternoon. Feeling no major discomfort, Lys bid farewell to Madam Pomfrey and headed out to catch food for Gawain. Indeed, she had always caught Gawain's food herself.
Previously, El would accompany her, but now she was alone in the small grove by the lake. With no one around, Lys used the Stunning Spell her mother had attempted to teach her. Whether the spell succeeded or not, it was enough to affect the small animals.
Today felt different though. While casting spells, a strange sensation washed over her - that same cool, pleasant feeling she'd experienced when first holding her wand returned, flowing like water through her spells and gestures into her magical implement.
To her amazement, her target bird's chest still rose and fell - alive but motionless, and without any discoloration! Upon inspection - a perfectly executed spell at last! Was this the magical power Professor Flitwick had spoken of?
Elated, Lys found herself back in the hospital wing again, weakened from multiple spell castings, and received a thorough scolding from Madam Pomfrey.
Late that night, she secretly practiced the Levitation Charm on her bedside cup. Though unpracticed, the natural success brought joy to her heart. She rolled around in bed hugging Gawain repeatedly.
Thankfully, Gawain remained as passive as a fake snake, not even bothering to bare its fangs despite being repeatedly squeezed. After all, it could now kill an underage wizard with its venom.
Although she had gained control of her magic, Lys still struggled in class. She fluctuated between extreme weakness and uncomfortable magical surges. Madam Pomfrey explained this was due to her body's inability to quickly recover from multiple instances of magical depletion, and advised against spellcasting for a while.
This led to Lys falling behind in several subjects - Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. The professors could sense her unstable magic and exempted her from practical exercises.
While she could skip classes, Gawain still needed to eat. Lys focused on spell precision, aiming for one-hit success and limiting her daily spell usage.
When she snuck into the grove again, Lys missed the bird with her spell, but a Hufflepuff student spotted her. Their horrified expression at seeing her Slytherin robes made Lys click her tongue in frustration.
Before she could explain about feeding Gawain, the student fled as if they'd seen a murderous psychopath.
Recent newspapers had carried troubling news. The Dark Lord had begun explicit purification activities, with most pure-blood Slytherin families publicly declaring their allegiance.
They had raised their wands against those who yearned for peace, remained neutral, or opposed them. Scattered battles broke out everywhere, culminating in the "accidental" death of a Hufflepuff family.
The Dark Lord's propositions and invitations brooked no rejection - this was merely a warning.
Students from other houses, already prejudiced against Slytherin, completely distanced themselves. All Slytherins were presumed to be his reserve army - merely standing with a Slytherin seemed like taking a stance.
From that day on, even El vanished from the kitchens - El Elbar, from generations of Hufflepuffs, with parents and elders who wanted no connection to Slytherin, and their family business.
"Lys, I'm sorry, but He's becoming more aggressive. My parents have strictly forbidden me from having any interaction with Slytherin students. I'm sorry."
El stopped hanging out with her and spending time in the library, and today formally bid her farewell.
The friend who had once felt homework was worthless without her copying it was now saying goodbye. Though Lys occasionally still sent homemade snacks via owl, she never received any replies.
She had been right on the first-year holiday train.
The world beyond home wasn't like storybooks, and she wasn't Helpo - there wouldn't be many friends and miracles. All she could do was satisfy her mother and father.
To ensure her mother's arms would still reach out to her.