Chapter 43

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Recently, Lys had been in a poor state of mind. The loss of control over her magic left her feeling physically unwell, affecting both her appetite and sleep. Her only moments of joy came when feeding Crunch and gazing into its eyes.

One day, while leaving History of Magic class with a drowsy mind and planning to take a nap in her dormitory, she accidentally stumbled upon an argument between two members of the Black family.

As Lys was walking down the dungeon corridor, she heard a mild quarrel echoing from a distant hallway.

When she finally came to her senses, she found herself standing at the entrance of that chamber. The Gryffindor Black was angrily confronting his Slytherin brother: "...detention, just because of a motorcycle. Regulus, she's always so harsh with me. And what's the use of all these things she forces me to learn? Mother and Father still grovel at that madman's feet and kiss his robes anyway."


"Reg, I barely got any food during detention. They're always forcing me to obey, watching my every move."

"What's the point of all this? I won't do it. I absolutely refuse. Family honor? That's all rubbish. You're my brother, you should be brave with me and leave that twisted family." He looked at his silent brother. "Regulus, you disappoint me so much!"

Lys turned to leave - this wasn't particularly interesting gossip, and even though Regulus was quite handsome, a young boy with downcast eyes and a cold, wounded expression wasn't enough to hold anyone's attention in such circumstances.

"Stop right there, rat skin! What are you doing here? Enjoying the show? Well, you're a Black too, so you must agree with all that nonsense! Glory to pure blood and all that! Does it help you escape from your gutter of a family, even if it means selling your soul? Answer me, you cunning Slytherin!" He raised his wand and cast a Bat-Bogey Hex at Lys, but missed.

The malice he hadn't dared direct at his brother was now being unleashed on Lys, someone he'd previously had conflicts with.

"Let me guess, your parents, being Blacks, must believe in might makes right too. Otherwise, they wouldn't have called you a disgraceful waste. Did they plan to abandon you before they knew you were a wizard?"

Lys blinked sharply, as if just noticing his presence. "Sirius Black, if your brain is diseased, don't try to infect others with your madness!"

"Listen to what you just said to your brother! Your mother can only put you in detention and starve you! After all, your intelligence is no different from a dog's!"

Dodging another spell, Lys continued, "And my grandfather is from Northern Europe, don't associate me with your family in any way!"

Looking at Sirius Black, who was now restrained by his brother's grip on his robe, Lys suddenly felt a surge of jealousy.

This boy was wild and unrestrained, acting like a fool, freely expressing whatever was on his mind. He grew up under the watchful eyes of elite aristocratic parents, and he even had a brother who looked at him with admiring eyes when he was acting out.

Sirius and Regulus were arguing about detention and food deprivation, about heir education, about his fondness for Muggle things.

He mocked Lys for knowing nothing, but she had experienced it too. Being locked in a sealed room every full moon, while Coco was forced by mother to prioritize Noah's life and needs. Lys had to spend several days in darkness and hunger, with no one ever thinking to check on her.

Sirius was put in detention because of his family's attention, while she was ignored both before and after being locked up. She was just a problem to be avoided, with only the house-elf following its master's orders to care for her afterward.

Even Coco only took care of her as part of its household duties - it had never truly seen her!

Lys reached up to touch Crunch on her shoulder, feeling the blood receding from her head slightly. The three Blacks stood in the abandoned dungeon, with only flickering firelight playing across their faces, their emotions impossible to read.

Finally, it was Sirius Black who angrily shook off his brother's hand and stormed away first.

These days, Lys often couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about that one sentence:

"Did they plan to abandon you before they knew you were a wizard?"

The words would suddenly surface in her mind no matter what she was doing.

Yes, before receiving the Hogwarts letter, even her father wouldn't see her, and her mother never really looked at her. But after receiving that letter?

Her father's talk, though brief, had actually focused attention on her, and her mother even let her sleep in the same bed, tutored her, and gave her a pet.

Stroking Crunch, Lys whispered, "If I wasn't a wizard, would Mother have abandoned me?" But Crunch was just a snake; it could only stare steadily at its master without any response.

But for now, this was enough - a gaze that focused solely on her.