Chapter 1

Resting my cheek on my hand, I watch the snowflakes outside the window with bored eyes, not participating in the lesson at all. The teacher is explaining formulas, and I feel like falling asleep. A friend sitting next to me mutters something under her breath, aggressively drawing on her notebook. I'm already used to the fact that she likes to talk to herself. It's like this every time a date with her boyfriend doesn't work out. Adventurous, she dates someone else every day, so half the guys at school hate her.

If she had been born a man, she would undoubtedly have been a Casanova.

She is really lovely. She has long waist-length blonde hair and green eyes, and her figure is every girl's dream, especially since she is over one meter seventy tall.

I don't understand why she's venting her anger on the pages of a notebook when she was the one who gave the fifteen-year-old boy a dump last night. I wonder where his parents were when this demonic blonde seduced this innocent boy.

She will fry in hell. She definitely will.

It's early January. Winter is giving out. Every day it's minus temperatures making me not want to leave my warm bed in the morning, but I have motivation. It is my crush, whom I see from Monday to Friday. He is the only thing that makes me would like to go to school, seriously, because attending classes is a lifelong nightmare for me.

I would have been happiest if I had already finished my education, had a good job, a husband — Felix — and just tried to have a child with him...

- Look at me when I'm talking to you, rascal. - With surprised eyes, I look at my friend, almost touching her nose.

- What do you want? - I ask in a whisper.

- Stop thinking about this cutout boy. - She gives me a smack on the forehead. - And take care of me. Comfort me somehow, because I'm going crazy.

- Should I kiss you on the boobs? - I snort under my breath, thinking Eve cares too much about bullshit.

- If you have that much courage in you, I don't mind. - Her perverted smile lets me know that I shouldn't give her such ideas.

- The only boobs I kiss are Felix's.

Eve hits me over the head with a pen.

- Stop dreaming.

- They haven't locked anyone up yet for dreaming," I answer her, sticking out my tongue. - And I must be dreaming, since I am writing a very peculiar story starring him.

Eve sighed loudly and rested her cheek on her hand, looking at me obliquely.

- A 16-year-old girl who hasn't even been on a date writes an erotic story starring a crush.

This time it's me hitting her on the head with a pen. We can have fun this way, since the teacher doesn't pay attention to us at all.

Apparently, we are the worst class in the school and no one has high expectations of us.

- Don't brag, because you don't have any experience either. Every date you have ends in a flop, and that means guys are running away from you.

Eve playfully grabs my neck, pretending to want to strangle me.

- Be careful what you say. Your friend is very spiteful," she threatens me with her finger when she finally lets me go.

Sitting behind us, Hannah, who has short, frayed hair and only sleeps through lessons, slams her feet into our chairs.

- Be quiet, cows. Let the man sleep.

The blonde turns to face her, looking offended.

- Girl, what do you do at night? The bench is not comfortable, let me buy you a bed. If you like, we'll test it together. - And again that perverted smile of hers. For Eve, it is not relevant to sex, the most important thing is to fall in love with the soul of a man.

Hannah once again slams her foot into her chair, this time harder.

- Get on with your life, lightened reptile. And stop winding up your entire lessons like a tray cote.

Our colleague from the last bench is not a kind person, she sows fear in the class, that's why she has no friends. She is a loner type, she feels best when she lashes out at someone.

- Will the day come when you let me befriend you? - Eve doesn't let go. She loves to tease her, even if she can get in her face.

In response, she gets the middle finger, after which Hannah settles down to continue sleeping.

I can't hold back my laughter. I stifle it inside me, putting my hand to my mouth. My friend's facial expression is priceless.

- A man shakes a friendly hand and still gets a slap on the mouth," she says offended, crossing her arms over her chest.

In this class, everyone is special, seriously.


In winter, the worst thing is that the matches are held in the gymnasium. I longingly wait for spring to watch Felix again in a breeze — playing outside, he looks the best.

Biting my nails, I sit in the stands in the company of the fans of our school team. Eve rests her chin on her hands, watching the basketball game with bored eyes. She is great since she comes here with me, even though it is tiring for her. She suffers just to accompany me.

- I feel like eating from MC'Donald's," she mutters under her breath, smacking her face.

- And the ass grows," I answer her, carefully watching Felix aim the ball at the basket. Cheers ring out in the hall, and my ideal smiles broadly, high-fiving his teammates.

I glance at the blonde, noticing that she is electrifying me with her eyes.

- You don't have to worry about my ass. It's doing well.

I shrug my shoulders.

- The bottom line...

A classmate from our class joins us. I don't know what he's doing here, since basketball games don't interest him at all.

- Are you looking for attention? - Eve asks him, leaning out through me. She loves to tease everyone, and Sebastian feels it every day on his own. - A few days ago, you shouted at Selena that she's sick in the head if she's a fan of the school team, so what are you doing here?

- I came to have you poison my life. I missed your venomous remarks.

They rattle over my ears and prevent me from fully concentrating on the match. I feel like knocking them down.

- Move over if you're going to bother me.

It has an effect, as they shut their mouths. Only Eve is still going to punch him in the face. Occasionally, I wonder if they are going at each other. In each other's company, they look exultant.

- I don't understand this craze for Felix.... The man runs around the field and spars to make chicks piss their pants at the sight of him.

If I killed with my eyes, Sebastian would have just died in the stands.

- Shut your mouth if you have to waste saliva on meaningless comments.

- If you admired someone of Michael Jordan's stature, I would understand, but not this pimped out...

This time I'm the one to bail Eve out and hit him on the head.

- One more word about Felix, and I swear I'll cut your tongue out.

- You're becoming aggressive, hanging out with the blonde nut next door," he claims pretentiously, massaging his sore head.

- The only blonde nut is your mother, who recently chased you around the school with a belt," the 16-year-old bites back at him.

Eventually, Sebastian shuts his mouth. Being burned, he gets up from the stands and leaves us alone.

- I don't know what he wants to achieve.... sometimes I think he is jealous of Felix because he flies to you.

I looked at her with wide-open eyes, thinking she was crazy.

- Somehow, I didn't notice that it was me he was watching in class. It's you he's staring at.

The blonde snorts under her breath.

- I know that I am every guy's dream in this school, but he can only dream about me. Although no. I would rather not appear in his dreams.

- Just talking like that.... or maybe he is the one who is meant for you, that's why you don't go out with any other guy?

Her fulminating gaze lets me know that I am not to pursue this topic any further.

By the end of the game, I am focused solely on him. Eve sleeps with her head laid on my shoulder, not reacting to the noise or my wild movements, which she does not control every time she hits a basket. My heart is filled with joy when the game ends with a win for our team.

Leaving the gymnasium, I look over my shoulder, catching sight of my crush. He is surrounded by his teammates, who are excitedly talking about winning. Girls from an older class walk past me, praising Felix.

- ... however, it's a shame that he doesn't pay attention to the chicks from our school. It seems to me that none of them meet his expectations. I wonder what his type is?

- There are rumors that he has a girlfriend outside the school. She is beautiful and has the dimensions of a model.

I snort under my breath, thinking they are pathetic. I will never believe these rumors. People like to tell tales that sell well.

Eve also hears this, as she puts her arm around me.

- You have to make your unreachable crush finally notice you.

I look at her as if she were an alien.

- You slept too long. Dreams have invaded your reality.

- I'm serious, Selena. You have to make Felix notice you. Thumb your nose at all those girls who fly after him. Be the first one he notices.

- I am not a miracle of nature to achieve this.

- What do you mean no? You are gorgeous, the prettiest of the whole school.

- Not long ago, you claimed that you were the dream of all guys. - I snort under my breath.

- But you can become his dream.

- Stop obsessively reading internet stories - I mutter under my breath. - Life is not fanfic.

- No? Then I'm about to show you that life can become a story. - The little lightened reptile pushes me away from him, causing me to fall into someone's arms. With wide-open eyes, I look at a boy with brown hair and eyes of the same color, who is from Felix's team. It is with him that my crush spends the most time.

- I'm sorry," I say in an abashed voice, feeling like murdering my friend. He sets me upright and lets me out of his embrace.

- Change your friend, because one day she will kill you," he replies in an amused voice. I thought he would yell at me, and yet he didn't turn out to be so bad. People tell tales about him, claiming that he is a malicious asshole. Watching Felix's "vlogs" I didn't want to believe it, because the boy is always fooling around with him, and now he has proved that the rumors about him are bullshit after all.

- She is overly crazy," I explain Eve's behavior.

He sends me a smile and, as if on command, turns back when he hears Felix calling him. I tilt my head to the side, watching the crush standing in the entrance to the gymnasium for a moment.

- Come to the shower, stinker! - he shouts to his buddy, making the people around him laugh.

There's nothing like friends taking care of us.

Mike looks at me with a smile on his face.

- My sweat has transferred to you, so you should also wash yourself so you don't stink. - I blink my eyelids, watching him run to Felix.

Eve puts her arm around me, biting her lip.

- It was a suggestion, Selena, that you could bathe together with them. Showering in a threesome? It sounds very erotic. You should use that in your story.

- He was teasing," I reply, cloudy. - He's a bastard, as the rumors say about him. - I tighten my lips in anger. - Do I stink?

- You smell nature.

She is abnormal, and I should have cut off contact with her a long time ago. It is solely her fault that I ran into this fool.

I hate people who throw around stupid subtext. I hope he just doesn't tell Felix about it, because I will be completely lost in his eyes.


- Don't try on me! - I shout at Eve as she puts her chin on my shoulder. - And don't ever pull off a scene like that again! I'm your friend, not a clown!

She is shocked when I leave. Let her have a lesson to think before doing something stupid next time.