Most young girls have their crush, which they tell their best friend about incessantly.
Selena belongs to this group of teenage girls, and for more than a year she has been sighing for the handsome Felix, who is the school's basketball star. Unfortunately, this charismatic 18-year-old is the dream of every teenage girl attending this high school, so Selena's strong infatuation is only poured over the pages of a notebook.
The 16-year-old would never dare say a word to him, and would still be sighing in secret if it weren't for her friend's crazy idea. By a strange coincidence, a notebook with a story about Selena and Felix lands in his backpack, and this heralds the beginning of their dangerous relationship.
A teenage girl who thought he was the prince of her dreams becomes trapped in his ill love. She doesn't know what the obsession is until one day she hears a disturbing phrase from his lips:
“If I can't have you, no one will have you.”