It's strange, but crossing the threshold of the school I feel like I'm a source of gossip. This time it's definitely not my imagination, because I see people talking about me, more than a few even pointing fingers.
I have no idea what is going on and why I should be the center of attention when nothing strange has happened recently.
- Do you think she already knows? - I hear at one point. I furrow my eyebrows, hoping to find out more. - If she is stuck in a relationship with him, it could reflect badly on her. I feel a little sorry for her.
I stop in mid-step and turn to face the girl, who is talking to a friend.
- What are you talking about? - I ask her a question, coming closer.
- It's strange that the whole school got an anonymous message about your boyfriend, except you.
- Explain to me exactly what's going on, because I hate talking in half-words," I say in a nervous voice, increasingly concerned about the situation.
- It's a miracle that your psycho boyfriend didn't kill Mike and you, getting it into his head that you were having an affair. I really feel sorry for you, because now it's nothing to envy," she declared, handing me the phone in her hand with an open message.
I slowly read the text message, unable to believe what I was seeing. Someone claims that Felix was still attending a psychiatrist last year, treating a paranoid personality disorder.
- Is this a joke? - I ask the girl, handing her the phone. - Anyone can make up similar rumors to destroy a person if only out of jealousy.
- Rather, no one would believe it if not for the proof," she replies, showing me a photo of the patient's chart on his phone. The blood drains from my face when I see Felix's data, as well as a description of the course of his illness.
Automatically the memories come back to me, when he sometimes managed to scare me with his behavior.
- This is punishable. Doesn't this person know that they can face consequences for what they did?
- It's just that someone has shown us that Felix, whom we consider a perfect man, is not worthy of being idolized further since he is a danger to society. If I were you, I'd rethink whether to run somewhere far away, where the pepper grows.
- You are the ones with head problems, since you are sidelining a man who has struggled in the past. Since he no longer gets treatment, it means he's fine. He wants to live a normal life like the rest of us.
The girl laughs in my face.
- Are you kidding yourself? Defending this chump because he's your boyfriend? You better watch out for him. You got involved with a man who has a paranoid personality. Furthermore, you are in danger.
I open my eyes wider as Eve pulls me aside and hooking pushes away the gray-haired girl who is directing all these words at me.
- Shut your yap, false whine. Just yesterday, you idolized the man you are mixing with mud today. If I could, I'd spit in your face, but I'm a classy woman, so I won't do it," she declares, tossing her blond hair over one shoulder. - Maybe I'm not quite that, but I try to be. Sluts like you destroy my efforts.
I grab Eve's hand and pull her with me so that she doesn't cross the border shortly. She's aggressive enough to get kicked out of school by a beating. Once again, the principal will not forgive her.
- It's not worth it. Those vipers will gossip anyway," I say as we climb the stairs to the second floor.
- If it's true, why did Felix never tell you? - she asks, stopping me in my tracks.
I lean my back against the wall and look at her with worried eyes.
- Possibly he was just afraid to confess the truth to me? For many people, this is a painful, embarrassing experience, so I can't hold it against him.
- But you do realize that last year he completed treatment for paranoid personality? Do you know what that means? Have you never noticed any strange behavior in him? People are now talking about how he reacted when Mike confessed that he liked you.
Eve is my best friend, but for now, I would rather not tell her about the fact that I was afraid of Felix a few times because I was concerned about his behavior.
- I will not say a bad word about him, because for me, he is good all the time.
I see that the blonde wrinkles her eyebrows, but says nothing more.
We go in front of the classroom where we start classes, and I text Felix, asking him what time he will be at school. After a while, I get a reply that he is unwell and will not be there today. He wishes me a good day and writes nothing more.
He knows what's going on.
I am already ignoring the whispers of people as we stand in the corridor. Eve and I are accompanied by Mike, who is also concerned about the whole situation.
- Did you know that, soulmate? - The blonde asks him, to which he nods. - So why did he hide it from Selena? His girlfriend should also know what ailed him in the past. This is a serious matter.
- He was afraid that because of this Selena might not want to be in a relationship with him. He was terrified at the thought that if she found out the truth, she wouldn't want to know him. Apparently, it started in the last year of middle school. That's when he was going through his worst period. He never told me what caused it.
My thoughts revolve around his family. What if his mother is the root cause of the resulting illness? However, something has caused Felix to be distant from his parents. He doesn't want to talk about them, doesn't want me to interact with them.... something must be up.
- Look in the window. - Mike's words make us both turn back and look at the field, where my boyfriend appears. He walks with his chin raised, boldly looking into people's eyes. He is not afraid of the cruel words being said about him.
I'm surprised, because so far, I thought he would be hiding at home, and today he definitely won't show up at school.
His courage amazes me.
- Let's go before something happens. I have a bad feeling," I declare, urging my friends on. They follow me, heading down the stairs. I speed up my step to the exit when I spot Felix. I embrace him, not caring about the people who are gossiping. He squeezes me tighter, snuggling his face into my hair.
- Aren't you angry with me, Selena? - he asks.
- This is not the right time to talk about it.
- A psycho should not go to school with us, and especially not be the captain of the team," says one of the boys, at whom Mike immediately jumps.
- Such a crooked snout should not speak, lest it croaks even more.
Eve embraces her soulmate, being very proud of him. At the same time Sebastian appears, who grabs her hand and pulls her away from the older boy.
- Did you remember panic that you have a girlfriend?
- We need to talk," he declares, dragging her with him toward the school exit.
- Are you all right? Are you feeling well? - I ask Felix, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
- Now that you are by my side, yes. You are my medicine," he replies, once again snuggling his face into my hair.
- He pretends to be a good boy, but the documents say otherwise. You will never be normal again! - The same student attacks him once again.
Felix lets go of me and heads in his direction. I look at it with terrified eyes, having a bad feeling. Fortunately, I have Mike at my side, who can react when things get dangerous.
- My past should not interest you. Take care of yourself, because I, for example, so far, haven't given a shit about the fact that you snorted white powder during one of the parties. You are not better than me at all," he declares, patting him on the shoulder. - I attended a psychiatrist, and you can land in rehab.
- Do we have a junkie at school? - There is a new hectic gossip among people, and I walk over to Felix and grab his hand.
- Let's go," I address him in a calm voice.
- Wait silly bitch, how will he start destroying your life! You will find yourself in hell with your perfect boyfriend! - he shouts in my direction, and this is the moment when Felix loses his temper. He gets to the boy and starts to cover him with his fists, and my attempts to pull him away are in vain.
I am too weak.
Mike manages to grab him and take him away from the beaten boy, who is bleeding. He drags him toward the school's exit, guessing that his staying there today is not the best idea.
- I'll fix you, psycho! You'll see! - threatens him.
- Then I, too, will witness you snorting dope! A few others will also be found. - I admonish him, threatening him with my finger. - I will turn the cat on its head!
The warm air wraps my face as I join the boys on the field. I sit next to them on the bench, looking thoughtfully at Felix.
- I don't give a damn. Let them mess up my papers since I'm graduating soon. I'm a psycho who won't get into a good university anyway.
- Stop saying that, Felix. You have already applied to several universities, you can't give up now. The past will not affect your future. Many kids get treatment from psychiatrists or psychologists. Don't say right away that you are crossed out," I console him, taking his hand.
- Hold out a month, and you won't see those fake mouths again. You have us: me and Selena. We will always be on your side," declares Mike, patting him on the shoulder.
- I feel like killing everyone who attacks Selena," he mutters under his breath.
- Don't say that in this situation, because someone will hear and take it seriously," announces Mike, trying to make him feel better. - After all, you've turned from a cool guy into a psycho.
- It will be fine," I comfort him.
Our attention is drawn to Eve, who pushes Sebastian away from her. He says something to her, and then she can't stand it and punches him in the face.
My friend has been hitting everyone lately. I don't know what's going on with her.
I watch her as she heads in our direction with a look on her face like she could plant a bomb in the school right now.
- What happened? - I ask as she stops in front of us, pulling her hair back.
- Would you believe that this asshole confessed to me a while ago that he actually hooked up with me because he noticed that I made him more popular at school? Now he is fed up with me, so he broke up with me to regain his freedom. He wants to be cool according to others. What a garbage person! He's lucky that he's in control for now and I haven't torn him to shreds. I just don't want to get kicked out of the kennel now that the director has me already blacklisted.
- I'm sorry, Eve. Boys our age are mostly like that. They're fuzzy-headed.
- Since you can't, I'll knock him on his stupid head," declares Mike, getting up from the bench. - No one is going to make fun of you, especially that little bastard.
This looks funny, although no one laughs when Sebastian notices the older student heading his way. He runs away like a coward, and Mike points a finger at him.
- I will get you anyway, shithead!
The real drama is just beginning... Black clouds are gathering over our heads, wanting to attack us unexpectedly.