Chapter 19

I am happy when I think about the fact that I experienced my first time with the boy I love. I don't regret that there was a rapprochement between us. It was the right time, although I can't hide the fact that I feel worried in connection with his parents. The appearance of Felix's mother clearly troubled me. This woman exudes bad energy and from her face I read that she has no sympathy for me. I'm not likely to be welcome in their family home. So, if my relationship with Felix is sincere, how will I be able to make a good impression on my future in-laws when he is clearly trying to avoid my meeting with them? He didn't introduce me as his girlfriend versus a colleague...

It's sad, especially since I want to bring him to my parents. I want them to get to know the person I love very much and with whom I am tying my future for this moment. I can't imagine I can hide it from them.

My parents are very protective of me through a situation that happened in the past. My sudden departure from elementary school was not a whim of my parents. They took me out of the hell that happened when I started being molested by my art teacher. The extra classes he offered me were a suggestion of his pedophilic thoughts.

Until now, I hated it when someone touched me, but Felix managed to overcome my fear.

A smile appears on my face as I read the message from the boy. He informs me that he has had a conversation with Mike. They had a frank talk and cleared up any misunderstandings.

A stone falls from my heart. I'm glad Felix finally came to his senses.

"... And I apologize to you for the situation with your mother. She's an extremely toxic woman, so it's better if she doesn't know you're my girlfriend."

I have no doubt that Felix does not have a good relationship with his parents. His mother looks terrible at first glance. She's the type of woman who is best avoided with a wide flank.

"You don't have to apologize. I managed to see that your mother is scary. It's better if she doesn't know what we have in common."

"I'm sorry, Selena. I love you very much."

"Don't apologize. I'm sorry to you, too."

I fall back on the pillow and sigh loudly. For a long moment, I lie on my back staring at the ceiling, when the sound of my phone pulls me out of my meditation.

- My dear friend... - I hear Eve's excited voice. - What have you been doing all Saturday?

- I was at Felix's," I reply, preparing myself for more questions. I guess that in a moment he will not let me live. - Well... We did it, Eve. We got carried away, and the first time is behind us.

I hear my friend start to whoop. For a moment, she can't get air.

- Why did you tell me this the moment I sipped my orange juice? - she says with difficulty, still coughing. - You narrowly missed killing me with this shocking news. - She is silent for a moment, then speaks again. - Did you really do it? Did you have sex in his house?

- Yes, and the best part is that his parents came back. I've never dressed so quickly before because his mother was standing outside the door.

- Wow, great. I thought such things happen only in movies," she says enthusiastically. - And how was it? Brag about it. I'm mega excited. I want to hear if Felix is good in bed. Apparently, athletes sweep.

- Well... - I start, embarrassingly. - This was my first time, and I have to admit that it was good, though. Felix is exceptional in every way.

Eve's squeal leads me to move the phone away from my ear. She is like an excited child who has been given a toy.

- God, Selena. I'm so happy that you two got closer. Maybe this will make your relationship stronger, and he will stop being overly jealous of you. You will start to trust each other more, and if you quarrel, now you can reconcile in bed.

- Eve, you are exaggerating," I admonish her.

Our conversation goes on for probably an hour. My hands are suffering from holding the phone.

- ... and I'm telling you, eventually I won't be able to stand it. Sebastian is so sweet, I could swallow him whole. I want him all to myself.

- If you keep kissing him like that, the boy will run away from you in leaps and bounds. Remember that he is Sebastian. You are as different as fire and water.

- And what can I do about being nonstop horny?

- Give him time. The boy needs to get used to the fact that he has a wild girlfriend. If you forcefully drag him to bed, nothing good will come out of it.

- So maybe I should sleep with my soulmate Mike to calm my booming hormones? I'm serious, I'm so horny I can't stand it, especially now that you said you've had your first time with Felix. I want that too.

- I beg you to embrace yourself, Eve, because you sound like a desperate lunatic. See you on Monday.


The first day is tragic for everyone when they have to head off to school after a weekend off. Not only teenagers, but also adults, whine that they have to go to work. Unfortunately, this is the sequence of life and nothing will change it.

Well, unless there is a contagious disease that locks all people in their homes. Unfortunately, such situations only happen in movies.

Even though Monday is a particularly lazy day, crossing the school gate. I want to laugh when I see my friend shouting at a girl from another class in an act of jealousy because she dared to talk to her boyfriend.

This is funny to me, because Eve simply exaggerates. She discusses my boyfriend's possessiveness, and she herself is no better. Sebastian can't even talk to his girlfriends because she thinks every girl is trying to hit on him.

- ...I'm not a jealous crazy person. You are the one who has the title of slutty slut, so stay away from my boyfriend. I don't wish you to exchange even a word with him! - shouts Eve, not caring that she is making a spectacle. Worse off is Sebastian, who turns beet red in the face from embarrassment.

- Can you calm down? - He asks in a whisper, rubbing his eyebrows. - Because in a moment I'm the one who can't stand it....

The puzzled blonde shifts her gaze to him.

- Pardon?

- Monica is right when she says you are acting like a jealous lunatic. I am entitled to talk to whom I want.

- Are you siding with this otter? Are you saying I'm exaggerating because I don't like the fact that she's trying to flirt with you in front of me!

- She only asked about the notes.

- Yes? While combing my hair behind my ear and chirping at you like a morning bird?

- You are pathetic," mutters Monica, intending to leave, but my friend is the type of person who does not let go so easily. She grabs her by the hair and pulls her back to herself. A scream comes out of the brunette's mouth and then I have to react.

- Let her go, damn it, Eve! - shouts Sebastian. - You bring me shame! All the people are looking at us!

I don't have to drag my friend away, because her boyfriend's words make her let go of the friend she just attacked herself.

- You have something wrong with your head! - shrieks Monica at her, smoothing her hair. There's a teacher heading in our direction, so I'm guessing Eve won't get baked so easily.

Well, and Monday started beautifully.


Heading to the cafeteria during my lunch break, I catch a glimpse of my friend, who walks beside me like a ghost. Currently, she looks like a terrifying nightmare, as the expression on her face can scare anyone. She's still angry with Sebastian, and besides, she got a punishment from the principal and has to clean all the windows in the main corridor after class to get all her anger out and understand her mistakes.

I sympathize with her, but I also think she reacted too harshly.

- Don't glance at me like that. I wonder how you would act if Felix was in Sebastian's place.

- Felix has his wits about him and will not fly to the first better one. I trust him and do not forbid him to have female friends.

Eve snorts under her breath.

- Well, yes. On the one hand, Felix is the kind of guy who has his wits about him. Sebastian can't turn down a chick who imposes on him.

- Of course, if we take you as an example," I declare, but the blonde lets these words go by the ears and enters the cafeteria first. I follow her as she heads to the table where Mike is already sitting with Felix.

- Have you reconciled, lovebirds? - She asks, sitting down next to her soulmate. I take a seat next to my boyfriend, happy that he has prepared a tray of food for me.

- When some people reconcile, others get into conflicts," Mike answers her, smiling broadly. - I heard that you landed on the rug with the director. You have to clean all the windows in the main corridor. You shouldn't complain, because the director gave you free exercise. Furthermore, you will be sensual and sexy by spreading foam around you. I'll stay with you, not to look at you, but to help you. Chicks will blush at the sight of me, especially when the moment comes when I have to take off my shirt.

The blonde hits it on the head, and I laugh under my breath.

- Now you will not take back your words. You must stay and help me. - Sebastian enters the cafeteria, and Eve smiles devilishly. I guess that a plan was born in her head. - My dear friend, let me feed you dinner as a thank-you. - She sticks her fork into a meatball and puts it in Mike's mouth, glancing at her boyfriend out of the corner of her eye.

Sebastian is definitely more mature in this relationship, ignoring her behavior and heading for the food counter.

My friend's facial expression is priceless.

- He knows you're doing it deliberately to get back at him," I mutter.

- Even so, isn't he jealous at all? - she asks in a resigned voice. - It made me sad.

Felix raises an eyebrow, but does not express his opinion, thank goodness, because a third world war would have broken out.

- Don't be sad. Remember that I offered to help you clean the windows," Mike declares, putting his arm around her.

Looking at them from across the room, I have an image in my mind that seems wonderful. It may be solely my opinion, but they really fit together. It's not that I don't support my friend's relationship with Sebastian, but she gets along better with Mike. They are soul mates and should not be just friends.

I wonder when they will understand this?

I glance at Felix and notice that he is watching me. A light goes on in my head that perhaps he is jealous again that I am watching Mike?

- I came up with an idea. I'll tell you later," I say to him in a whisper.

He nods in response and goes back to eating dinner. I look back and see Sebastian sitting sullenly at the table. Not once does he glance at his girlfriend, entirely ignoring her.

Is he really offended about the nativity scene this morning, or is it about something else entirely?