I look at Felix with frightened eyes as I enter the room I currently share with Eve, and he blocks the door with my foot. He pushes himself inside and grabs my shoulders, pressing me against the wall.
- It hurts. Let me go," I say quietly, increasingly concerned about his behavior.
- Not until you answer me honestly. - His eyes are like the eyes of the devil. He pierces me thoroughly with them, and I become more and more limp inside. My Felix doesn't act like the man I love, but someone who is a stranger. He acts like a person I don't know. - Why did you ask Mike about whom he likes? Why do you care if you claim you had no idea it was about you?
I can't believe that he is so persistent in pursuing this topic. He acts like he's going into some kind of frenzy.
- It was just a collegial question. You guys are friends, and I just wanted to know who the girl he likes is," I explain, hoping he will eventually forgive me.
- So how did you feel when you heard that it liked you? Are you excited, your heart beating harder?
His questions are improper. I feel uncomfortable. Felix acts as if he has lost his mind.
- Are you crazy? I don't have any feelings about it, because I treat him as a colleague. Mike means nothing more to me.
His embrace intensifies.
- Remember Selena, you are mine, and you have no right to like anyone else. You started to be mine the moment you helped me in elementary school, and no one can take you away from me. You are mine, you understand! - He raises his voice, and at the last sentence he slams his hand against the wall, right next to my head.
My heart is beating like crazy with fear. Chills paralyze my whole body, and I just look at him, nodding slightly.
- Yes, Felix," I reply in a trembling voice.
I watch him as he walks away from me and heads toward the bed. He sits down on it, glancing at my fleetingly.
- I think you should go back to your place already," I address him in a brittle voice.
- No. That night I'm staying with you," he announces, throwing me a furious look. I don't dare contradict him. Not while he's in this state. - Eve won't come back to you anyway.
What does that mean? Does he not trust me?
- And so you won't miss talking to Mike. If you're going to lose a friend over such nonsense, that's your business," I mutter under my breath.
He throws me a frantic look.
- To lose a friend over such nonsense! - he repeats in a shrill voice, and I realize that I have just added fuel to the fire. - Do you have any idea what you're talking about? He likes you, and he didn't even admit it! Is this how a best friend behaves!
- And how could he tell you if you are acting like a madman at this point! - I raise my voice at him.
He gets up from the bed and walks towards me with a quick step.
- Are you defending him? Are you taking his side instead of being on my side?
I have had enough. He attacks me from all sides. That night talking to him makes no sense at all. Alcohol makes Felix unbearable.
- Let's postpone this conversation until the morning," I say. I want to elude him, but he prevents me from doing so. He blocks me with his hand, telling me to stay against the wall. - I am tired. I would like to lie down.
- Don't think you're going to get away with it now, Selena.
- What is the matter with you? Just let me rest! - I jump on him.
Until now, I didn't think the day would come when an argument would break out between us. Looking at Felix in this state makes my heart hurt.
I don't think I ever wanted to see his dark side.
- You just want to get away from the truth. You want to get more time to make up beautiful lies for me.
- I'm starting to regret agreeing to this trip," I mutter under my breath.
Felix grabs my chin and forces me to look into his eyes.
- Do you regret the fact that I wanted to spend more time with you?
- No, I just thought it would be a fun trip where we'd have a great time together, but after what you're putting down, I've just been put off.
He lets go of me and steps back. I think that now his gaze looks hurt.
- At least you are honest with me.
- And how can I not be honest when you are putting on a circus as if I at least cheated on you with someone!
The 18-year-old squints his eyes.
- You will never do that, Selena. Remember that if I can't have you, no one will have you. - After these words, he surprisingly leaves the room, leaving me alone.
Great. Let him cool down a bit, because it seems to me that alcohol has made him completely lose his mind.
When I wake up in the morning, I am alone in the room. I have no idea where my friend is and what she has been doing all night, but I need her currently to vent. I apologize for the situation that happened. I still can't erase Felix's crazed gaze and his dangerous behavior from my mind.
I'm sad, but why can't I stay angry with him any longer? I feel like hugging him and apologizing for being the one who provoked him...
Now I understand all those women who forgive the first, although they should not. A woman in love can turn a blind eye to a man's worst flaws, or only those weak idiots do it — idiots like me.
I take my phone in my hand and see that I have no text message from Felix. I can't stand it, and I'm the first to text him.
"Can we talk?"
"I'm at breakfast. Everyone is here except you. You should join us before we leave to explore the city."
I am getting myself in order at a fairly fast pace, although looking in the mirror it is clear that I look like seven woes. Puffy eyes testify to tears shed and a sleepless night.
I'm sure people will be looking at me and Felix today. Rumors spread pretty quickly.
Walking to breakfast, I run into Mike in the hallway. He, too, is not looking well. You can see he's worried about his friendship with Felix.
It has made quite a swamp.
About his absence, my boyfriend did not mention anything. He must still be furious with him.
- Are you okay? - I ask, seeing that he feels uncomfortable at the sight of me. - I'm sorry. It's my fault. I caused this to happen. I shouldn't have asked that question.
- You didn't do anything wrong, Selena. It was Felix who went crazy.
I send him a sad smile.
- Did he return to the room at night?
- Yes, but he ignored me like air. He treats me like this all the time. I worry that he will never forgive me again. He is my best friend.
- He will forgive you. You are important to him, Mike," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. I push it away just as quickly when I see his gaze. He's uncomfortable, probably because I know the truth.
- I think that in this situation, we should not go down to the restaurant together. This might make Felix even more angry. You should go first, I will join in a while.
I nod and walk away. I'm sad because I know it's my fault. Mike may say it's not, but I know my own.
I was the one who raised hell.
I feel like a monkey in the zoo. Literally. Sitting next to Felix at the table, I see that people are watching us with curiosity in their eyes. Nowhere, however, do I spot my friend and Sebastian. Where the hell have they gone?
- I don't think I'll swallow anything," I mutter under my breath.
My boyfriend puts more vegetables on my plate, and I lift my gaze and look at him with a puzzled look.
Is this how he wants to apologize to me?
- Eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and now we can't talk when there are so many pairs of eyes around us.
I don't answer him. I just forcefully put the food in my mouth so that he will give me a holy peace.
Felix and I are relegated to the background when Eve, accompanied by Sebastian and Mike, shows up at the restaurant. A classmate is holding her hand, and this sparks new gossip among people at our school.
After teasing each other for a long time, they finally understand that they both have each other's backs.
The blonde looks surprised when Mike separates from them at the buffet and sits down at a vacant table. She looks in my direction in surprise, and I already know she won't let me live until I tell her everything.
- What is happening to my soulmate? Why does he look like a demon sucked all the life out of him? - she asks as she and Sebastian sit down at our table.
- I'm definitely not that demon," I mutter in response, glancing at Felix out of the corner of my eye.
With this, my friend immediately catches on that something happened when she left the room with her friend.
- It seemed who is his crush? - She can't bite her tongue before she says something. And that's how she enrages Felix.
- Great, so you knew Mike had a crush on Selena?
- Of course he did. How could he tell you about it if his crush is your staff? It's normal that he wanted to hide it from you. - She snorts under her breath, ignoring the furious gaze of the eighteen-year-old. - And don't kill me with your eyes. I wonder if you would just tell him that if you fell in love with his girlfriend? The heart is no servant. Selena is charming and attracts guys like a magnet. Everyone wants her.
I feel like slamming her in the head when Felix breaks from his seat and accidentally knocks the plate off the table. He pierces my friend with such a gaze that if he could, he would actually kill her.
People start gossiping about us again as they watch an angry Felix heading for the exit. As he walks past Mike, he stops for a moment and throws him a look. I have a bad feeling he's going to lash out at him, but fortunately, he leaves the restaurant without a word.
- Are you crazy? I was supposed to talk to him, and you rekindled an already dimmed fire. Thanks a lot," I address her pretentiously.
- He shouldn't behave like that. He is exaggerating.
- I know he's exaggerating, but he's the jealous type. You could have bitten your tongue.
- To me, it appears that he is overly possessive of you. I don't know him well, so I shouldn't comment, but his behavior is unnatural," Sebastian says. - Mike is his best friend, and he is acting, as if you have at least betrayed him.
- You, too, bite your tongue before you say anything. Count your words, because you have no right to call him that," I say to him in an angry voice, after which I get up from the table. With a quick step, I head for the exit, wanting to find Felix and finally talk to him honestly. I have no idea if I'll succeed now that he's gone into a rage, but I can't leave him alone.
I am surprised when, outside the door, he grabs my hand and pulls me close. I fall into his arms. He squeezes me so tightly that at first I couldn't catch my breath.
- Promise me that no matter what, you will never leave me, Selena. Just promise me that," he says in a broken voice. He sounds as if he is close to crying.
- Of course I won't leave you, Felix. - His embrace intensifies even more as he presses his face into my hair. - I will never leave you. - I stroke his back with my hand, trying to calm him down. - I promise you that.